Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Good to Get Outside

At church on Sunday, a good friend, Stephani said we should take our kiddo's to the park on Tuesday, so we did! We met up and let them play at the playground, and had a little lunch under a cottonwood tree, and as we visited I asked her if she'd ever been down into the gully? She hadn't, and I told her about the little creek, so we figured that would be a good place to have our dessert. We walked down, the kids were so cute, and it was magical.

It was just perfect for the kids - out of a Huckleberry Fin story. It was so fun to see them play with rocks, sticks, and water, and the wrappers from their cookies - they used them as little pouches to hold the water from the stream and give themselves showers. 

They got dirty and wet and didn't want to leave, and it was great. Stephani and I had a great visit and it was so good to catch up. We finally did convince the kids to hike back up to the park, where we had round 2 at the playground.
Say cheese!
Corey came home around 6 and took all the kids with him to volunteer at the Sandy Crops garden. Daniel and I came after he was done at practice. I was surprised about how much our kids all loved it. Something about being out in nature and getting your hands dirty! And your face!
That cute picture of Katharine made their facebook page!
So it was a good get out in nature day for all of us. And they got otter pops after finishing their work at the crop garden. 

One other item from today - I was on the phone today with Wesley. Yesterday was his preparation day, but today they called to let me know that he's had a few choking incidents (I was aware of one of them) and the mission nurse and area doctor are recommending he get an endoscopy done. They said maybe he'd come home for a few days to get it done here, so I'm going to call insurance tomorrow to check out coverage, but I know we have a high deductible that I'm sure we won't meet, and having it go toward the deductible is the only reason for him to come do it here, but I don't think that's worth him being here for 5 days. I'll probably recommend looking into him just getting it done there in Abilene. Although it would have been fun to see him, but I don't want him to lose momentum, so yeah I'm calling our insurance tomorrow and we'll be figuring that for what to do to help him. They said he's like choked 5 or 6 times, so yes, definitely will be good to get it taken care of. I wonder if that is what happened when he choked as a 2 year old? I can't find if I blogged that here anywhere, but it was a scary moment in August 2007 when I was 8 month pregnant with Abi and we had just moved into the Crosswood house - Corey and I were talking in the kitchen I don't know about what, he had been in the side room next to it playing with a Blokus game and then came up to us and kinda pulled my shirt to get our attention and he was choking, we tried the heimlich maneuver and he was still choking, lips started to turn blue and eyes rolled back, I called out to God in urgent prayer and I just was shoving my finger in his mouth down his throat to get whatever it was out and he was biting my finger hard and then he took a big gasp of air. Corey took him to the ER after that, it was scary and they did an xray but didn't find anything, so that is something that we're going to ask God about when we get to heaven, cause we don't even know what he was choking on or what happened. I also thought many times about what would have happened if none of us had been in the room with him? I just would have walked in found him dead on the floor. The other time that happened was when we were in Brazil, pregnant with Owen, I ended up tripping as I ran out to help, and Wes was ok but then I went to the ER to check on the baby cause I landed on my stomach. So that's one of the flashback memories we always remember when we talk about Wes choking. I know that eventually we do not get to escape death, but I'm glad he didn't die that day, or two other times. We've pointed out to Wes before that he's eluded death a few times. We're in God's hands, He is in charge.

Monday, April 29, 2024

FHE - 5000

We do a pretty good job at reading scriptures at night together as a family, with some discussion on current events, but Lily pointed out recently that we don't do a FHE activity on Monday nights. So, tonight we repented of that and we FORCED everyone to sit down and play a game. They tried to scatter, but we told them to park themselves on the bench cause we're having family time. I was lobbying for the Utah version of Monopoly "Utah-opoly" but I was out voted. I admit it would have involved a learning curve since most of the kids have never played it, plus it would have been AP Monopoly cause Katharine was crawling around on the table. So everyone said let's just play 5000. 5000 it is. I got dice, Katharine went for them, but luckily I had about 30 extra that we gave her instead of the 5 we were using. 

