Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Off to Mexico!

We said goodbye to Wesley this morning! We love you Elder Wride!!

I started a mission blog for him where I'll post his weekly emails - nothing on it yet, but it is on my list to catch up there posting his mission call opening and things like his departure today. We went to bed at like 9 last night, which was good cause Wes was up at 3:30 to pack. He didn't pack last night, cause he said he didn't know what he would want to use in the morning, so he preferred to wake up early and pack. He woke me up when he came into ANK's room looking for tweezers (I was in there with K) and then around 4:30 he asked me if I could help him finish packing. So I got up and we got to work, finishing his laundry and fitting everything int his suitcases. They seem to still have room for any books that he'll get at the MTC. We woke up everyone at 5:30, and headed to the cars right around 6, good job team!
Corey and I drove, I had Wes in my car with NODPK. We listened to my Gospel - Get Pumped! playlist, which only has two songs, so first it was the Tabernacle Choir singing How Firm a Foundation, love it, and then it was Everfound "God of the Impossible" which is also one of my downhill biking songs. I came across the God of the Impossible song back in 2022 when I taught about David and Goliath during our Old Testament Adult Sunday School class. I found this David and Goliath youtube video (from a Brazil tv series called Rei Davi) and I loved the David in it! And his confident walk down to confront Goliath. In my head, they got the clip right through 1:48 when the sword fight starts... I've never thought of them having a sword/spear fight first, so I thought it was kinda funny. Esp 2:45 made me laugh! But I get it, you gotta increase the story line. Personally I think David just got him with the stones right away and from a safe distance. Anyway, I still like the video and I really like the song. :) As we listened to it, Wesley said "I just got chills..." I thought a lot of the lyrics were appropriate for the moment we were entering - "Just a boy... I'm ready to go! I'm ready to go!!!" and in a blessing Wesley received he was counseled, on his mission, to leave all personal affairs behind "I won't look back..."

Just a boy with a sling and a stone,But the heart of a lion dared him to go.To hear the sound of the cynical,Die out with the sound of the giant's fall.
Ohhh, oh ohh!I dare to believe in incredible things.Ohhh, oh ohh!I'm ready to go, I'm ready to gooo-oh!
Here I am! Lord send me!I won't look back, cause I was madeTo be a part, of the, imposs-ible!You're God, of the, imposs-ible!
Here I am! Lord send me!I won't back down, cause I believeYou are the God, of the, imposs-ible!Here, I, am, send me!
Empty bones and a thirsty soul,Dreamin' for more than the life I have known.'Til I tasted a burning coal,And my guilt was erased, and my sin was atoned!
Ohhh, oh ohh!I dare to believe in incredible things.Ohhh, oh ohh!I'm ready to go, I'm ready to gooo-oh!
Here I am! Lord send me!I won't look back, cause I was madeTo be a part, of the, imposs-ible!You're God, of the, imposs-ible!
Here I am! Lord send me!I won't back down, cause I believeYou are the God, of the, imposs-ible!Here, I, am, send me!
Ohhh, oh ohh!I dare to believe in incredible things.Ohhh, oh ohh!Cause you're the God of the impossible.
Ohhh, oh ohh!I dare to believe in incredible things.Ohhh, oh ohh!I'm ready to go, I'm ready to gooo-oh!
Here I am! Lord send me!I won't look back, cause I was madeTo be a part, of the, imposs-ible!You're God, of the, imposs-ible!
Here I am! Lord send me!I won't back down, cause I believeYou are the God, of the, imposs-ible!Here, I, am, send me!
Send me!(Send me!)Send me!
Here he is! At the airport! We're sending him off, with trust in God that we will meet again at the end of his mission. Peter hurt his pinky toe the night before, and it hurt to walk, so Wes gave him a luggage ride
Getting closer. Wes is our first missionary that has had all his siblings come to the airport (not by choice of our previous missionaries, it was our choice and cause of covid)
Checking luggage.
Ok! Well, that's the last thing... he needs to go through security now, so this is where we all say goodbye. A nice airport person took the group photo for us, then Wes gave hugs all around. Corey got a video that I shall try to remember to upload to his youtube channel. 
I was ok until I saw Corey crying, and Corey started crying as Wes gave Peter a hug and squatted down to explain to him again what was going to happen. "I'm going to go on my mission now, but I'll be back in two years when you are 7! It will feel like a long time, but I need to go teach people about Jesus and I'll come back and I'm going to be so excited to see you!" As Wesley talked, Peter stood very straight, nodding his head with his eyes very open and not blinking, like he was trying to take in and remember the instructions. Then we waved and he backed up and walked away.
We stood around for a few minutes, trying to see if there was anywhere that we could see people after they passed through security, but it was all blocked off. And then I decided I'd take Peter and we'd walk toward the security line to see if we could see him. He was just coming up to the turn, so Peter was able to sneak in one last hug!
And he looked a little sad as we walked out, but Peter's always had those tear drop Precious Moment child eyes
And then we headed home. Corey took ALS to school, I took NODPK home for breakfast and then they made it to safety patrol and to the bus in plenty of time. And then Peter had some hardship ice cream
We'll take it a day at a time. I was going through a bin of Wesley's discarded clothes and I found his SBO sweater in the pile. I'm going to keep that one for him to keep. I put it on cause it's cold in the basement. And Corey worked late tonight. So I went on a slow walk outside while I had the chance. Cried a little bit as I looked at the stars. A lot of emotions, it is a bittersweet day. We're excited for Wes. This was our last day being with Wesley the teen. He's going to come back a 20 year old and with a life's worth of experience in a short 2 years. He's going to do great things for the Lord. 

