Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Teddy Bear Service

Today I took advantage of having Melodie and Hyrum home. They left this evening, but it was nice to wake up and have Mel already awake and doing the dishes. She's an angel. She was the mom today while I ran errands, aka went to Costco (we were out of bread) and I did a quick drop by the DI too to thrift for some biking shoes. My blue Nike's have given their souls (literally) for my biking. The soles were shreaded, so I found some used shoes for $6 bucks! Sweet. Then Costco, then home where Peter and Katharine were playing outside and Mel made them a picnic and she was practicing piano. Corey and I took a quick ride up the canyon with Katharine. She fell asleep before we got to the parking lot, so we turned around and were going to go again, but Corey decided to stay. So I drove up to the parking lot, took the trail up just past avalanche hill, which was covered with snow from Sunday and Monday, but there was enough of a bike path that I was able to get up the hill, then a little bit more until it was too slushy and covered, so I came back home. We did a 3pm ride cause I couldn't do an evening ride, because of a service project going on at the church. We made cute teddy bears for Dolls of Hope - look at all these cute bears!

Lisa has spent a month plus embrodering the faces, Nancy has done the sewing the bear patterns - 

Tonight we cut them out, flipped and stuffed them, then sewed up their legs. A few had to be unstitched if they didn't meet quality control for plump enough ears and arms. And so much wonderful visiting with all my sisters in Zion, they are the best. 

Plus it was a treat to have all the young women and their leaders, I love them all. 
So that was tonight. Yesterday was good too - I went bouldering by myself around 2, once again taking advantage of having Mel and Hyrum home. Corey didn't come as he had to get work done. We swapped cars on Monday so that the Velocirax wouldn't be outside in the snow and rain, so Corey took the van, but when I had taken it for climbing that morning, it was a little glitchy starting. Sure enough, later when we swapped cars, it wouldn't start for Corey. His dad let him take his car home, and then yesterday, after climbing, I went by to pick up Lily who got out of school early after finishing her AP test, and took the van - we jumped it and I drove it straight to Burt Bros. Hyrum met us there to take us home, but it wasn't busy so I sent Lily home with him and I stayed there for 30+ min while the van got a new battery. Wes called while I was climbing, he needs to pay $300 upfront to schedule the endoscopy, so I helped him figure out that. I did 30 climbs. Earlier at home I got in an hour of stretching, cause I'm going to teach my body how to do the splits. AND I want to learn to do an L-sit and a press handstand. :) Just little goals. Yesterday I caught up with May and April on the blog, did some high school reunion stuff, read scriptures, kids stayed up late until 11:30 watching walter mitty while I blogged. And Monday night Mel and I both put K down to bed, cause K cried when I left. The three of us laying on a twin mattress on the bottom bunk, once K was asleep I was able to sneak away. Her little voice is the cutest thing every, hearing her say "I love you!" or "so soft..." as we cuddled into her blanket. I love her. She's so fun. And Mel and I were able to chit chat while we all laid there together, haha it was funny. 

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