Look at us having family time, yay
Roll the dice and hope you get 1s and 5s! Or a large straight!
There was one player who got real lucky this game, with some triple dices and even three 1s for 1000 points. Corey was the only one who got a straight but it wasn't enough to keep him ahead of Peter! 
So Peter won that game. Then we did BS, Lily taught us that one. There were a few tears shed when the boys took the BS calls a little too personally, but it was good. We probably need to do a bit more of this to help the boys toughen up their emotions. It was good, and we're just gonna keep things simple for now, we will do a game again next Monday. Maybe next Sunday too! We played games last night so we did two days in a row! Impressive. 

Other fun things from today - Corey and I took a ride with Joseph and Eliza this morning. We all made it to the first bridge then they headed back home to get ready to go back to Provo. Corey and I went up to the techy section, then had to hurry back cause I was late for a RS meeting. 
We were able to do that cause Abi was home to help. Abi Lily and Sophi didn't have school cause it was a teacher work day, so it was nice to have them around. Well, Abi was helpful. Lily was gone on a hike all day, Sophi aka sleeping beauty was getting her beauty rest. Abi got some too when I went climbing around 2. I appreciate these big kid helpers, and they don't mind helping. They all love Katharine.
So I got in two recreational activities today, woot! It's for my mental health. We had a good phone call with Wes today. He's going good. Life is good.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

It's My Birthday

I got to wear this shirt around the house today, cause it's my birthday.

I stole the shirt from Ethan's pile of stuff that is still in the basement. He got it on his mission. We were missing an “8” candle so we made due with some math multiplication, haha. It was a good day! Everyone singing to me ~
I wore the shirt before church ~ Abi helped do my hair. I just thought she was going to touch it up but then she kept curling everything. I felt like a queen with my attendant serving me, and that's ok since "it's my birthday." 
I took that pic for my BeReal, and Ethan commented "That's my shirt". And sent me this realmoji ~
This was Ethan's BeReal (they were in the car on their way up? or maybe on their way to church) 
Quite hilarious, what a facial character. He better be careful - what if he messes up his teeth doing this hamster look? Or what if the wind changes and makes his face freeze - then it will be permanent! Funny boy. So, then we all got dressed and out the door for church. LOVED the hymns, talks and lesson today I can't find my notes at the moment, but basic take away - We haven't messed up so bad that Christ can't help us with ANYTHING. Bro Clark shared a time when he got laid off, he didn't tell his wife yet, at church people didn't know, but he was given a blessing that was a huge comfort. People might not know what we're going through (it's not a surgery or pregnancy that people are aware of) but God knows, he will helps us. Our job is to not murmur, like the children of Israel did at the red sea, and to not question the Lord's care, like the apostles did in the raging tempest... Our job is to FEAR NOT and to Go forward. God will help us. Whatever big problem we think we have, like Joseph Smith trying to come up with $3000 to pay for the printing of the Book of Mormon, IT IS SMALL and easy for our great God. HE IS ABLE. That's kinda thought that I'd be having this whole past week. Loved the Follow Him Podcast with Gerrit Dirkmaat start at 12:45, so good. I'm going to paste this here from the show notes for that episode cause I loved it - 

"Now, Martin Harris is a well-off guy. Joseph Smith comes from the bottom rung of society. His family's so poor that while they're translating the Book of Mormon, Joseph's family is going to lose their home. Joseph himself with his farm down in Harmony can't make the payments on it. Martin Harris is a well-off guy, and the Lord has commanded Joseph to bring forth the Book of Mormon to the world. There is no discernible way that Joseph can do that. To give you an idea: when Joseph finally gets the quote on how much it is to publish the Book of Mormon, and by the way, he's got to pay upfront, it is $3,000. Now, that sounds like a lot if you're a BYU professor, but for a lot of people listening, $3,000 doesn't seem like a whole lot maybe in our world. But in their world, the average person makes somewhere around $200 to $250 a year. Joseph bought a farm in Harmony that was almost 14 acres with a farmhouse on it, and apparently some other outbuildings and a well, the trees are already cut down on a lot of it, so it's already farmable. He buys that 14-acre farm and house for $200. 14:58 The cost of printing the Book of Mormon is 15 times Joseph Smith's entire net worth if he did own his home, which he doesn't, because he can't make the payments on his own home. To put that in our perspective today, the Lord is essentially saying that you need to come up with, in a lump sum, 15, 16, 17 times the amount of money you make annually. That seems impossible. To me, it's impossible. I would have to have an angel come to tell me to believe that I could do that. Martin Harris not only is the only person who believes Joseph: he's the only means whereby Joseph can even perceive that there's any way this could possibly be published."

