Today we went skiing in a blizzard again.
We woke up super early so that we could be sure to get a parking spot, cause we were going to Alta, and they don't have reservations like Snowbird. Corey packed a lunch and loaded up the car the night before. We all got up at 7 and had a quick bowl of cereal before heading out. It's never good to wake up a sleeping baby, but Hyrum was gone at a Moxie retreat, so we couldn't leave Peter with anyone. I got him dressed and ready and we were all in the car and on our way at 8:06! And that is also what time we started waiting in the line that had formed on little cottonwood road waiting for the canyon to open. They closed it last night for avalanche control and it was supposed to open at 8, and I think it did? But it was very slow moving. Actually it was not moving for the first hour. So we sat there in the car and listened to kids complain about how we should just bail and go home. Or if any of us did just want to go sit in the car and do nothing, we could go do that in the garage at home and grant freedom to those who actually want to do something with their day. Wes undressed Peter cause he didn't want his boots or coat or socks on. We moved probably .25 miles in the first hour, but then in picked up, and we went the rest of the way up the canyon road in the next hour. We got there at 10:00 right when it looked like the last parking spots of the Wildcat parking lot had filled up, but we were on our way to Albion parking and were able to park by our kiddie hill near the Snowpine Lift. We got everyone out and got Peter dressed again and then unloaded skis, helmets, goggles, and one by one they headed down to the rope tow. I didn't take pictures of any of that cause I realized I had left my phone in the car. Corey took Peter in the backpack, I followed Owen and Daniel. There was a lot of pain and discomfort for everyone, but we finally made it up to rope tow and over to the lodge where we parked our skis and took a break.
Corey went to get our tickets and our last ski passes. These are going to be the kids last ski passes atleast, cause I'm ready for a break from taking them. It's a lot of work! Peter was still sad cause he hated the backpack, so we took a break and broke out the hot chocolate. Plus O had to use the bathroom and he made such a mess in there I couldn't believe it. I cleaned it up, but I was a bit shocked. Sorry to share that O, but I'm going to start making you sit down to pee. So then we decide to let Peter ski and NOT be in the backpack, so ALSN got their passes and took off to the lift, C stayed with P, W went back to the car to take back C's poles and to get P's skis, and I took O and D back down the rope tow hill and we were just going to do Snowpine. Corey decided against paying for tickets for O and D and we didn't want to use one of our day passes, cause we didn't think we were going to last very long. And we didn't. I took O and P down a few times. We saw Wes heading back to Corey with Peter's skis, and he gave me my phone (thanks Wes) and we kept skiing in the blizzard.

She was done skiing. I went back to check on Corey. Kids were starting to come back. We had made it over 2 hours and they were ready to be done. Natalie had a birthday party that she wanted to make it too. "This is probably your last time skiing this season... you sure you don't want to go for one more run?" No, she was done. And soon the others were gathering by the elevator with us.