Saturday, August 3, 2024

Park City - Wrap Up

We took an early morning ride this morning. Mark's friend Kyle was up here yesterday, he works in Park City and we shared the House episodes IV & V with him last night, he and Mark were laughing pretty hard. Ethan is done with the finale, we watched it Wednesday but then noticed a few things that he had to go back and fix, like that Lily was not included in segment where each kid gave "one word to describe what it's like living in a large family" (Hyrum noticed she was missing, Ethan said "shoot, how did I miss that??") - so there's always something to go back to fix. Anyway, Kyle came up this morning, we went up Armstrong and HAM. Corey and Kyle continued up to Mid Mountain and then took Pinecone over to Puke Hill!

Then they turned around and came back - it was a 3+ hour ride for them! I came home after HAM, cause I had gotten my fill, it was my 7th ride this week, so I came back and helped pack up, since we had to be out of our room at 10. I called the front desk to see if we could get a late checkout, and they said yes, yay, so it was extended to 11. Corey was back at 10:50 and that gave him a chance to shower. Hyrum was a great leader of the helpers and we got everything out and loaded into the cars. Then we had breakfast together in Wayne's room at 10:45 (we didn't do our part of bringing a beverage, sorry! I should have grabbed that yesterday when I went for hotdog buns) and then at 11:45 we did a group pic. We're missing a big chunck of the people that were here earlier in the week, but that's ok. Ya do what you can when you can. Katharine with her captive father. 

Everyone smile!
Katharine kept Corey on a short leash most of the time up here. Walking back to the room after the pool on Wednesday night. 
He's pushed her around the halls on the luggage dolly, and sometimes mad him hold her. It wasn't bad if she'd just accept one hand to be held.
But often she wanted to be carried. And when Corey was tired of doing that, it made her sad. When she's sad, she goes off and sulks in some solitary spot on the ground (like at Joseph's wedding open house)...
Acutally, wait, no... this was not when she was sad about not being held... this was when Corey bought her a bar of Hershey's chocolate, and then he took a bite. "You take my chocolate!!! Waaah!" That is another frequent occurrence - K protesting sharing, even (especially) when it's something YOU JUST GAVE TO HER, so funny. She's a little spoiled princess, to be sure. My little brother Grant just had a baby girl this week on July 31. They are probably going to name her Daisy. She will be protected by 4 older brothers, so she'll be a princess in that house too. Katharine is no longer the baby grandchild on both Wride and Hibbert sides, she'll have to share that with Daisy now, but she will be in good princess company.

So, we're home now. After the group pic, Hyrum, Sophi and Natalie headed home in the van, which was full of most all our luggage. H was anxious to get going (we were looking for Daniel) so I told him that's fine, and if he wanted to unload upon arriving at home, I wouldn't mind. And he DID! Such a good helper. We waited a bit more until Corey found D and also found someone to unlock Ethan and Bella's room, where his phone was charging. Started to drive home, right as we were getting on I-80, Corey realized looking in the rear view mirror, that we still had one of Mark's bike locks. It wouldn't have been a big deal to keep until we saw him again, BUT it was on one of our friend's bikes, which meant we wouldn't be able to return the bike, so then we turned around at Jeremy Ranch to go back and get the key from Mark and then return his key and lock to him. Mark came down to meet us, also bringing a few things we forgot (like the Go For It game). Note to self: We brought up 8 games, and did not play ANY of them, so we are not allowed to bring them next year. We brought so much stuff, and we got to bring less next year. Since that was one thing we brought but did not use, that's off the list for next year, as well as the two saxophones, and the two bins of roller blades. We used 4 of the 7 bikes, so we also need to get the kids biking more or leave some of those home too. 

I took a nap an hour after getting home. And then Terry brought me back my chrysalides. I had 7 more left on the branch. I had a boy released this morning with 3 of Terry's females, and I had 9 male 3 females released from my monarch eggs this past week. I did not go look for eggs, I think I'm done helping the monarchs this year. It's kinda been a crazy spring/summer so far. Wedding, wedding open house, and now I gotta focus more on the reunion. I did catch up a bit helping with that today - that's the next "fire" to put out. Our 30th reunion on Aug 24th. Pretty exciting stuff. It's been a great week, a long week, I'm ready for bed, and am going to enjoy a day of rest tomorrow. 

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