So that is why Joseph asked the Lord so many times to let Martin take the manuscript, cause he was trying to figure it out this big financial concern, and that was the only way he could see that it would be possible to pay for the Book of Mormon publishing (and it did end up being the way it was published, by Martin mortgaging his farm.) But Joseph was told to not give Martin the manuscript of the translation, and later is chastised in Doctrine and Covenants 3 for his carnal desires! Continuing to quote the podcast 23:10

"And it starts out with this: "The works and designs and the purposes of God cannot be frustrated, neither can they come to naught; for God doth not walk in crooked paths, neither doth He turn to the right nor to the left, neither doth He vary from that which He has said." Verse three: "Remember, remember that it is not the work of God that is frustrated, but the work of men." He goes on to chastise Joseph pretty severely. Because Joseph had made this covenant and he'd broken it. And why had Joseph broken it? In Joseph's world, he couldn't possibly see any way that he could maintain the publication of the Book of Mormon without Martin Harris. That is impossible. And it's not like I've got people falling off the back of milk wagons everywhere believing the things that I'm saying. No one is believing me. Outside of my own family, who have no money at all, no one believes me at all. No one. I have to do this for Martin or I won't even be able to do what God wants me to do. The Lord says, "For although a man may have many revelations and have power to do many mighty works, yet if he boasts in his own strength and sets at not the counsels of God," the counsels of God told him multiple times not to take them, "and he follows after the dictates of his own will and carnal desires," this is not a reference to Joseph carnally wanting something sinful. Carnal as in earthly. Your focus was, how could I possibly pay for this? I understand why you have that focus, and as God, I told you not to have that focus. Carnal desires. “He must fall and incur the vengeance of a just God upon you. Behold, you have been entrusted with these things, but how strict were your commandments; remember also the promises that you've made: that if you did not transgress them," and then probably the biggest stinger, "Behold, how oft have you transgressed the commandments and laws of God and have gone on in the persuasions of men?" Boy, at this point in Joseph's life, it took him four years to get the plates because he just couldn't overcome all of the pressures of the world around him; and then he finally gets them and those pressures of the world are still there. 25:39 Verse seven: "For behold, you should not have feared man more than God. You should have been faithful, and He would have extended His arm and supported you against all the fiery darts of the adversary, and He would have been with you in that time of trouble."
So, we are in a bit of a time of trouble, but we will trust, we will go forward, we will not be fearful, we will show God where our faith is. It is in him, we trust in his plan and in his tender care. When I find my notes from yesterday I'll put the hymns that touched me too, cause each sacrament hymn, the opening and closing and sacrament all had a line that helped me have hope and feel trust. 

So, back at home, after being spiritually fed, I put on the shirt again. Mel was here from last night, Ethan and Bella came up again (so nice) and Joseph and Eliza who have been in St. George arrived around 6:30. Yesterday I also played the birthday card and left to the library for 3+ hours and blogged. It was good to go somewhere and be able to know I would not be interrupted. Yesterday my mom brought over the cake (from Schmidts Bakery) and a few other deluxe cookies and pastries from Schmidts (almond cookies are my fav) and I ate most of the cookies yesterday by myself but we had cake and ice cream today, and I did share those. And I made two big salads. Corey's dad came by earlier and I sent him home with two eclairs and a maple bar. My mom and Dad came around 5:30, then Neil and Amy and their daughter Eliza came down for my party around 7. We did a little bit of dancing in the side room (wedding prep, ha!) - we did the Napoleon Dynamite Dance, followed by some Just Dance - YMCA, Spaceship, and Dynamite, and then had food and played games. 
We played Great Dalmuti, which I probably haven't played since Snow College before my mission. And they also brought a Rubik's Race game that the kids all liked. It was fun, it was so nice of them to come down. I caught up a little bit on the blog, which is why it's almost midnight, but I'm in the zone right now... I'm still not done with December, but I'm closer! Gotta finish it before April is over! J and Eliza are sleeping over tonight, and we're going to go on a ride in the morning, so that will be fun! It was a good birthday. 