Monday, January 29, 2024

Last Meals

Wesley making Kodiak pancakes for breakfast has been a regular occurrence around here for the past year plus. Today was my last day to enjoy Wesley's protein pancakes with Peter. It's been a good year.

After a pancake breakfast, Wes and I didn't eat any more, so that we'd be hungry and ready for a night out. We were going to take everyone out to eat, like we did with Joseph and Hyrum (Mel and Ethan left during covid, so we went out to eat after Mel got home, but not Ethan since he arrived at 2 am!) BUT then we decided that, per Wesley's request, it would just be a dinner with the three of us. Yesterday I asked him if he'd rather everyone go out to eat, or just with Corey and I, and that's what he chose, cause he didn't want his last meal to be Chuck a Rama, haha. SO, yay, the tree of us it is! We kept ourselves busy finishing up last tasks. Wes was studying Spanish, and Katharine wanted to see...
She started to say the words with him - video here.
"Dios" Dos "Tener" She didn't try that one, or saber, but she got vida pretty good! And Dios again. When Abi and Lily got home, they all had ice cream. Wes decided to have just a little bit... 
Katharine was being so cute with her baby! The kids got home, we didn't have violin today (currently doing every other week) and there was a STEAM night at the school that the elementary kids wanted to go to, so plan of attack was: Corey be home at 5:15, we'd leave, Lily would stay here with Katharine and Peter, Abi was working for my mom, and Sophi would walk over to the school with NOD. Plan worked out great. We went to Bandits for dinner. I wanted sweet potato fries, so I ordered a side of that, which turned out to be a huge plate. They were good, and we ate the whole thing, but with each fry we were worried we were ruining our appetites for dinner. We took turns saying "I should stop..." as we'd picked up another fry and put it in the white fry sauce (munch munch). After we ate all of those, our meals were served! Wesley got a 16 ounce steak! That's a good last meal before Mexico. And also good prep for his mission in Texas!
(Sorry I got a photo of you chewing, sweetheart.)
Wes taking another bite of his steak. It's ok, cause the 16 oz of meat was properly balanced out by being accompanied by 6 pieces of asparagus.
I got my usual: the Farmer's Harvest salad with dressing on the side and with a skewer of shrimp added. My shrimp were overcooked on the bottom. I expressed my desire to ask for another skewer instead, and Wesley teased "Then you should probably stop eating those ones..." ha. I ate them all, they were crispy. It was a delicious meal, a good send off and possible "congrats on graduating!" meal. Too bad that The Roof is still closed. Early dinner, were all going to bed early, cause we have an early morning tomorrow! We ALL need to be up and shoes on and leaving here at 6 am, fun fun. Exciting day for Wes tomorrow!

Sunday, January 28, 2024

More Goodbyes

Wesley's first "goodbye for two years" was last week to Hyrum, before Hyrum headed back up to Rexburg. Today there were three more goodbyes as Wes said bye to Joseph, Melodie, and Ethan. 

