Saturday, March 10, 2012

Hello Meyers!!!

Well yesterday we just had the best visit with the Jacob and Rachael Meyers - they are our long lost friends from Costa Rica - well, they are from Utah like us, but we had to travel thousands of miles to Costa Rica to meet them, funny how life works!

It's fun cause we've got a special bond with them from both of us going through that crazy adventure in Central America. I must add that their adventure was much crazier and harder than ours, but I'm glad we were able to see it and experience a little of it vicariously through associating with them :) They've got some major good stories to tell, it is so nuts that I think most people just wouldn't believe it. It's really funny.

Here are some posts of things we did in Costa Rica with them -

Our first visit to the house they were renting with the Royals (I called them the RMs, short for Royals and Meyers, two families from Utah living together in a 2 bedroom house in the jungles of Costa Rica with their kids - 5 Royal kids, 7 Meyers kids, it was a grand adventure!! Both families are back in the US now.)

Shell beach

Samara Beach and more pictures here

Lots of adults visiting about politics and life in these latter days, the kids went and played in the jungle, it was fun

And they'd come to our house to use the internet and wash their laundry :)

When Rachael broke out their box of Legos and the kids were in heaven as they remembered their former life in America

Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Eve (That Thanksgiving in Costa Rica will forever be one of my favorite and most memorable Thanksgivings ever, I was feeling very thankful that we were all still alive and for other ways I'd seen the Hand of the Lord in our life, I think I was experiencing the true meaning of Thanksgiving.)

How they were an answer to our prayers in getting me and my kids to the airport and on our way to Chile in December 2010

The picture perfect gorgeous last beach day for us in Costa Rica
So yesterday they came up to our house and we enjoyed a few hours of visiting and laughing while the kids played outside and ran around wild and free, well, as wild and free as you can get in suburbia Utah. Not the same as Costa Rica, but the kids all loved seeing each other again.
Corey and Jacob enjoying deep discussion - I love just hearing these two talk and share stories, way fun.
...and look at this! We were two families of 7 kids back in October 2010, now we are two families of 8 kids! Rachael's baby girl Eliza was born September 16, 10 days after Sophia. :) Rachael and I are twinner moms!

It was so great to see them, I wish I could have gotten the whole visit on video, cause it was just so fun to laugh and visit and remember our grand adventure in Latin America. I asked Rachael what her take away was and it was similar to mine - that she (like me) is just so much more relaxed about life and the problems it throws at us and has learned to truly lean on the Lord. "You know, we've got food and we've got each other, so life is good!!" Amen!

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