Friday, April 26, 2024

Kindergarten Orientation & Playdates

Peter had his kindergarten orientation today!

All the kindergarteners are so cute. We had a meeting and then the kids got to go see the classroom while the parents stayed to hear more logistics and stuff. Katharine stayed with me, but she was glad when we went to see the classroom. They had such a cute little "house play" area set up! It would be fun to get a washing machine and all the other house stuff.
It'd be so fun to have all that stuff here! But I guess, since we don't have them, that might make it more special when they get to go to school and see and play with them there. I shall try to resist the desire to buy all the fun stuff - like the stage and costumes and props at Thanksgiving Point. I told Corey I wanted to make one in our basement, he said "Or, you could just go there?" Yeah, that probably makes more sense. Then K found some number counting pop it boards. Katharine hard at work
Pop, pop...
Peter was playing legos, but soon he was with Katharine - they really liked those. 

So I can hardly believe that I'm sending another one off to Kindergarten. The marriage didn't shake me up, but I think when I send my last kiddo off to school, that's when I'll have a real "Where did the years go" moment. And I won't know the answer, but I can come here and look on the blog to remember all the things we did. Some of it is big and eventful, and most of it is just the crazy run around of life - which was what today was like. After Corey and I dropped off carpool, we had fun at Momentum doing top rope this morning, our third time in a row going together! (Thanks Hyrum for watching the little ones for us) Hyrum actually slept in on accident and thus so did Daniel, so after we were done climbing, I took C to his dad's house, then home to take Daniel in to school. After I checked him in, I went straight to the credit union to deposit some $, and to open an account for our 30 year reunion (!!) and then to Costco to get treats for Owen and Daniel to take to their soccer games tomorrow. Then home, unload the car, Sophi came home with a friend from school and they had a playdate (is it still called a playdate if they are in middle school? Probably not - just "hanging out") and then O&D got home from school, sent them straight to activity days, Natalie didn't come home cause she was having a playdate at Hadley's house, then took Peter to Kindergarten Orientation, P and K didn't want to leave that but we hurried home to meet another friends of Daniel's who was on her way over. Kids played, I tried to get ready for my date with Corey, and cleaned up for a little bit. Friend was late being picked up, but that's ok. Went to get Corey, we went out to Beaumont Bistro for dinner, Ethan and Bella came up tonight and are hanging out with us tomorrow. They were up for a wedding. When they told us they were going to sleep over, we decided to hurry to Costco, and we got there before it closed and found a blow up mattress - there were mostly one big box that was $129, and then there was another small box of what looked like mostly the same thing... we took both boxes to check out - the smaller one was on a deep discount for $50! Yay, so that was a blessing. God is looking out for us. He helps us with all the big and small. I might like a little more help with the big, but when he's there in the small stuff, it is nice to get a reassurance that he cares. I felt that tonight with that good deal, feeling grateful that we went to the Costco in Murray cause the other might not have had that! At home, got E and B set up, and we had a fun discussion at scriptures. Abi made blueberry muffins that everyone loved, especially Corey. Turns out he really LOVES blueberry muffins, which I don't think I was aware of. The kids got crumbs all over, Hyrum helped me sweep. As we moved the stools out from under the island, Katharine came and did some counter hanging!

I think we gotta little climber on our hands!

Katharine will be a good kid to have as our caboose, cause she's going to go biking with us AND climbing!

Yay! Katharine is excited and we're excited too!

Thursday, April 25, 2024

University Graduate

We celebrated a big day for Joseph today, and made the kids all come with us - we went down to celebrate Joseph graduating from BYU! Congratulations Joseph!

