Friday, June 7, 2024

Package From Wes

Peter sent Wesley a package last month, and today we got a package from him! Peter was excited!
Wes sent his little brothers some legos and lego minifigures and cowboy boots! Joseph shared this pic from last year on Wride Nation recently (that's our family fb chat). Aww, Wes and Peter are twinners! 
And best buddies. It's pretty easy to love on these cute little brothers and sister. My BeReal with Katharine earlier today: 
Kids are so cute and fun. I mean, just look at Katharine's little face!
Getting ready for a bath tonight and being silly and totally adorable.
With her little broken pig tails, ha. She's a cute bug with broken antennae.
What else happened today? I went on two walks this morning: one delivering thank you notes from Bella and Ethan (Bella has such nice handwriting). I took these pics of pretty roses from a neighbor's yard, so lovely! When I came home I thought C would be ready for a ride, but he wasn't, so we both read our scriptures and then he laid back down and I decided to drive up the canyon for another walk. It was so pretty and nice to be able to walk that trail. We bike up it a few times a week, but I'm almost always looking down at the rocks and dirt as we ride as I'm trying to get my bike over the features. On a walk, however, I was able to look around more and enjoy the river, the green trees, the sunshine, the pine smell. I've had this epiphany before - on finding JOY (end of this post) It filled my soul and it was a great start to the day. I went to the Jordan River Temple at 10 for initiatories and Natalie held down the fort. I went by Walmart on the way back, and then came home to find the house very clean, and the kids were all playing a game in Natalie's room 
She's amazing! I let them continue their game and I took K with me to pick up Sophi, who is safely back from Oakcrest girls camp. She had a great time. 
Sophi is back from Oakcrest. I picked her up at noon from the Murray church that is the Oakcrest bus stop. We'll go pick up Abi and Lily tomorrow morning from FSY in Provo. I know they've had fun. Here's a pic of Abi's group. Need to get one of Lily ~
It's been a little harder to go climbing lately, cause Core and I both want to take advantage of the mornings for biking, and thus I sadly relate that we are probably going to cancel Momentum next week. The thought of cancelling in April brought me to tears, but I'm ok with it now. We have to cancel before they bill on the 15, or it will charge for another month and we'd be done on Jul 15. It's been good though, I really like climbing.

Peter went over to a friends house this afternoon for a costume party. Not cause it's Halloween or his friend's birthday or anything, it was a just because party. Peter wore his dinosaur costume from two Halloween's ago
I'm a little surprised, yet grateful, that it still fits him. The kids ate snacks and played games. 
I thought that was fun that they did that. Just a simple party and it was perfect. Little 5 years olds are pretty easy to please. And for wedding planning (we try to do a little bit every day) ~ today Eliza sent us her wedding color palate. 
A variety of shades of pink should be pretty easy! Time for me to start gathering together pink clothes. 

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