Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Happy 4th of July

It's the Fourth of July! Here's a cute pic of Daniel and Abi watching the fireworks out at Holladay Park tonight - 

I wanted to be a party pooper and just stay home, but I went with everyone and it was a bit crazy but it was good. It only kinda took a while to get out of all the traffic after it was done. We had a fun time. Ethan came up and joined us - taking a selfie with his sisters - 
And his BeReal - 
And this adorable one of him and Katharine! Look at her cute little pig tails - she looks like a little bug.
We went to our community breakfast today, which was fun. Abi and Lily took the kids over while Corey and I cleaned up after our morning bike ride. Corey got over there before me, cause I was nursing a few wounds cause I fell. But first, a few items of good news from our ride: I did the board both times! On the way up and on the way back down. AND I also did the rocks! For my future reference - I'll call "The Rocks" that small climb up rocks right before the 2nd bridge, where the round branch goes over the trail. Usually my head isn't in it - I might have done it one other time so far this spring/summer. Anyway, today I got geared up and as I approached I started yelling at myself "Come on! Come on!" and I did it, yay. On the way down, we did the techy section, and I did the first rock pile AGAIN yay but not the 2nd, but almost. AND I went over the log for the first time ever, yay! On the way down we also did the techy part I explored with Peter and Katharine on June 1st. Strava calls it Techgnar. And I did a downhill part Corey usually does right before the 3rd bridge - he sits and does it with his seat down, I did it standing, it was fun. Ok, and then one bad part on the way down, right after the 2nd bridge, I fell on "The Rocks" - I was going down and I was either going to slow or my shocks were too soft but my wheel got stuck below a rock and I went over my handlebars. Good news: Corey was close behind me and helped me up out of the mud. Also good news: I didn't break anything on my body or my bike. And it was really good that I was wearing long sleeved shirts and pants. They didn't get holes, but they definitely protected my skin from road rash wounds. I took a short walk up to the 2nd bridge to shake it out and get all the mud off of my hands in the stream. I was able to ride home fine but I was a bit shaky and I'm curious to see how bad my bruises will be tomorrow.  I feel very banged up. This is what hurts: my left outside ankle, left forearm, right front hip bone and left knee. My left knee is the worst looking but the ankle hurts the most. I joined everyone at the breakfast around 10 (I didn't eat - I had apples at home). 
They had some displays in the church foyer and gym about the history of the Granite area, of the railroad that used to be in the area (to transport the granite to Temple Square) and about when the chapel was built. 
I am fascinated by maps. I could look at and study these all day. 

This picture below made me emotional "WE ARE BUIDLING THE KINGDOM OF GOD! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"
They really were building the kingdom of God! Their service and sacrifices have blessed my life and the life of my family! I am very grateful! I want to live like that and make a sacrifice and contribution that will outlive me. So I loved that. But I have kids - where are they? Back to reality, time to go be a responsible mother - back out to the parade! Natalie and Lily had brought paints and painted their brothers in festive colors.

Daniel with his hands in the air - excited about the bucket of candy they were collecting!

They were so excited about the candy, that none of them even asked about going to the carnival after the parade ended. They just went over to Evan's house to eat their candy loot. Sweet, that is ok by me if it gets us out of the carnival. Joseph and Rachel - should we sing the song? 
"Joseph and Rachel sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Just kidding, we didn't see any kissing, just holding hands. And we loved her Rex Kwon Do pants! It was Hyrum's p-day and we told him about it (he has a pair too) and so she has his approval. After eating candy, Owen and Daniel came home and Natalie and Lily did more paint work on them. Peter is Avatar, and Daniel is feeling the strength of the fire nation!
And we just had a lazy day around the house until we decided to commit to go to see the fireworks. 
Kids brought books, playing cards, food....
Abi made her cocoa quickies, and we sat around and had fun as we waited for it to get dark. 
We lost track of Katharine momentarily, and then found her with a group that was sitting right next to us - she was sitting in their chair. We didn't see her over the back of the chair. And they thought she belonged to one of their friends, ha.
Almost dark! You ready Daniel!
The fireworks were very cool. Holladay always has a great show. It was a good holiday. Happy 4th!

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