High school graduation was a big deal, but this one is bigger. A little bit more sweat and tears are put into the college diploma, so we thought we'd make all the kids come to support him and congratulate him on his accomplishment. The commencement exercises were this morning. I tuned in over tv for some of it, after my mom texted that she was listening to it (doh!) I had thought maybe one of us might go down for that, but then we became a car short yesterday - Corey's car went in for an oil change and registration, and ended up needing the timing belt and water pump blah blah two thousand dollars... so it is in the shop until  tomorrow. That made things a little trickier. So I didn't end up going down, and missed watching it. but later tonight Joseph said he didn't go, cause they had to be in line 90 minutes before, and he wanted to maximize his sleep, so J wasn't even there, I guess it's ok I didn't show. I caught enough over tv that I felt I fulfilled my parental duty. My bigger contribution getting all the kids there for the college convocation at 5. That was tricky without Corey's car. And THEN he had some meetings, so he had to take my car... so I was texting and calling my parents and Wayne and Joseph and Corey trying to figure out logistics. I ended up biking to the school with Peter and Katharine in the trailer, in a light rain, and checking out Natalie Owen Daniel around 2. They all rode their bikes to school, so we biked home. Hyrum, Owen and Daniel were ready at 2:45 for when my parents came by to get them. Joseph came up from BYU for something, so he went to Wayne's to give Corey his smaller car and traded for the van. Corey was able to go to his 3 and 4 pm meetings, Joseph drove home to pick up Me, Abi, Lily Sophi Natalie Peter and Katharine. And then we were off. Corey drove down after his meetings were done. Wayne had saved us a row of seats - portal C row 22. My parents and HOD were there saving the row for us. Mel got there right when we did. Eliza was there soon too, and Ethan and Bella another 10 min after. There were a lot of graduates in the college of Life Sciences, so their convocation was held in the Marriott Center. It took us a minute talking on the phone to figure out where he was in the mass of people, and for him to see where we were. He found us first, but soon we spotted him - Joseph was in the 5th row back like the 6th seat over, so he was pretty close to us! Well, maybe not close, but atleast he was on our side of the room. And right as we were talking to him, he was put up on the jumbo screen! He turned and waved to the camera so that was fun, but I missed taking a photo of it - I was talking to him and trying to take a photo and my phone wasn't fast enough for the switch and then he was looking up at the screen to see himself. We guessed when he was walking up, and followed him as his name was read. "One by one" takes a long time. I liked how that part of graduation is similar to the temple. It would be a lot faster to just graduate a group as a mass rather than one by one pronouncing each name. But one by one it is. That is how it is done in the LDS temples, and I'm glad that's how they do it in the "black robes of a false priesthood" temple of learning too. Joseph coming back to his seat -walking a third from the left in his white sash and white diploma in hand.
His name was read close to the beginning. His section is about half done, and there were 3 more sections after that. Yeah, we were there for a while. I took K outside to play after half way through the presentation of the graduates. Playing on a bike rack - 
When the convocation was over, we gathered outside with Joseph. 
The weather turned windy and there was a light rain, so K and I hid inside for a few minutes while the kids tried to tell us we should take them all out to eat, and it could even be "our treat". Corey commented "Our kids are united on one thing - turning any event into an opportunity for us to give them food." 
Well, as tempting as that sounds to blow money on y'all, Corey and I decided against it. The little boys were already happy cause I had told them "and then we'll come back and have HOT DOGS for dinner!!" before we left home (good thinking me!). So that was a no from me, a no from dad, and we are the only ones that get to vote on what we spend money on. Corey thought maybe donuts... Ethan said "I can buy my own donut" he wanted bigger food. Corey also joked "I get it if it comes from the little boys, but I would have thought E had moved beyond this..." Still, maybe we swing by Krispy Kreme? I was ok with donuts, when E knew there wasn't any goods coming for them, they headed out. Mel headed back to her regularly scheduled life as well. We had to figure out cars home... as we talked about that, the plan was made - my parents were ok to head home without anyone, Wayne took Lily and Owen with him, JElizaHASN walked to the van, which I had parked far away per Joseph's suggestion. When we were coming, time was getting close that J had to be there in line (4:45) and it was very crowded, so I dropped him off west of Helaman Halls and he took off running up the hill, I parked close by there on North Canyon road and ALSNPK and I walked up in the direction J went. So they had to walk back to where I parked. Corey, DPK and I went to Joseph's car, where Corey had parked it, and were in gridlock traffic trying to leave the Marriott Center. Joseph and his crew beat us to their vehicle, and they went by Smiths for ice cream, and then we crashed J's apartment. Wayne met us there, they happily ate bowls of ice cream, Joseph, Eliza and I did the dishes, and then Joseph and Eliza got ready to go to St. George with friends, and we went to Ethan's apartment to give him his shoes that he had left at home last Sunday. Good thing about that was we got to see their cute home sweet home! Corey had already been by and seen it, but it was the first time for me and the girls. Super cute little newlywed apartment. I remember living in a little place like that! Back when life was simple. Ethan was a little bit anxious telling kids to not touch this and don't do that (slide down the part of the couch that is missing the cushion). Corey tried to help Eth with his computer, the kids ate their pineapple. Peter sat on my lap and was looking around at all of their wedding photos on the wall, then asked me "Mom? How do you get married by finding a friend that's a girl?" which I thought was the cutest question ever. Bella overheard us talking and was smiling as I talked to Peter a little about growing up, dating, then trying to find someone that you want to be your best friend. Cute little kid trying to put things together. Then we headed home and the kids tastebuds were finally paid in full when they were eating their hot dogs at 9:30. Now it's late, Lily is a little stressed that she didn't get any of her homework done... sorry Lil. AP tests are coming up soon for her and Abi. It was a good milestone day for Joseph, and we were glad to drag all the kids along for this important event. I told them they don't have to go to any high school graduations, but we'll probably make them do college ones. I reserve the right to change my mind in the future.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Family Fun at Waterford

