Saturday, September 7, 2024

Window Shopping

Corey and I were a little slow getting out the door this morning, so we just took a short morning ride out to Corner Canyon. We took Sophi out for a birthday breakfast after we got back. Because of our late start, it was less of a breakfast and more of a brunch. As we drove, Sophi was trying to decide between Black Bear Diner and the Pancake House, I said I was totally fine with that, but I wouldn't eat and I was ok with that. She didn't want to go to Aubergine, even though they really do have a great breakfast menu. Then, since it was 10:15, and she wanted me to eat, she suggested Chuck A Rama. They opened at 11. That would work for me since they have enough options. So we went to Fashion place Mall to kill some time while we waited for the Chuck A Rama that is close to there to open. Corey let Sophi know that, according to Mars and Venus teachings, shopping in malls makes men feel tired. So she and I went into H&M, Bohme, and Journey's shoes, and Corey supported us from the corridors outside. We didn't get anything, but I did find out where to get Owen some Crocs. I also liked all the Sambas and Gazelle shoes - I guess I'm still the soccer loving teen I was in the 90s. 

There were also some cute butterfly Vans shoes that I think I should get to match my butterfly phone case and airpod case. 

Although if I were to buy some shoes right now, I think I'd want some grounding shoes. But that's a subject for another day. Ok, we killed enough time, off to Chuck a Rama for a hearty meal.

Group selfie

We enjoyed our meal, had a nice visit, then headed back home for a busy Saturday. The kids were doing their chores. I cleaned up a little bit in the basement and found the old chore boards, and got that set up for Peter to use. He's little and needs something little sized, and this has been working great for the past two days. 

Hyrum is leaving in a week, and I like the spreadsheet that he refined for us, but I'm struggling to get the ipad out and manage the kids - this has been working better for Peter and he's a little more independent with it, so I like this better for him. I'm also making a version for Owen and Daniel to use too. So the little boys can use this visual chore board in their bedroom, and the older and more self sufficient teenage girls can use the spreadsheet maybe? Peter doesn't mind (or hasn't noticed) that I haven't decorated it with his name or initial. I'll try to do that though - I could just get a photo of him and glue that on. 

Bulk Clean up is on Monday, so we spent a lot of time trying to clean up branches and pine needles in the back yard. I had made walls and barriers out of pine needles when we made our backyard track, so today we bagged up and hauled out a lot of those. I mostly wanted to bag up the big pile of stuff that we made when Mel was helping us clean, and as the sun was setting it was crunch time, and I texted Corey to see if he could come out and help me, and we worked speedily and got it done! I am glad. We also put out one of the basketball hoops, some sleds, a ramp that Wayne had made for JeNeal to get into our house, the bike trailer which had it's fabric and straps brake in several places recently, two strollers, and the high chair (I'm hoping someone who could use those things might come and take them?) and lots of branches and pine needles. Feels good to get stuff cleared out. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Sophi is 13!!

Happy Birthday Sophi! She had a busy day at school and with her friends and sisters after school was out. We were glad that we were able to see her this evening and share some birthday ice cream.  requested something chocolate and chunky, so we went with Chocolate Cookie Crumble from Kroger. That one is a family favorite that Joseph introduced us to years ago. 

The bday girls Sophi and Abi are going to a gem store with Wayne tomorrow, so that will be fun for them. My mom didn't text about when she was coming by. She probably just had a busy day, I'm sure we'll hear from her tomorrow. 

H took carpool for me today, then got the boys off to school. Corey and I took a quick ride out to Corner Canyon. I was on the funnest part (I call it Mario Cart) when Hyrum called and interrupted my music. I could hear him but he couldn't hear me, for some reason my airpods don't work when my kids call, so I had to stop and pull over and get my phone out and put it on speaker to answer his question. He was asking if Peter was allowed to ride his bike to school with Owen and Daniel. The answer was no. He's too little for me to be ok with that unless I'm there riding with him. So messed up my song, and he called again at the end of rush, but kinda silly for me to be angry about that, since I wouldn't even be able to be on a ride at ALL if he wasn't there covering for me at home. So I shall not rant anymore about Mapache being messed up by my kids calling. Got home after that ride, quick shower and change, then I went to get Abi at school. She and I were going to a viewing and funeral for one of our former neighbors and friends - Tyler Robbins.  

