Today was our last Friday here in Costa Rica. Last I talked to the RMs on Tuesday, we decided to get together again this week and have a girls night out for the Moms. We thought it would be best to do it at our place, and if they are gonna drive all the way out here, might as well go to a beach too, no? So it was arranged. Playa Flamingo, and let's get all our American friends - the Martinsens and the Heathman's to come too. So it was. We got there around 1 and stayed until sunset (5:30). With our big group it looked/sounded like Raging Waters - water splashing, kids squeeling. It was great. Couldn't have asked for a better beach day, but we might still try to go one more time before we fly out. Flamingo is an awesome beach, and today it was a BEAUTIFUL DAY!!!! It was sunny! There were hardly any clouds in the sky.
The ocean looked SO BLUE - it was a beautiful beautiful day. Wow. My camera's battery was low, so I was trying to conserve and thus didn't take as many pictures as I normally would have, but still have a ton.
Lily fell asleep in the car on the way there, wasn't happy I woke her up and took her out into the hot and bright outside world. But she calmed down quickly and started playing with the other babies in the small slightly shaded area from the two folding chairs-
President Lopez from our branch came with the Martinsens and he was so cute with all the babies digging in the sand. He kept them quite entertained and the little ones seemed so pleased to have an adult freely choose to play with them.
Melodie sculpting her body again. Giving herself little troll legs. She's so funny.
Joseph started this - take a quick run in to the water and get wet, then book it up to the dry sand and coat yourself like a snickerdoodle cookie.
Rolling down the beach slope - making sure to get that sand everywhere!
Inspired by the other boys, Wesley also coated himself in sand. Wes was the only kid that I realized (at 4:00) that I hadn't put sunblock on. Luckily I think the dirt covering him did the trick. His cheeks looked kinda rosy though, so I rubbed the sand off of them and put some sunblock - made them look nice and pink. Glad to report that after the bath at home, I was glad to see that he wasn't not fried. As seen in Wes' photo above and hte following pictures, the sun was starting to get lower in the sky - it's more orange in color and longer shadows.
nice family god bless you!