They came up to see him and joined us for dinner (Orange chicken and Strawberry Shortcake!) and we had a good time visiting throughout the afternoon.
It's always a pleasure to have them here!
After a fun day together, the college kids prepared to exit, and we ended up staying by the front door and talking for another 20 minutes as they tried to share their last bits of wisdom - 

Ethan "If you wake up crying everyday, it's fine..." 
Corey said to Wes "Didn't you say one time 'I know I can do it if Ethan could do it'?" 
Ethan slightly downcast "That's so sweet... What does that mean!??!" Shaking his head "...no respect for me!"
Ethan "I hope you respect me more when you realize how bad it is out there. And I hope it's bad!! ...to an extent." I took a video to better document, but it's hard to hear. There's a bit of background noise from these little ones attacking Bella.

Ethan "Preach My Gospel says talk to everyone, but that like gave me so much anxiety! Do you know how many people there are at Walmart?! So plant seeds, say hi to everyone..." Joseph added "Follow the spirit, talk to people the Lord puts in your path, as you have time."
We just kept talking and laughing
They said all that they could reasonably say, without staying all night, and with that they gave final hugs - Mel and Wes seeing who could squeeze each other harder...
Then Ethan and Joseph got in on the group hug!
I can't remember if it was Mel or Wes that tapped out first.

So it's been a great day. Here is also a cute video of Katharine saying goodbye and blowing them kisses. We have Wes for one more full day, and we should be able to get the final things done, and then he heads out Tuesday morning. His flight is at 9:30, and it is international, so they said to be there 3 hours early. 6:30 am, yay! The little kids will miss having Wes around. We got a chuckle out of Katharine sleeping this morning. It looked like she passed out drunk!

I have been weaning her a little bit the past week - I'm trying to keep it to once a day, and once she accepts that, then I'll try to stretch it to every other day if she'll let me. I'll miss nursing, but it's about time to be done, so I'm cherishing these last few times that my baby is still my baby. 

Saturday, January 27, 2024

School Dance Dress Shopping

Abi is going to her first high school dance in ONE WEEK. She has searched high and low and far and wide for the right dress. But the endeavor has not yet been successful. She ordered one online early on in the month, and it looked so cute on the model... but I told her it was too risky, "You have to try it on! You can't tell by how it looks on someone else!" I learned that with a swimsuit experience years ago. And... after it arrived, she decided it didn't look good on her. It matched her skin tone too closely. She's been to the mall and lots of stores since and even tried thrifting for something, last night she gave up and got something from her friend Tara's closet. But then, as she walked around it in tonight, she had second thoughts again. She said she felt like a football player in it. She was in tears and Corey said that after she got home from GMS today, he'd help make dress finding happen. But then... I wanted to got to the temple with Wes, and we were going to go in the morning, but he kept having other things come up, so then we didn't leave until late, and that messed up the clothes shopping, cause now Corey had to stay with the kids if I was going to be gone. So he sent Sophi in his place, and I let Abi use my phone so she could use the maps to know where she was going. They searched, and she did buy a dress, not this one, but this one was my favorite of the photos she took with my phone. 

Colors is pretty, is a flattering style, that would have been good one, but I don't know how much it was, maybe that's why she decided against it? They didn't have much success with many of the others she tried... some looked like nightgowns... 
Other's made her feel pregnant, haha
Abi made me laugh with these two!
That one looks nice!
Not quite right color/pattern...
Dress shopping. The struggle is real. She did buy something at b̶öhme, but then said she's not sure and tomorrow wants to go try something from her cousin's Jordyn's friend. It's rough out there finding the right dress, I guess?
So Corey stayed home with the kiddos and Wes and I went to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple for the 6pm session, my first time doing a session there. Back at home, time for scriptures, and Peter falling asleep next to Wes for one of the last few times. 

His last weekend with us! He's excited to get going though. He said he doesn't quite feel like a missionary yet. It will be here soon enough!

Friday, January 26, 2024

Missionary Sushi Lunch

Wes and Wayne came over Wednesday night for dinner (spaghetti and meatballs with a greek salad) and Peter and Katharine loved playing with him. Then as they were upstairs playing legos, Wes mentioned that he'd like to come back here with Corey the next day. He wanted to spend the last moments he could with his two youngest siblings, even if it messed up some of his MTC time. So Wesley came home last night from Wayne's. We cleaned up a little bit in the basement this morning so that his district couldn't see the mess in the video call. I had figured he would come home tonight for date night and to spend the weekend with us and his last day before leaving, so this is a treat that he came home last night. We got an extra 24 hours with our missionary, yay! The internet reception in the basement wasn't great, so he had to use my hotspot some of the time today. Slightly inconvenient when I left my phone with him when I ran an errand this evening (had to go buy Sophi a present to give to her friend who had a part tonight) so I wasn't able to listen to podcast during that errand, so hard, I know.