I don't have many memories of him, other than him walking through the house to go play with kids in the back yard. He was a friend of Abi, they were in the house next door to us to the east when we moved in. They moved to Arkansas 5 years ago, then moved back to Utah a year or two after that. In 2022 he was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia, which he beat after a bone marrow transplant in August 2023, but then his Leukemia later returned in April 2024 and he passed away last week. Just 16 years old. The funeral was a beautiful tribute but also obviously very sad, that someone so young had to suffer such a hard trial and die. No parent wants to bury their child. Both of his parents and his sister did share their hope and belief in God, that Tyler is with Christ and that Tyler lives on, that he is with them now in his spirit, and that they will see him again in the future when they pass on. I'm glad they have that faith. I don't know how people manage trials of life without hope in Christ that there is purpose behind these mortal experiences, and that "there are far far better things ahead than any we leave behind" (C.S. Lewis) AND those better things will last forever! As much as I would like to freeze time and not leave my babies behind, I trust that there are better things ahead for all of us as they grow. 
Hard for met to imagine anything better than cute babies and toddlers? Maybe babies are a part of forever? That will make it heaven for me! Even if they do get into our makeup. 
Corey found Katharine like this - apparently she got her eyebrows done. And we were pretty sure that she was the beautician herself. 
Abi's makeup was the victim of her creativity.
We just left her like that for this evening.  Wipes didn't get it off, but we'll get it off in a few when she takes a bath. Although I'm sure soapy bathwater won't get it all off, but coconut oil will take care of it.  We've all laughed and smiled each time we've seen her this evening, knowing that she thinks she looks so pretty. "Woooowwww Katharine! You look great!" We just think everything she does is cute. Oh we'd miss her so much if she were to go to heaven before us! We'll miss any and all of them when we have to say that momentary, yet feeling very final, goodbye. Praying for Dave and Lisa with the passing of their "baby" and youngest child, Tyler. <3

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Fall School Days

School is in full swing. Owen has been biking to school, I've been walking Peter to the bus stop, and Daniel goes out with all the bikers, but he's bookin' it on his rollerblades. He feels pretty cool and fast in those, and his teacher told me that his classmates are pretty wow'd when they see him skating up to the class line. I took a pic of him passing us at the bus stop. 

Carpool is going ok. We only have Churchill carpool on Tues and Fri mornings, so that's easy enough. We've been taking Skyline everyday though, cause at the moment there are too many kids for the Morgan boy that drives (7 kids don't fit in a sedan). Today, after it was just us taking Abi and Lily, I texted the moms, wondering where two other kids were that usually have been going with us. They are able to drive themselves now but not other kids cause of the 6 month thing for new drivers, but after that restriction is gone, Abi and Lily could carpool with them too. But since they (Stein and Jules) aren't going with the carpool, there is room for Abi and Lily with the Morgans. Abi wasn't thrilled with that. Abi would like to take a car everyday, but hasn't been able to cause Hyrum has been using it to go do yardwork at my parent's house. He's earning some extra money before school. We're still being a little spoiled by having him around in the mornings. Sometimes he helps get the boys out the door or takes carpool for me. He'll be here for another 10 days. He leaves for BYU Idaho next week on the 13th. Then Corey and I will have to reassess our morning biking outings. Yesterday I got the boys out, cause I only did a morning walk. Hyrum gets back at 1, so then I was also able to go up the canyon around 2:45 yesterday for a quick ride before taking O to trumpet. I parked at Grit Mill and went to Techy and back. I went pretty fast on the climb, so that was fun to get a medal emoji, yay! I got 2nd place for Up Mile 2 - 1.01 miles 14:12, AND 3rd for LCC Road climb, .79 miles in 8:42 (PR was 8:21 11/17/23). Usually we don't get any PRs or medals for the canyon, cause it's so close that we always do it, also maybe it's gotten busier so we have to slow down and stop for hikers and other bikers. When I got back from that, kids were home from school. Natalie was asleep with K - 
And Lily was there too, hidden under that heap of a black and white blanket.
I'm not great at having kids help after school. I guess I'm usually a softie and I feel bad that they've been gone all day and so I let them take a nap. Then I took O to trumpet, he has that every other week. Violin for S&N on Mondays is every other week too, for the moment, once again, as we try to make ends meet. Today was a good day at home. Played with K - 
And for my exercise I did lots of yard work. Bulk clean up is on Monday, so I have plans for us to spend time on Saturday moving lots of branches and bags of pine needles to the front yard for that. I haven't kicked cleaning in gear, but we're doing the basics with that. Excited to make progress on the yard, and to keep biking as the fall colors come. I'm also LOVING reading the Book of Mormon with the membership of the church. I've been feasting on that, and it's great. I've been spending quite a bit of time reading and don't feel bad about that one bit. I love spending time with God and his Word.

My bookmark from Wes, summer 2021. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Abi is 17!

