Corey was gone in Chile and I had another week or so until we went down to join him. I was very thankful to have friends from American to enjoy the holiday with. Not to mention that Melanie and Rachael were miracle workers with the meal, the food was delicious. Here is our Thanksgiving Eve, and Thanksgiving Day
So anyway, that was our plan, but then unplanned things happened (a grandpa passed away, parent's on a mission in Guatemala came in town for the funeral and needed a place to go, I invited them to join us, but they decided to have it just be family, etc...) - so then we thought maybe we'd change our day to Wednesday? or Tuesday or Friday... What to do. We finally decided that we're just doing a get together on Saturday. So now we're going to spend some time with Corey's family on Wednesday and Thursday, and then for our Thursday feast we're going to do a much smaller than planned dinner here with us, my parents, and we're going to eat early enough that my little sister will be able to join us before she heads to feast with her inlaws. Glad we got it all figured out, and it should still make for a great holiday. I'm mostly excited about just two days of school this week, yay! I love days off from school