Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Hockey Tryouts
Sunday, August 29, 2021
Moving Out and Moving In
Hyrum is ready to move on. He spoke at church today, sort of a "farewell" address to our local congregation. Our extended family came to hear him speak. I only got a picture with my parents at church.
Afterward, Corey's family and some of Hyrum's friends came to our home for a visit. Most of the family was in the front room laughing as we listened to Corey share stories of their recent adventure in Guatemala. But Hyrum and his friends were in the kitchen, and cute Daniel was stealing the show in the conversation as he sat at the table with the teenagers.
Hyrum did a good job. I'll paste his talk here as soon as he shares it with me. Today was cousin Isaac's birthday, but they brought a big cake and we sang to everyone who has a birthday in September or October. Abi's birthday is on Friday!
Sophi's birthday is next Monday! We sang to Hyrum again, and Jordyn, and Daniel's name wasn't listed in frosting but we did him too and let everyone blow their corona all over the cake.
Friday, August 27, 2021
Church History Tour with Joseph & Hyrum
Joseph and Hyrum got home today from their cross country trip. Their adventure started on Tuesday, they first went to the Priesthood Restoration site. Here is the Susquehanna river behind them.
They took the long way up to Palmyra next, allowing them to stop by Fayette to visit the Whitmer Farm where the church was organized in 1830.
Then they visited Palmyra next to see the Smith Farm, the Sacred Grove... Hyrum said there were tons of mosquitos that attacked him in the Sacred Grove. They also went to the top of the Hill Cumorah. We visited Palmyra in 2007, and we saw the Hill Cumorah pageant, but we didn't walk up to the top of the hill. I think we were a bit late arriving and the show was about to start, or maybe because we had 5 kiddos and it might have felt like a bit too much to handle to make them hike up the hill. Joseph learning how to fold a signature at the EB Grandin Print Shop.Touring the Newel K. Whitney store -
and the upper room where the school of the prophets was. We all just studied that this month, with the school of the prophets and the word of wisdom, very cool! I think it's great that they both got to go see these sites. It helps things make more sense when you actually visit and know the places and understand things from that personal level.
Joseph and Hyrum said that lots of their tour guides were so excited to have "Joseph and his brother Hyrum" visiting them! haha
I really liked this quote by Lucius -
"It seems a painful duty for me to perform, to leave my family to go into the wilderness and I to turn and go the other way. But inasmuch as I had been appointed to go, I was determined to fill my mission if it cost me all that I had on this earth...I thought it was best to round up my shoulders like a bold soldier of the corps... and assist in rolling forth the kingdom of God." - Lucius Scovil
Lucius commissioned this plate to be made that had a picture of the Nauvoo Temple and the names of the 12 apostles around it. Joseph and Hyrum bought one and brought it home as a very thoughtful gift for us.
So they left Tuesday morning and arrived home today at 2. They drove all night last night, and I guess I'm glad that they didn't tell me they were going to do that or I might have stayed up all night with worry. I went to my phone around 11:30 today to check their status today and saw on Life360 that they were in Evanston! So yeah, they drove all night. Not a great idea, but I guess not as bad of an idea if there are two of you. They took turns driving and stayed awake by singing songs. That works for me too. I need to sing along to John Denver or Brandon Flowers, cause they are in my voice range. Or listening to Brian Regan is great too. They were driving through Des Moines Iowa last night at 11 pm and after saying a prayer, they decided they didn't want to stop, pay for a room, and face a 15 hour drive in the morning, they felt ok to do it now. So yeah, it's great to have them home for the weekend! Joseph was crashed out on the couch most of the day. Abi is on the right.
Hyrum stayed awake. Maybe Joseph did more driving and H got his sleep on the road. Hyrum had a little package waiting for him - his mission name tags!Corey made crepes for breakfast this morning, (cause I took Lily to jazz band) and there were some left over for Hyrum and Joseph to have for lunch. And Daniel ate some too -
Silly Daniel, wearing Sophi's sweater on his head to be his hair -
Feeling pretty fancy and striking a pose for me. Daniel is so cute.
So it's great to have them home. Corey and I went on our date tonight up at Swen's restaurant up at Alta, which was nice. The Wasatch mountains are beautiful. We live in a beautiful country and a beautiful state, we're looking forward to a nice weekend with most of our kids at home for two days before Joseph goes to Provo and starts school on Monday.
Thursday, August 26, 2021
Books and Hockey
I love it when I look around to find where quiet Peter is and I find him reading.
I love how he crosses his toes and fidgets his feet as he reads. He loves books and he is getting so smart and knowing all the things in the eye spy book and all the cars in his 100 trucks book. The kids were all out playing street hockey with Wes today.Cute boys. I'm glad it's almost the weekend. We're just two weeks in but I think this school year is going to wear me out.
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Wes' BYU Math Class
Hello. I am going to talk about school stuff. I'm trying to decide if I want to have Sophi and Natalie in a before school orchestra at an elementary school that is close by - it would only be twice a week, but I would have to take them, then pick them up and take them to school. Originally I thought it was going to be held at our elementary school, so I signed Sophi up thinking it would just mean that she goes to school early twice a week. But it's not at our school - it's at a school 5 minutes away, which isn't too bad, but still.... having to go get her and then go back in 50 minutes to get her and take her to school might be more effort than I can do logistically right now with how busy we already are with taking carpools in the morning, plus taking Wes to early morning seminary every day, plus Lily early every day to Jazz Band. So, yeah. I'm thinking about it. But I'm not loving the 3 hours of morning responsibilities. I wish I could be up in the mountains riding along the dirt paths. Sigh.