Haha, when I just went to put in the title of this blog post, I accidentally typed a question mark instead of an exclamation point, made me laugh - "Abi is 17?" That is more accurate as to how Corey and I are feeling. Our little Abi is SEVENTEEN?!? Like... what is happening to life? It is passing by as a dream. As Kyle Hume sings, "The days are passing way too fast, how dare they? Life just ain't that fair" (When I Die). I'm glad that I believe that life with my family will continue and go on for eternity. Ok, but yes, Abi is 17! She is a lovely daughter and we are enjoying watching her grow and flourish. 

My mom came by to celebrate tonight - brought presents, cake & ice cream and a lovely bday card with a monarch butterfly. 
Corey and I took her out after she got home from school today, for an early dinner date. 
She had said yesterday that she was feeling like she wanted India House, but she changed her mind last minute as I was passing 13th east, so we turned to go to Aubergine. I didn't mind. I love India House, but I love Aubergine even more. It's my current favorite. I love the Better Earth bowl. Abi got the Tri Tip bowl, Corey the Salmon Mango.
And I think she had a good day. I've turned lazy/practical instead of putting effort into bdays and being thoughtful, which means we've just been giving cash. It worked good for Christmas, glad it's been working for bdays. Except I did get the little boys presents. Girls have all been ok with cash. And I like going out to eat. We started trying to do that with the college kids, and I think that's a tradition I'd like to keep with our kids and grandkids as they come along. Seems like I should be able to set time aside atleast once a year for a one on one conversation. So that's a goal. 

And now it's time for scriptures and brush teeth and bed. I'm got up before finishing this and found my foot file, that I use to try and smooth out my heels, and I accidentally left it down within Katharine's reach, which means she got a hold of it and licked it. She has this strange and totally disgusting habit of licking my foot file! This side wasn't finished, thankfully. Unfortunately, the other side was licked clean.
Gross gross gross! Katharine, why do you do that?!?! She's so weird! I think she finds it curious that it goes from white to black when she licks it. And apparently she doesn't mind the taste. I think she has enjoyed my reactions whenever I've caught her in the act, cause she gets a big smile as I laugh out of disgust and freak out. I shall try to keep it up away from her, but I did take that pic and shared it with her older siblings so they could laugh and be grossed out with me. And they'll probably use it to embarrass her later in life. 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Sibling Outings & WOW

It's 9 pm and the kids are still gone in Provo. I didn't expect them to be gone this long into the evening. We knew they'd be gone during the morning and so we took one more opportunity to do another long ride. We rode Wastatch Over Wasatch in Midway. 20.21 miles, 2890 feet, 3 HOURS and 32 minutes IN THE SUN. I wasn't expecting parking to be $10, boo. Next time we'll go to Park City for free parking and lots of shaded trails. But I'm glad we did WOW and checked it off. We started waaaay too late though - 10:30 by the time we were on the trail. I was dying in my long sleeved BLACK shirt. We didn't bring enough water for the 2+ hour climb either. Still trying to smile though. Took a BeReal.

Corey's wearing a very thoughtful biking "dad" shirt his sister got for him. I was thinking about water for most of the climb. We brought 3 small bottles but it was not enough for such a long climb in the sun. I missed the Little Cottonwood creek - if we were by there I could pause and get a drink, or I'd have been in shade and wouldn't be suffering like I was! I was praying to come across a stream. We came across a plastic water bottle that had a hole it in but was mostly full, I gratefully drank it and thanked the Lord for hearing my prayer and answering it in a way I didn't expect. Then I was looking for more waterbottles that other riders might have dropped. We checked Life360, kids were still in Provo, so we continued on. Up near the top (2485 meters) we did come across a little cool stream and I drank and drank. Hooray for living waters! I hope we don't get giardia or anything... It was a matter of life and death/extreme thirst and dehydration.
I was very grateful for the water - it was cool and clear. The ride from there was not steep, so we kept going until we arrived at the WOW Aspen Upper Trailhead. Yay, I'm red faced but we did it. Sitting to take a break in the shade for a minutes.

So it was fun, but I hadn't expected that ride to take the whole day. It did because 1) we had a late start and didn't leave home until 9; 2) there was the hour+ drive to Midway via Guardsman and 3) the bike ride was 3 1/2 hours. And I was slow again cause it was hot and the climb was brutal. Corey says I have earned a carbon fiber bike like his but we won't be getting it yet, but I've earned it! My thighs are seriously always burning and he's just fine, I'm saying it's cause I have a heavy aluminum bike. Then after it was all over, 4) there was a ton of traffic on the drive home over Guardsman. I was kicking myself that I didn't go to Park City or Midway, but we found around 6, as Corey was reading the new, that maybe I had saved us some time - there was a truck fire in Parley's Canyon around 11:15 am so traffic was all backed up on I-80 for most of the day, and only reopened at 4:30. So we didn't know it, but we were with all the smart people taking the short cut. 

