I've got one week until departure. Today I accomplished one thing to help us get there: I cleaned the upstairs where there are three kids rooms. It took me about an hour, but that doesn't count the time I plan on spending tomorrow to wash the walls where Lily, bless her heart, keeps drawing with pens on the cheaply painted walls. Magic Erasers get it off, but they also take the paint with it. My apologies to the owner of this house.
You know, it's really easy to houseclean a small house where rooms are small and when you don't have a lot of stuff to begin with. All of their clothes have been moved downstairs. Pillows, blankets, legos, and Webkinz are allowed to remain upstairs. So the only other thing to deal with was all the paper on the floor. Is it garbage or is it a special drawing, perhaps an important family document? Most of it was trash, and I am very grateful for the garbage bags here for lawn clippings. They are the perfect size for the mess my 7 kids make. As I sorted through the garbage, I did find one gem that made me pause, smile and love my cute kids.
I think if you click on the above image it will enlarge for you to see. It reads as follows (misspellings in original document):
Attention kids Dont Let mom see this. If you dont understand this ask melodie what it says. next morning Lets All wake up and instead of turning on the tellavision Lets all clean up for no Darn reason. If we cant do it that day we will do it the next day. And try to be good the rest of the Day. Though Im pretty sure we will not succseed. you dont have to. But I think Its a good Idea. so Im going to do it. If Your doing it sighn Your name --> _____
Joe, Melodie, Ethan and Hyrum all signed it. I smiled as I confronted Melodie and asked her when this paper should have been dated - there was lots of garbage on the floor, and I didn't notice if/when this "clean the house and be good" event particularly happened. She said it was just from this week. So that was fun, she laughed and I laughed. I told her my favorite part was the "for no darn reason" - Love it. I also liked the "I'm pretty sure we will not succeed." I love my kids! They make me laugh. 5 points for Gryffindor.
I love looking at your blog. Amazing little family! As I freeze here, enjoy your little adventures to the beach. You guys are soaking up everything and sharing for the rest of us!