Thankfully Peter and Katharine were good and didn't bother him during his calls. They will sure miss him!

I took advantage of Wes being here with us today by treating him and myself to a sushi lunch from Smiths. We shared with Peter and Katharine too. 

Good thing about doing this during the school day: we didn't have to share with all the other kids, ha! Not that I wouldn't like to share sushi with them, it's just that I would have had to buy a lot more to feed a crowd. And sushi gets a bit pricey. But enough for just the four of us wasn't bad. So check off one of Wesley's last food request: sushi  He's been a love of sushi for the past 4+ years. Tomorrow it's roast and potatoes, Sunday we'll have orange chicken again and strawberry shortcake for dessert, and then probably we'll all go out to eat Monday night before he flies out on Tuesday!

Tonight for our date, Corey and I went out to Fueled Kitchen. Abi and Lily took Corey's car to GMS, so I picked up Corey after I took Sophi to a friends house in Murray. Wes was our babysitter at home, and they played games and ate pizza. Joseph was at Wayne's house with Corey, and Corey and I took him to Sandy for a dinner. I had thought we'd to go Beaumont Cafe, but since we had to take Joseph to Sandy, I headed toward Aubergine since that was our favorite in the area. Usually the driver decides where our dinner date will be by where they drive the car, but after I parked and we were walking toward Aubergine, Corey said we should try something new, so we continued walking to a restraurant next to it - Fueled Kitchen. And sadly, it wasn't as good as Aubergine. So that will teach us to try something new! just kidding. It was fine, but we'll prob do Aubergine instead next time, like we usually do. Then we did an errand on our way home - went by Deseret Book to get a journal for Wes. They didn't have the colors he wanted though. He has the large classic journal, and they only had black, and he already has black. So I'm going to order the red, blue and ivory online and have them shipped to Texas after he gets there. I did like all the small journals they had at Deseret Book. Along with my book problem, I also have a journal problem. I probably have too many notebooks, but I would have walked out with a stack of these, if Corey hadn't been there to keep me in check. 

I loved how they had scripture passages and quotes from prophets and apostles on the covers. Two from the bottom shelf (the gray and green ones) Mormon 5:23 - Know ye not that ye are in the hands of God? and "Discovering who we really are is part of this great adventure called life." - Dieter F. Uchtdorf. Wes is going to have a great experience soon on his mission, and will discover more of who he is and of his great mission on earth. I love being a mom and enjoying time with my kids, big and little - seeing them learn and grow and become. I feel such joy and rejoicing in my posterity! Thank you Lord.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Dinner Out and Rearranging

Last night Corey and I were able to meet Bella's mom! We met for dinner at Gourmandise and had a really delightful time visiting. Lisa is lovely! 

We already think the world of Bella, she is awesome, and after meeting her mother, if Bella is anything like her mom, Ethan is really in for a wonderful life with her. We talked and talked about Ethan and Bella, and of our own experiences with life and marriage. Lisa mentioned how back when she got married (early 90s) she had a trousseau - a display of the table setting she was going to use in her home, and it was all set out with a placemat, a candle, the goblet and silverware - I thought that was a fun idea but I guess it died out in the 90s cause I'd never heard the word trousseau. I guess our culture has moved away from that, but I LOVE the idea of that - or something like a Hope Chest! BFF Nicole and I were talking about it today, I think that is something I'd like to get for my girls, to help them when they are in their teenage years, to think beyond the boys they have crushes on now, and to think more into the future of the wives and mothers that they want to become! Like, wouldn't that be fun? To make stuff that you're going to use to furnish your future home? Or to make/buy some baby clothes for your future children to wear? I guess that might go against modern feminist ideas that push women working more than women being at home, but I'm for ancient feminism! Women belong in the home! (Not necessarily the kitchen, haha... I don't love cooking). Anyway, there's a little rant. So, Bella is the youngest child in her family and the last to get married. And Ethan is our first! So with all of our inexperience, we're glad to have Lisa in charge of this with Bella, with all the experience Lisa's had with wedding planning. We took a selfie after dinner and as we ordered some desserts to go.

