Sunday, May 18, 2014

Day of Rest for Daddy

Corey had a really busy day yesterday, packing up all the equipment he's taking with him to Brazil. And he and Ethan went shopping and bought themselves new clothes. Corey got a blazer, and they both got shirts & shoes so that they'll feel confident on stage. It'll be something similar to this kind of experience that Corey had in Chile. Except Ethan will be up there with him playing the saxophone for part of it - trying to prove a point of the Movie Mouth method using music and Ethan as the visual/example. Then there was the usual yard work. Plus on top of getting ready to launch his business in Brazil, Corey gave a talk in church today, so he stayed up late working on that with little kids following him around and wanting his full attention....
So that was the weekend "off from work", ha. As for today, it was his usual "day of rest" which means being attacked by little princesses.
He and Ethan are leaving on Tuesday. They'll be gone 10 days in Brazil. How will all the little girls survive without their daddy? And an even bigger questions, what will Corey do with himself without all the interruptions from us! (Ethan's promised to be totally non interrupting child, he's vowed to be a helpful and obedient minion for his dad the whole time). I bet Corey will get a lot done, and that's good, cause I know he's got a lot on his to do list before their event on the 27th. They have one in Campinas, where we lived for 4 months in 2007, and then they have another event in Jundiaí. While in Campinas, they might try to go see the old chacara. Should be fun. Even if all they're able to do is drive by it, it will bring back memories and kinda feels like going back in time. :)

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