I've gone over to my parent's house the past two days. I helped them out more yesterday than today. Yesterday I mopped, did dishes, cleaned stove top, and organized the tupperware cupboard. Yesterday I also had a car, cause Lily didn't have early morning jazz band, and Abi wasn't able to bring kids home after school (she has Lyceum) so I had to pick up carpool anyway, so I took A&L to school at the regular time, then was able to go to my mom and dad's at 11. I stayed there until 2:30 when I left to pick up Lily and then carpool. Katharine did so good for the 3+ hours we were there. One time she seemed a little bored, and I had her go outside to play with the little rocks. My dad wanted to take a break from work so he watched her, and that was cute to see them together.
Katharine made little rock art for them on the wall by their driveway. I bet they will leave them there, cause it's cute <3
Today I asked Katharine what she wanted to do, she voted for Grandpa's house again. Today we did not have a car. I followed her to the garage and when she saw there wasn't a car, I asked if she still wanted to go. She said yes. I asked if she wanted "to go bike ride" or "stroller" and she chose stroller, so we walked there. It's over 4 miles, so it took 1 hour 20 min. I probably shouldn't have been surprised when it felt too early to be 2pm. But I enjoyed the time to think as I walked. I listened to a 1987 General Conference message by Elder Ballard " Keeping Life's Demands in Balance" - I was referred to that by a quote from that talk that was referenced in my last emotional resilience class last night. So I was thinking as I walked: Corey seemed a bit frustrated yesterday and sent me a few messages this morning. He said it was mostly cause when he's home after work and the kids are asking for stuff (like to do duolingo or check instagram), he doesn't know if they've done their stuff. He doesn't know what tasks the kids are supposed to do and if they've done them. He's hoping we can do the chore spreadsheet we were doing when Hyrum was here, even though, without him here to be the enforcer, it would mean a lot of work for us. Still, Corey would like a better and more accountable system for them and for us.
Thought about that as I walked. Katharine waking up after we got there...
"Katharine! We're at Grandpa's house!" She was glad to hear that.
While yesterday I was helpful to my parents, today I spent most of my time scratching out notes on paper...
RELATIONSHIPS: (Talk by Elder Uchtdorf "
Of Things That Matter Most" talks about four key relationships)
Personal - Self esteem and self improvement
Spiritual - God and Christ
Family - Chores, Home, FHE
Others - School, friends
Physical - Exercise, Recreation, Rest, Relaxation - Good quote by Elder Ballard in that talk above: We need to make "the time for sufficient rest, exercise, and relaxation. We must schedule time on our daily calendars for these activities if we are to enjoy a healthy and balanced life. Good physical appearance enhances our dignity and self-respect." I was directed to that talk from a quote in my last Emotional Resilience class Tuesday night.
Spiritual - Scriptures, Church, Family History, Journal
Social - School, Service
Intellectual - School, Musical Instruments, Reading Recreation, Painting/Drawing/Art
I'd like them to do their homework, practice their instrument, help around the house, keep their rooms clean, and after that, I'd like them to have personal goals that they are working on (instead of doing all their stuff then asking if they can watch Instagram reels). Hence, this evening, instead of going on a ride (I did get in an hour+ long walk, so I guess I should be good for today) I stayed home and gathered items and put together this rough draft of a chore chart in the side room.

I've been tempted (but been avoiding) putting family management stuff on this wall for years. BUT it
is the largest wall in the side room, and it's also where we sit every night, so it would be visible and right there so kids could be accountable, sigh... so we're going to give this a go. I still need magnets for the chore and task slips, so that we don't have to use tape, but I think it represents what I'm currently going for. I ordered some small strong magnets in Amazon. I know we need a system where kids can be consistent and do their stuff. Ugh, I've known this for years, and I'm trying. Why haven't I figured this out yet?!?! Still need to have each kid do a personal page where they list some personal goals. Going to use
this Children and Youth initiative page for that, prob put them in sheet protectors and tape those up on the left of the chore chart. Ooh, and I also want to put a lot of quotes from scriptures and prophets about good goals to have, like President Nelson's October '24 message:
I'm glad to follow a prophet who helps us out knowing what our highest priority should be!
It's funny having Abi and Lily together, cause they can't blame little kids for their messy room. Abi has SO MANY CLOTHES that her shelf toppled down to the floor.
I'll be staying home tomorrow and will prob help them clean their room, cause they share with Katharine and I help her. Today before I did my chore chart brainstorming, I did water their garden. Katharine was out there working on rock art again.
We think everything she does is cute.
Putting them on bottom, and on top.
My mom got out an old toy and gifted it to Katharine - an old Fisher Price marching drum.
We took that home, and a stuffed animal "tramp" from lady and the tramp. Oh, and some Standin' Tall books! I'm glad K likes to go there. I hope to make this a weekly trip, cause I'd like to spend more time with my parents and be a better help to them.