We are back from a wonderful wedding weekend. Everything was amazing and worked out perfectly. The only thing that sucked was the 5+ hour drive to and from Eagle Idaho in our Honda Pilot, not because I think 5 hours is a long drive, it's not... It was just because the car we were in does not have a working air conditioner. And for that reason, the drive up and back was horrible, but we knew it was going to be, so it's ok. For everyone who traveled in a cars with AC, it was fine.
I shall now try to recall a few events and traveling logistics of the weekend that I did not document yet. So, for the drive up, and knowing that our car did not have air conditioner, we decided to have mercy on most of our children and have them ride up with anyone else that we could. On the drive up the drivers and their cars are in bold, followed by their passengers:
- Joseph w/Sophi and Peter
- Wayne with Hyrum, Owen, and Daniel
- Ethan with Bella, Mel, Abi, and Lily
- Corey w/Tiffanie, Natalie, and Katharine
We all left at different times. Ethan and Bella came here to pick up people, Hyrum took Mel's car over to Wayne's and then he and OD drove up with him. Corey took the van to it's windshield appointment while I addressed then dropped off a few more invites at the post office, per Joseph's request, then returned books to the library on my way to pick up Corey at Busy Bee Windshield. Joseph left at about the same time we did, with Sophi and Peter. But right after they left, like 25-30 min into the drive, so about to get to downtown, Joseph realized he forgot the tenor saxophone! Corey had thought of reminding Joseph, but dismissed the thought, so too bad for Joseph cause he forgot it. He went back home, and also really needed an oil change, so they went by Grease Monkey for an oil change and Joseph paid Sophi and Peter for their patience by giving them Costa Vida. So they were over an hour in and still hadn't left. ha. Our drive up was hot, and the car's transmission overheated one time, so we stopped to let it cool down. We were lucky to find a small side town overpass that we were able to hide under in the shade without any cars coming by. As we were close to the end of our drive, and after having the sun burning down on his left arm for hours, Corey said "Some things make you stronger. some things just age you..." We got to Idaho at 5:40 (1 hour time difference) and Eliza's mom had dinner ready for everyone at their house. I didn't stay to eat, but went with Amanda and some of her friends and family to go get things ready at the place where the reception was going to be. It was a beautiful space!

One of the cousins (?) drove me to Costco and we loaded up on stuff to put in the fridge of some things we needed for the next day - clear plastic cups, stuff to make extra salad if needed, and lots of grapes. And we got lemons and ice for ice water, but then there wasn't a place to keep the ice at the clubhouse, but one of the friends had space where they could put it in their house, so we sent then off with 4 huge bags of ice. Then we cut up the grapes and got them all ready to serve up for the lunch the next day. We left the kids at the Steven's house, kids had fun playing in their pool and looking at their cows. Corey followed directions to me on life 360 to arrive at the clubhouse, and he got the tv set up for the program at the lunch.

Everyone helped out so much. Neil's wife Amy, picked up muffins and fruit from Costco so we'd have a quick grab and go breakfast on Friday morning. And the wedding day was a blur but wonderful and everything fell into place perfectly. We danced the night away, then sent Joseph and Eliza off, and then we all cleaned up. We went to bed late but somehow had enough energy to go on a bike ride this morning with Eliza's parents and one other guy, I can't remember who he was, some nephew I think.
We rode around the Eagle Bike Park for an hour, got in 7.4 miles, so that was fun. We had picked them up, so we took them back to their house then hurried back to the Airbnb. The Hibberts had taken care of the kids, and they were glad to have some cousin time too. Daniel found a frog.

They had everything cleaned up already and Corey took a very quick shower and we headed out! But we'd left K's carseat at the Stevens, doh, so we went by there to get that first, ok now we're going. The night before I had packed up a lot of the stuff we brought for the wedding, and Wayne left like at 4 am this morning cause he was going down to Cedar City with Nancy for a wedding of a nephew. He took Mel and Hyrum with him to help drive, Mel to give Wayne another extra driver and cause we needed the space, and Hyrum cause he needed to get back in Provo at 10 to catch an FSY bus to Arizona. Ethan and Bella stayed Bella's mom's house, she lives in Boise. Lily and Sophi went back with my parents. And for us, Abi came with us to drive, I sat in the back to help keep little kids happy with snacks. K eating a graham cracker and Natalie doing sudoku.
We (CTANODPK) once again survived 5+ hours in a hot car without AC, trying to catch up with everyone else.
Corey was in the front passenger side, which was the sunny side. I switched a few times to be in the shade, or let Natalie be in the shade and then put up a blanket or sweatshirt to try to hide myself. Lots of hot wind.
Kids trying to be comfortable.
K was pretty sad a few times and we'd let her get out of her carseat for a break, and tell Abi to drive extra carefully. Also, as we drove, we remembered when Corey and the kids all did this two years ago in July 2022. I didn't live through the experience that time (and that was also like 8 hours cause the were coming from McCall) Anyway, that got us thinking about rafting, and also on my hike this past week, Jill mentioned they they just watched the River Wild, so we all watched that tonight as part of our wedding weekend unwinding. Kids all being affectionate afterwards cause they don't want to lose their lives to a murderer on the river.
Getting ahead of myself... we went by and picked up the van on our way, the kids were excited to be in a car with AC and Corey drove his car the rest of the way home. Mel also had dinner ready when we got home.
Now it's 10 pm and I think we're ready to crash hard, but glad I got all that down! Goodnight