Hello on a lovely winter Sunday. There is snow falling out side again. We are grateful for all the "moisture" as it is often called in prayers around Utah, ha. Coming home from church today - Katharine wore her cute Carter's hooded bodysuit. She fell asleep in Wesley's arms as he kissed her cheeks. She was seriously snoring!
She has two of these hooded jumpsuits / rompers / whatever they're called. I bought them at kid to kid a few weeks ago, and since I got them, she's almost always wearing one and I'm washing the other. I love these little outfits because: they are warm, they just have
one easy zipper, it's easy to change her diaper when she's wearing these (no snaps!), her toes are out so she can crawl, and the hood doubles as a pocket for her pacifier. Snuggling with Abi at home.
Ahh, Abi was tricking! She wasn't sleeping!
Here's her other jumpsuit. She wore this one yesterday to Sophi's basketball game at Alta, hence why it's this one that is in the wash right now.
Yesterday at the game, I let Katharine crawl around and drop her cheerio halves on the bleacher floor, and then eat them. She's working on building up her immune system. Her pacifier was also dragging along the floor. I put it up in her hood for clean/safekeeping, and then she proceeded to eat her toes.
Cleanliness just can't win. It's ok, I think it's good for her in the long run.
The rest of the time yesterday was spent cleaning, cause Wesley was having some FSY friends come over for a visit. They were the friends from his Weber FSY where they got to shake Elder Uchtdorf's hand (Wesley was quoted in a church news article!). So they (6 girls) came up from Provo, went to watch his hockey game against East (the Bengals lost 2-1 but Wes played hard knowing there were girls in the crowd watching him!) We cleaned bedrooms and the main floor and it looked great tonight before his friend came over. He was at his game so Abi, Lily, and I did the finishing touches, and put out treats and some games. They played Apples to Apples, ate Krispy Kremes and popcorn, and watched La La Land.

A few more things from last night - Owen and Daniel had a playdate/pizza party from 6-8 and after they got home, Corey took SNODP to his parents house from like 8-10. Corey spent most of the day working on his HollowLense Spine stuff. He was stuck on one problem most of the day, but prayed for help before he went to work on it a little more at his parents house. He felt a small prompting to get his power cord, so his computer wouldn't die, so he did, and he was able to work on it some more, and the thing he was trying to get working today finally worked! He felt like it was a miracle. It was a full day of things NOT working, but it finally worked in the end. When he got home for scriptures, we talked about the Fight Song by Piano guys and
the fireside we went to where Jon Schmidt talked about all the obstacles and uncertainties they faced when making that video. The quote at the beginning of the video is so beautiful and appropriate, especially after what we learned that they shared with us. "
Through many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come; 'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home." God is watching over us. He is helping us, even when the process is stressful, messy, and we wonder if it's even going to work at all. It is working, the mess is part of the journey. That's how the light gets in! It's the same situation as in The Chosen and the
three miracles they had there, I really loved miracle #2 (the opening of episode 3 of season 2). Also, last night I bought tickets for Corey and I to go watch the Season 3 finale in theaters next Friday! Yay, it's going to be good, we've loved watching season 3.
Owen had an online trumpet recital today. He played Lightly Row and did a good job. There were a few students who we couldn't hear - the audio cut out once they started playing. I tried to test ours that it worked but wasn't sure, so hopefully it did!
One last thought - today after church we had the older kids watch Schindler's List with us. Corey tried to be prepared to skip some parts, but we wanted them to see others that were hard to watch. It's important that they see what evil looks like when it is fully ripe. And also for them to know that GOOD and EVIL do exist. There is right and wrong. It's not just all about "your truth" or what is right for you. There are some things that are right all the time and other things that are wrong all the time. How unfortunate that increasingly in our world, there seems to be denial that morality exists at all. But we want our kids to know that it does. Hopefully we can learn a lot of things from history and don't have to learn by personal experience. But just imagining how terrible it would have been to be in some of those situations, especially with children that you love with you, I can't imagine. The little girl in the pink coat had eyes and a sweet expression that reminded me of Peter. I brought up a few times what it would be like to be there with Peter or Daniel. I am grateful for the glory that awaits those who innocently died. I feel sorry for those who will suffer for the horrible crimes they committed against others. Also, remember that people are what matters. "One more..." In one of the last scenes in the film, as Schindler prepares to flee from the Allies, he is given a gold ring engraved with a quote from the Talmud (the book of Jewish law) “anyone who saves a life is as if he saved an entire world”. In Hebrew:
כל המציל נפש אחת כאילו הציל עולם ומלואו”
People are what matters. When we leave this earth, we will take our experiences, our knowledge, and our relationships. I'm grateful that we've been allowed to have "one more" child join our family so many times, and for the wonderful experiences we've been able to share with each of them. “Whoever saves one life saves the world entire”.