So one of Lisa's tips, for example, is instead of having a lunch after the temple sealing, do a dinner the night before! Cause they've had two weddings where everyone was late to the after temple lunch, one was caused by rain, which caused delayed photos, etc. It's just less stressful to have them separate, and that sounds good to us. We took some passion fruit cakes, an almond cookie, and a chocolate hazlenut mousse thing home to share with the kids. Sending their thanks to Lisa via a pic (Lisa treated us to the dinner and desserts) ~

The kids all got a little slice and thought it was so good! We got an almond horn, a hazelnut mousse, and a passionfruit mouse cake. The passionfruit one was our favorite! SO good - lightly sweet, creamy, and tart. They all wanted more, and I said for their birthdays we could get them one of those desserts. I wouldn't mind, someday, to take the birthday kid out for one of these decadent desserts instead of feeding them all the cheap not very good stuff from the local grocery store. Anyway, so that was really fun, and I'm thrilled excited to have an extra date night. This was our second extra date night in January! (Joseph's bday was the first extra dinner out).

Today at home I did more shuffling around. I moved Katharine's kitchen in the basement upstairs into the future girls room. So it's going to be: Abi, Natalie and Katharine in the largest room (former boys room/yellow room) and Abi is excited to have a larger closet and we're also going to bring all toys upstairs, so hopefully that will help us get rid of stuff no one uses. I was washing sheets all day and moving a few mattresses (Abi wanted to keep hers) and I moved the big Ikea 16 square shelf thing from Lily and Sophi's former room (purple room, was LSN in there) and that shelf is now in ANK's room to hold toys. The boys are moving into the purple room, so I moved their train table and legos in there and all the clothes, and washed all the sheets and stuff. And Sophi and Lily are in the small room where Abi and sometimes Katharine used to be. I think it will be good! Lots of work and sorting still to do. As I moved some of Abi's clothes over, Katharine found this shirt that Mel was wearing at the Dance party, and she picked it up and said "Mel! Mel?" looking around for her oldest sister. 

It was cute. I've been reading The Minimalist Home which I got from the library and heaven help me I am really trying my best to not order it on Amazon, cause I have too many books that I haven't read already, so I'm trying to just read and finish it (even though I really want to write notes in it!) before it's due back at the library. I decided I can keep a book notebook and write my thoughts and take aways in that! So, from my notes, here are a few of my favorite parts so far (through page 14): 

Minimalism isn't about removing the things that you love. It's about removing the things that distract you from the things you love. - Minimalism: the intentional promotion of things we most value and the removal of anything that distracts us from them. Not about living with less, it's about living meaningfully. - Optimizing: reducing the number of your possessions until you get to the best possible level for you and your family. - A thoughtful and deliberate reduction of your possessions load - A minimized home is a better place to come home to without all the clutter it's more relaxing and less stressful. Fewer things competing for your attention. Able to focus on people and activities. - A minimized home is a better place to go out from, less time and energy cleaning and organizing = more time for dreaming and planning the future. - Significance over stuff, contribute over consuming

And two quotes that Amazon said were most highlighted by Kindle readers: 1) For something to be necessary and help you fulfill your purpose and potential, it needs to be so useful, lovely, or meaningful that you must keep it. 2) So when we ask, Do I need this? we’re actually asking, Does this help me achieve my purpose or hinder me in that pursuit?

I'm hoping that having these thoughts and asking these questions will really help me as I sort through things. We have a lot - and Wesley packed his stuff that was important to him, but still left two huge bins of clothes and I don't know what else, so yay I get to go through that. Lots to do, good stuff.

Monday, January 22, 2024

First Day of MTC

Wesley headed over to his grandpa's house this morning to begin his first full day as a missionary. He left with Corey who was taking the high school kids for carpool. I had some boxed cereals and pb&j sandwich stuff ready to send with them to contribute to their work day breakfasts and lunches. Wesley was excited for the Frosted Mini Spooners, and after pouring his bowl, we joked saying "Wow! The Lord truly does love his missionaries!" 

Look at those double biscuits with thick sugary frosting! I've never seen such a frosted jackpot before!

Corey took a photo of Wes working for me. He had to be online for his first class at 7:30 am, cause his teachers and his district are on Mexico time. 