We had a fun day with the college kids. They all came up for church at our ward, and then lunch and dinner and games, and then ultimate frisbee at Waterford tonight. We have 14 in this photo here. 

You might wonder why this blog says we have 13 kids, when there are 14 kids in the photo. Well, Ethan just got married, so that adds one. BUT Wesley is also gone on a mission, so that takes it back to 13. So how do we have 14 still? Let's see if this pic helps solve that mystery...
It's not totally obvious, but there are two couples in that photo. Ethan holding Bella, and another couple in a dance dip move. From left to right, we've got Owen, Lily, Mel, Peter, Sophi, Abi, Daniel, Hyrum, Corey (he slipped into this one) Ethan holding Bella, Natalie, aaaaand Joseph and Eliza! Who is Eliza? Eliza is Joseph's fiancée!! We got this photo late last night - 
We knew that a proposal was in the works, and I also learned earlier that day (as Joseph called me for ideas... as of yesterday morning he was planning and was studying for finals, but then a desire to propose took over his thoughts) She knew it was coming but didn't think it would be last night, which is why he wanted to do it then. They already have their temple sealing scheduled - June 28 up in Meridian Idaho. So that is why they all came up to spend the day here, to celebrate and share the news with their siblings. I knew yesterday that they were coming up, so I did a Costco run before Natalie's concert started. I was able to feed a crowd today, thanks to ideas I got from Stephanie taking care of us in Texas. We had two bean dips for lunch after church (I came home after sacrament meeting with Peter, who is still sick with an upset stomach, and made those) and it was a hit -
(Peter is feeling better - making a Lego City for me to show Wesley) Peter playing legos. 
And Stephani also taught me how she cuts watermelon - They call it "watermelon straws" - so smart! 
Then we played "Compatability" Wride edition - that Corey made like 10 years ago. That was fun. Corey and I won. Mel and Hyrum were on a team cause they were husband and wife in their lego family many times, haha it was funny hearing Hyrum remember his complaints about Mel, his lego wife, being upset that her lego husband Hyrum was spending so much time at Sword camp that they weren't ready to fly into space, stuff like that, it was funny... And Ethan was filming stuff so Bella played with Wayne, but then Natalie swapped in for Bella, and Joseph and Eliza were on a team too.
Then Corey and I got hamburgers, bean burgers, and salmon burgers ready for dinner. I felt like I was prepping food a lot today, but it's good. Abi made and frosted sugar cookies. Then around 7:30 we went to Waterford. We didn't have much time as I had planned (I was thinking 6-6:30) but it was good. Sunset was at 8:14. Corey and the kids had an intense game of Ultimate... 
...while I tried to keep the littles out of harms way. Katharine is ready to play catch. 
Peter and I tried to hit the ball around with tennis rackets. 
We took the silhouette photos after the sun went down, then back home for scriptures and Mel shared some music videos she made with a guy in her song writing class, it was funny! Her siblings saw a side of her that they'd never seen before. 
It was so fun having all the kids here today! Life is passing away like a dream. I'm excited to see the rest of it unfold, and I'm really glad we still have little ones at home to raise. Having these older ones be in college and married has rocked Corey's world a little. He's thinking "where has the time gone? I was JUST there myself..." but I think that will happen for me when the kids are all in school all day, or when Katharine graduates high school and this child rearing phase is really over. It feels like it's all I've known for so long, so that will be strange when that happens for me, but right now I'm glad to still be in the middle of it. One of my biking songs is "The Middle" and my birthday is in a week, so I really am about in the middle (I plan to live to 100+) Life is so good, it was a day of many blessings and having my cup full. I'm so grateful for gospel living. Our sincere efforts to follow Jesus Christ in all things gets all the credit for creating this happy life for us. 