So something that is going on today - Wesley missed school yesterday to stay home and try and finish his BYU Independent Study Math, which was due last night - Here are some of his finely printed handwritten notes as he's been working on this -
So this class got me very worked up today, like bawling out of control. I'm slightly calmed down and cried out of tears, but I don't think I've cried this hard since October 2017. So he signed up to take this class in May 2020. Wes stayed home yesterday to finish his BYU Independent Study Math to recover his four F's of Math his 10th grade year. Yesterday his class was scheduled to end, and you have to have everything in or submitted by then. He needed to have everything done to request the final exam. Well, he didn't have two stupid assignments done. And I called the Independent Study hotline around 4 to see if we could take a zero on those two assignments or something, so that he could request the final, and she gave me someone to email, so I sent them this:...and so today I got a reply from the liaison today at 11AM:
Hello Ms. Wride,
Unfortunately, once the course has expired, no further assignments may be submitted or completed.
Wesley had 18 months to complete the course, providing ample opportunities to complete the two Exploration Meetings during that time. We are not able to issue a 0 grade for the assignments nor are we able to exempt Wesley from completing the assignments.
Since one extension was already provided for the course, Wesley will need to submit a petition explaining any extenuating circumstances that prevented him from completing the course in the allotted 18 months to see if another extension might be granted.
Thank you,
Doug Gwilliam
BYU Independent Study
So after I got that, I just felt defeated on Wesley's behalf and I cried and bawled for over an hour. That was around the time that Mel called for her p-day, so my emotional state took the main focus in our visit. Mel is praying for Wes and for us. I think we've put more worry and concern into this emotionally than Wesley has. Corey said, rightly, that Wes needs to own this path forward as much as possible - be fully invested in it, that this is very sad - but it was us pushing, not him driving. After Wes got home from school today, he agreed that he has been doing this for us and he has not been invested or really cared. So that sucks cause now he might have to DO IT ALL OVER again unless he just doesn't want to graduate high school with his peers. I did get an email from his school counselor. I had emailed him today in my stress and said maybe Wes should re-do 10th grade this year, but he let me know "students are placed grade appropriate. Wesley could not be retained at this point of his education. If for any reason Wesley does not pass his courses and graduate, he could go to the adult high school after graduation." So, yeah, it's sad and stupid but I guess this will all be a learning experience for him and hopefully for us, too, that we can stay on top of the rest of our kids and not let this happen again. Wes can write a petition to ask for an extension, but I'm not going to do it for him - he's got to start owning his life, so we'll see what he does. Wes teaching Peter how to long board.
Monday, August 23, 2021
I felt like I was so on top of it the past two weeks when I was on my own. But after a really busy weekend, I have lost my focus and I want to get it back. I think Owen locking the keys in the car was where my calm and controlled self turned back to my default frazzled self. I went to distract myself by looking for sweets, which there were plenty of at the wedding and there have been plenty of around here. So I'm bummed cause last Tues I was at the lowest weight I've been at in over 3 years, but I'm back up after my downward spiral this weekend. Time to take a deep breath and examine my thoughts and try to gain some calm. I'm not the only one needing a mindset reset. This morning Owen didn't want to go to school. Each time I called him down to get ready for school, I saw this cute little head pop up over the edge of his bed, and he'd say "I don't want to go to school... it takes too long..."
He eventually got up and willingly walked to the bus stop, but I was worried I'd have have a repeat of the time that I dragged Hyrum to school. Thankfully Owen is not as stubborn (yet...) as Hyrum was. Crisis temporarily averted. Wes needs a mindset check: I got a text from him that he went and talked to his counselor about his Honors Physics class, but the counselor won't let him change out, so looks like he's gotta do it, and I hope he can believe in himself that he can. Natalie needs a mindset reset: when I picked up Sophia and Natalie from school to go to violin, Natalie asked if she had to go to dance after, and I said yes. She was crying and doesn't want to go. She wants to quit. I called the ballet school and she said Natalie can try out a different Level 1 class that is a bit smaller, so we are going to do that. That one is on Wednesday and Friday, so Natalie did get out of going today, which she was grateful for. But we don't quit when things are hard. It's an opportunity to learn a skill and learn how to work to gain that skill.
Sunday, August 22, 2021
We were one of the host houses for the neighborhood walkabout today.
It's a fun summer tradition that our neighborhood has been doing for over 5 years. We hosted it in 2018, too, before Joseph left on his mission. I thought we went a bit overboard that time, although the kids in the neighborhood loved the open buffet of desserts. I did all the food prep for today and it turned out alright - still had plenty but I tried to keep the kids' 3rd and 4th helpings under control. We did root beer floats and orange fanta freezes, and also had a healthier option of berries with whipped cream and granola. Gabriel and Angela and their daughters came over for dinner today -
and kept the kids entertained -
and then when it was time to get ready for hosting the neighborhood, they helped us get everything set up. I think it went alright. It felt like a busy day though, not much of a day of rest, but that's ok. Sometimes we can worship God through a day of service. A few more pic - months ago I bought some of the Disney princess lego story books for myself to keep when I'm a grandpa, and I recently caved in and let Daniel build them and then let the kids play with them. I tried to say they couldn't mix them up and they also had to keep them in my closet, so that none of the pieces would get lost, but today that all got messed up cause Wes started building space ships and stuff -
Boys are happy and having fun playing together -
But my princess castles have been turned into space ships.
They also took them downstairs to show off their handy work, and I hope that pieces aren't missing. I'll try to get Lily to fix and build them for me again, and then maybe I can hide them away. Although it was cute to see them playing together. I like it when the big siblings play down to their little brother's level.