Monday, August 26, 2024

Reunion Recovery

Hello! I'm at violin, the girls' first lesson this academic year. I would like to start violin again. I have been mia since Katharine was born. She's 2 now and mostly plays nicely by herself or I can let her watch a leap frog video for a bit... Maybe I'll make a schedule for myself, cause I think I should be able to practice atleast 30 minutes. Natalie is now where I was when I stopped two years ago (end of book 2). Sophi's vibrato is sounding amazing and I'd like to not be left in the dust by these two, but perhaps my time to practice should have been when I was 12 and it's too late for me. 

Sophi was not feeling well this morning - I think cause she ate too much junk last night at the walkabout. She gets sick when she eats too much sugar, wish I had that problem. I told her NO MORE JUNK FOOD for her, or if she does it some, she can just have one! No more over doing it in the carefree moments and then skipping school the next day. She and Natalie both missed their first 3 class periods. Sophi cause of a stomach ache, Natalie because she slept with Katharine, and K was kicking her all night. Here is how they were sleeping when I woke them up this morning - K had pestered Natalie so much that N gave up and moved to the floor.

Katharine will take turns sleeping with whichever sister she fancies in the moment. Usually it's Abi. Sometimes it's me. If it's not me, then one of the first things I do in the morning is go find where K ended up to make sure she's ok. Here she is sleeping with Abi yesterday morning.
And on the floor of her room on the 22nd. K with her face down - haha, looking super exhausted.
Lily said she's learned to be careful cause once she jumped off of her bed (on the top/third bunk) and almost landed on Katharine. I slept with K on her bed once recently and after a few minutes of trying to settle in, she said "I sleep floor..." so we moved onto the floor. It's easier for me to sneak away on the floor than laying on a mattress. So, violin was good. Natalie finished this puzzle.

She usually works on puzzles. Ms Amy has a board to put them on, and they just slide it under her sofa until the next week. Today is Peter's first day of all day kindergarten. Last week was a half day warm up, so I hope to make time to blog. I plan on catching up on the happenings of the past several months. 

Our 30th High School Reunion was this past weekend. A lot of things were similar to our 20th in 2014, like running out of food. It wasn't as bad as 2014, but I think we shouldn't tip our caterer - the servers were not that good at keeping things stocked and we had people waiting quite a bit for food and plates. I'm also crunching numbers for how many people actually came out, and trying to finish up finances and reimburse everyone. I think we are going to break even, so yay that is good. Yesterday I took a long nap in the backyard on a blanket on the grass. I  took an hour ride this morning, then another nap this afternoon - I think I'm recovering from the reunion and maybe the weddings too? Maybe I'm just taking advantage of these last few days of having Mel home. Katharine got the better of us today - got into Abi's makeup and gave herself some nice eyeshadow all over face.

And she also got into a bunch of embroidery floss and beads in Sophi and Natalie's room. Hopefully they'll all learn to keep stuff locked up or put away up high if it is important to them. 
It will just be me and K after Mel and Hyrum leave for school. I hope that I've recovered and am able to hold my own, or I hope that this little girl goes easy on me!

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