Friday, April 19, 2024

Bike Rides with Katharine

Yesterday morning, Corey accidentally said "bike" as he was getting ready to go to work. Katharine jumped up and said "Ok!" and got her socks and shoes. "I guess I can take her for a minute..." He got her on his bike, and Peter got ready too, and they left for a ride around the block. I knew Corey had a meeting that he had to get to, so I went and got my socks and shoes on too, a jacket, then got the trailer hooked up to my bike and went to find them. Katharine took me up on my offer and gave up her shotgun for a ride in my trailer. She likes it! Soon Peter was done and so we went home, but K didn't like that... This is her look when I tell her it's time to STOP. (I think I'm in trouble...)
And this is the look when we GO!
Looks like she approves! So we went again. Peter got off his bike, he was ok to ride in the trailer. It turned into a 45 minute ride around the neighborhood, doing a loop in every circle two times. She did NOT want to quit. As I tried to make it more interesting for myself, I did get up on the sidewalk a few times, and noticed her say "Ow" when we went over the bump up to driveways. When we had to go back inside, I might have done those a few times on purpose to get her to willingly stop the ride. It worked. Yay, so we went inside. Time to take care of sick kids. Natalie threw up yesterday morning, so it was her turn to stay home sick. We watched Bluey and after an hour of that K took a nap with her on the couch. 
These two are BFFs. Natalie puts Katharine to bed with her up on the top bunk bed most nights. Katharine looked so cute with her hands tucked under her cheek. 

Sweet little thing.
Hyrum still feels unwell, but no throwing up today. Sophi went to school but texted me around noon that she felt a little upset stomach. She wanted to stay for ballroom tryouts though, so hopefully she didn't expose anyone. I was able to sneak away to the temple during their nap. (Have I mentioned how nice it is having Hyrum home?) The flowers there were beautiful!
And after I got home from that and got dinner ready (chicken and potatoes) I wanted to go on a ride. I texted Corey of my plan and he came home to go with me. And then K got wind of what was going on. We decided to try and take her with us!  
Katharine, are you ready for some real mountain biking?

She did so great! We rode to the trail head and kept going, and she made it past the first bridge! Corey said "She made it further than Joseph did!" haha. 

She didn't like the bumps, so we tried to go slow. Some of the bumps were unavoidable though, like on what we call "avalanche hill" which was not covered by avalanche debris this year, but was just it's normal very steep and bumpy technical trail. Corey got off and walked with K a few times cause she didn't like the jolts. Not sure how we teach her to stand up to give her rump some protection. 