And as for us here at home, we had school and violin. Natalie stayed home feeling sick with an upset stomach, but she felt better this afternoon so she still went to her lesson. It made for a faster departure, not having to go over to the school. Today I worked hard rearranging the bedrooms. I only did phase 1, which was to start to move Katharine out of our room. Clothes, toys, blankets, shoes... I'm moving her into the current boys room, which will become Abi and Natalie's room soon. I haven't done diapers and wipes yet, but I might do those too. I didn't take many pictures today. Just at at home work day. I did go climbing during violin. That was fun, but not as fun without Wes, and also not as much fun when it's so busy (It's really crowded after school gets out.)

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Wesley Set Apart

Well, Wesley is officially a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! We took a family picture after he was set apart - all 15 of us for the last time for 2 years! 

Today is the last, but not because Wes is leaving (still have another week with him) but because Hyrum had to leave to catch his ride back to Idaho. When I saw these I said to myself "Darn it Owen!" He ruined the pic - pretending to be sad. Maybe he really is sad, but he's not that sad... but I guess he was true to form in performing his role as weird little brother. Another pic with just the kids - 

Katharine didn't want to be in this one (I had just woken her from a nap), so Corey had to hold her. As part of his official send off, Wesley spoke at church today. He did a great job sharing his testimony of  his experience testing the gospel - what he believes and why. He did great. He shared some of the experiences he's had the past 2 years with hockey and school. Many parents of youth in our ward came up to me and said it was so real and great and very helpful and relatable for their kids. 

We really have seen a miracle take place in Wesley's life. It's been a pleasure to be a part of it. Kinda (aka very!) stressful during the ride! Like even at the beginning of this month I didn't know how he would finish with school, but now that we've seen how it came to pass, it seems normal, but this truly was a nailbiter. We are feeling really grateful that he has launched onto this next chapter successfully. Wes is going to really miss Peter and cute Katharine at church (Natalie got my phone)

After sacrament meeting, I had to go teach our Sunday school class (possibly the last time since we both got new callings today) - my teaching partner was teaching today but she had to go for her husband being set apart in the bishopric. Plus she and I were also both sustained today to be in the Relief Society, and we were set apart for that right after Sunday school at 1. So I was glad that we had reasons why we needed to stay for the second hour, and I'm grateful that Corey's brother, Mark, saved the day by going to our house and getting food out and ready for guests who were coming over to visit with Wesley. I was able to come home after and made a salad, got to enjoy some of the Costco cookies, and had a fun time visiting with the Layton Hibberts. Neil had us all laughing hard, sharing some stories about when they were living with my Grandma and Grandpa Bahr - like grandpa scooting down the hall late at night, seeing him, and saying "Can't sleep! Might as well have some fun!" and serving himself up some cookies and ice cream. And sharing a few of their night time fights. "Is too! - Is not! - It is to! - It is not! - It is too! - FINE!"
My kids shared a story of when the water heater broke and Lily found herself screaming for help in a cold shower. And when Abi's brothers trapped her in the closet after a shower and turned off the light and started blasting Shia LaBeouf
We had fun visiting and sharing stories!
Wesley was set apart at 3:30, and we learned something unexpected there... Wes asked the Stake President if he can go climbing with me, and he said no, that it's not worth the risk. So darn - I thought we had one more week together but I guess last night was the last time! (sniff) Well I'm super glad we went last night! I didn't know that was our last time though. I think I'm more disappointed than Wes about that, but he's bummed too. Darn, oh well. We had fun visiting as a family, had orange chicken per Wesley's request, Joseph Mel Ethan and Bella all joined us for that, and we had a loaves and fishes miracle of having enough to feed everyone. Then we watched the video that Ethan made for Bella when he made his proposal official with the ring! It was such a cute video. Ethan is so talented! All of Ethan's younger sisters were jealous and want to be in love. (Lily and Sophi are super boy crazy!) It was really beautiful. Wes was upstairs playing legos with Peter during that, so we have to let him watch it before he leaves. Corey said "the gospel is for married lovers." Then college kids left, Wes packed up a little bit, Corey gave Wes a few tips for learning Spanish...
And Wesley starts MTC tomorrow morning at 7:30 am - cause it's on Mexico time. Corey will be taking Skyline carpool and Wesley in the morning, and Wes will be doing home MTC at Corey's dad's house for the next week before he leaves for Mexico next Tuesday. Exciting day, we are feeling very grateful. You will do great Wes! We're glad we have one more week with you!
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