The elementary kids didn't have school this morning, so after getting all the older kids off, I went on a bike ride. I parked at Potato Hill and explored Ann's West and Little Valley. It was great and beautiful! I'm excited to bring the kids to Little Valley to practice, now that I know what and where it is. They might not like the uphill but it's seriously not bad, hopefully they can hack it. I went along Ann's until I got to Maple Hollow, which I thought looked like a quick way to start to head back, and I guess it would have been since it was a black diamond, but instead I turned around and headed back to the car. It was a nice fall ride.
After I got home, Corey went to work and I took the elementary kids to the Aquarium. Peter admiring the python and piranhas.
Sophi invited her friend Kesly to come. A pic of all the kids by the big river monsters tank -
And a pic on the orcas.
Owen surfing.
Other things that happened today:
1) Joseph's bike was stolen last night from his apartment parking lot. He saw a trailer parked next to it last night, and then this morning it was gone. He's going to report it to the police, but assuming it's gone forever, he's handled it remarkably well. "Well... all things work together for our good (Romans 8:28) so, maybe I was going to crash and die, and now I won't! So that's good!"
2) Joseph works at the Missionary Training Center as a training area specialist, and today he went there and was able to say hi to Hyrum. Lucky guy, he got the last hug.

He became a specialist in February. "What's a specialist?" you might ask? I'll let Joseph tell you: "I basically help things run smoothly and do whatever tasks my supervisor needs me to do. Kinda like a secretary but I'm not waiting around all day to do stuff. Some of my tasks include going through applications of people who want to be new teachers and setting up interviews with them if they meet a certain criteria, updating our area information on the MTC training website, sending out info of new districts to new teachers and creating their Google calendar, training on technology for new teachers such as canvas or zoom, formatting teacher logs for teachers to track each shift, and making surveys to collect different information from teachers about the area."
3) Wes and I both got an email today from the BYU Independent Study that they are granting his petition and are going to give him an extension on his Math class! But they are only giving him 10 days. He needs to take two zoom classes and his final and be finished by October 4th. He says he can do it, yay, so it's go go time! The two zoom classes were only offered on Mondays but he's going to email the teacher and figure it out how to get them both in this next Monday and then he'll study and try to take the final before General Conference. Good stuff, go Wes! Get it done.
And 4) as for the rest of the daily run around - when Lily got home, she went to babysit for the Clarks from 1-5. Natalie had dance from 2-4, but I decided to not have her go cause I was frazzled thinking of all the what to do's around who was going to go to Lagoon. Corey had gotten some texts from our nephew, Issac, and Corey wanted to make it happen cause it was discount tickets and cause we should take people up on things when they invite us, but the kids had so many other things going on that I was a bit overwhelmed thinking about it and getting the kids to decide. It was eventually decided that Wes, Abi, and Natalie would go, Corey's sister would give them a ride up with Rhyan, so I had to have them at Corey's parents house at 4 to go, so I ended up letting Natalie skip dance today. Natalie hasn't been liking it lately, so I'm leaning towards letting her quit and she start something else. WA&N went to Lagoon with their cousins Isaac and Rhyan and Aunt Chalane. Sophi stayed home to go to a birthday party that was from 2-6, and Lily didn't go cause she was babysitting, so maybe we have to make that up to her somehow. Sophi chose to miss out, so we don't owe her. Natalie said after riding a roller coaster "I've never felt so alive!!!" I left ODP home alone watching a movie when I took WN to Nancy's for Lagoon. Corey was already there with Abi. It's probably not a very responsible thing to do, to leave a 6 year old in charge, but it was one of those days. Later tonight, Lily babysat for us and we went out to eat for date night at Blue Lemon. There's the daily report.