We'd check in with her "You ready? Go more?" I thought our fastest way out would be by the second bridge, cause I thought there was a way to the road from there. We kept going, Corey had to walk with K a few times, we paused and took a break, and were trying to figure out the least painful way for us to finish this ride. We got to the second bridge, and that was when I saw that while yes, there was a little water building there, there was unfortunately NOT a way to get across the creek. Drat. So then our options were either go up to the third bridge (would have required biking across snow patches and getting across some fallen trees, not a great option) or just heading back down the trail. K wouldn't like the bumps, but it seemed like the better choice. We went slow to try and keep her happy. Corey walked a few times. One time I walked with both the bikes while he carried with her. She was happy if she held him while he rode, but that did not look safe to me. He tried it a little bit. Then he figured out that if she'd sit on the seat, he could just hold her waist and the bike was carrying her weight, and that worked. He still had to balance holding one hand, but he felt confident and went down most of the trail like that. We were grateful when we got off the trail onto the paved road. The end was in sight. I looked back at Corey, who was riding with her. She was starting to zone out and fall asleep and he could feel her going limp in his arms. "This is trust!" he said to me, haha, funny. Yes, trust of a child. Later he said he was thinking more of the trust of the child's mother! That is true. As we rode, I was like the visual signal/ protector from the cars - I kept looking behind us to see if cars were coming and made sure they saw me and also let Corey know if he had to stay close to the side or if he had room to spare. We were glad it was all downhill and were making good time. At one moment when there were no cars coming, I was able to capture the moment on video. In there Corey says "When your biking buddy gives up on you..." I took this screen shot to share with the college kids.

Mel said "Nice meme Mom". I told her I was just quoting Corey. So it was fun and I'm very grateful we made it home safe. I'm glad Corey's more comfortable biking with kids on the shotgun seat. I would not have been able to ride with Katharine like that. I would have had to walk or phone for help. But we live to tell the tale. This morning, as Corey was getting ready for work, I was trying to get her from Corey so he could leave, and I made the mistake of showing her the pictures of her biking from yesterday. She said "BIKE!" Uh oh... Corey didn't have time to go, but he did have time to get the shotgun seat put on my bike, so he did that and then today Katharine had a first time riding shotgun with me!

We didn't go far from home, so I wouldn't be stranded if she gave up early, but we did great! I was on my way home and on the paved road when she said "Dad..." signaling she was all done, and I put one arm around her tummy to hold her as we kept biking, but maybe she could tell I was new at this, and she didn't totally give her support to me. She held on to my arm for a minute while I still held both my handlebars, and that worked well. We made it home after a 45 minute ride again. Not bad for a one year old! Natalie was home sick again today, as was Sophi. Natalie felt weak this morning but was feeling much better at lunchtime. She made a picnic for Peter and Katharine in the backyard. 
Katharine enjoyed playing kitchen outside. 
Owen had a trumpet lesson today in stead of next week, cause next Thursday is Joseph's graduation from BYU. So I was grateful to get this arranged so we don't have any conflicts with that. The flowers at Ms. Kyra's house were AMAZING!
Wow o wow. Love it. We should probably plant tulips in our yard. 
They last such a short time, but that's two weeks of joy that is probably worth it. Corey and I went out to eat at Bandits tonight and had a good talk about life and our roles. I want to do better and meals, for him, as he feels I usually don't prepare enough. I admit that I'm a bit of a minimalist there. What I think is sufficient probably could use a little extra. He also said he feels that I tend to disappear and abandon him on Sundays, which I don't see, but I'm going to try and be more aware, cause maybe it's true. He also said he feels that he shields me from a lot of the realities of how hard life is, but I disagree with that. I think I'm well aware of what it takes (I just took 6 kids to Texas by myself) and that he feels like a martyr unnecessarily sometimes. So that's a little what we talked about, if you wanted a peak into our conversation. We both agree that we're both 100% in and that we both do a lot, it's just that there is A LOT to always be done. We're both pretty sure that our marriage will make it! And lastly, I'm up at 4 am Saturday morning April 20th blogging this. I've been up with Peter who was in the tub for an hour to help his tummy - He threw up yesterday while we were on our date, and woke up needing to go to the bathroom, but not being able too cause he was bloated and gassy, so I just put him in the tub to try and help him relax. Sophi threw up yesterday morning at 3 am too, so she stayed home yesterday, but good news: she made ballroom! Good job Sophi! We've all had it coming out of both ends this week, man. It hasn't hit me though, but I'm waiting for it. Abi felt sick yesterday and didn't go to her GMS music class. She's also likely going to miss the Chamberpalooza tomorrow, darn. She said she was hoping to get sick during the week so she could miss school and cause she can't get sick on the weekend cause she's too busy, but here we are. It's 4:30 am, I'm going to sleep for a bit and then "tomorrow" (today) we have soccer games, chamberpalooza for Lily, and a violin spring concert. Maybe we'll have to miss the concert if Sophi still feels sick. 
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