After we FINALLY got home, we cleaned up our bikes and ourselves, I got a report from Hyrum - they played Super Smash Brothers' for a long time this morning while Ethan and Bella were at work. Then  after Ethan came back, they did more Smash with him, had lunch (chicken tenders and mashed potatoes). Before Ethan and Bella got back, H tried to help them clean up. They knocked over a wedding pictures and broke the glass when they were playing Wii tennis. Then off to walk aroung the BYU campus ~

A lot was closed though, so they didn't see too much. 

Sitting down for a break in the BYU Store.

There was a little seating area to watch some football stuff on a big projected screen.

Next stop was the Bean Museum, they were glad that was open. Selfie in the Bean Museum elevator ~
I appreciate Melodie being a good document-or of the days' events. The little kids thought everything was amazing, and the big kids like seeing the little kids' reactions. 
Ethan took a few videos of Katharine being very concerned for all the taxidermized animals that were being eaten - "He's SAD!!! He's sad!!" Ethan would say "why?" and K would just repeat it, then finally gave the reason for them being sad was "because he's sad." They took a photo of Peter and Katharine next to a grizzly bear because of the dream I had Saturday morning of P&K being eaten by two grizzly bears. 
Horrible dream that was. I texted Corey right after I woke up at 5:36 am, and I was not going to go back to bed and risk having that dream start again. So I texted Corey "I just woke up from the worst dream, Peter and Katharine were both eaten by two grizzly bears. I was out camping with them and for some reason they were in a tent and I was in a little cabin and didn't notice the noise or anything until morning. The bears were still there eating them, Katharine's body was gone but her little legs were still there hanging in her umbrella stroller. I was hoping it was a dream but it wasn't, I stared to run toward the bears to scare them away but then they started to chase me so I was running away sobbing and screaming. My dreams are the WORST!" When I saw that pic, I said that bear looked nicer than the ones in my dream - they were skinnier and had blood all over their faces, so yeah, I'm never letting them go camping.

Then Bridal Veil Falls. Girls had fun. 

They sent a few videos of that too. I'm glad they had such a fun time together. We just called them (8:30 pm) They were into a movie and still had 45 min left, we told H to be the bad guy and tell them they had to turn it off and needed to clean up and pack up cause they have school tomorrow, darn! Wish all days could be fun and free like today. I'm excited to give them a hug when they get home. I am going to open the door like Peter does. Whenever I come back from the store or something, if Peter is on the main floor, he will hear the garage and run over to the door and open it up, but not stand in the door, he just holds the door open and hides behind it as he waits for me to come in. It's really cute. 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sibling Sleepover

Corey and I are here in a quiet home. We've been in a still and quiet environment since 2pm when the kids all left to go down to Provo for a sleepover at Ethan and Bella's apartment. It has been strange and very nice, and we're thinking we should do this more often. I read my scriptures, made dinner for the two of us, then I took a nap on the grass which always knocks me out pretty hard. So yeah, it's been nice but we haven't been very productive, and that's ok. For this first time we're just adjusting from parenting chaos mode to living in calm mode. The kids have sent pics - and we've been following them on Life360. They went to Rock Canyon park and spent time outside - playing spikeball...

Little kids rolled down the hill...
took some silhouette pics. 
I'm kinda sad to not see what they are doing, but it would change it for Corey and I to be there. This is good for them to be able to have sibling time, and I know they are in good hands with Ethan and Bella and Mel and Hyrum too. 

Thursday, August 29, 2024


This morning Corey and I went on a long ride. Yesterday I decided that I wanted to go do Pinecone cause Corey said that I would like it (he did it with Kyle our last day at Park City). I decided yesterday to do it today because today is a Thursday (not a Friday/weekend/holiday) and it is the last day that's not a weekend that we have Mel around (she starts at BYU on Monday.) I didn't want to do Pinecone on a weekend cause Kyle said it's too busy "but on a weekday morning you should be good!" so I've been eyeing the calendar for a few weeks but it didn't work with reunion prep and kids and school and then Peter being half day last week - but this week seemed like an ideal time. And I left it until the last chance, but that's usually how Corey and I fly - just taking care of the current fire that we need to put out! So I texted Corey yesterday that I was going to do it, and he said he wanted to come. We woke up the high school kids and then left everyone in Mel's capable hands. We left home at 6:30 for the drive up to Park City. There were only like two other cars in the parking lot when we got there, sweet. It was a good ride - we took Armstrong up, to Mid mountain, then took that south to Pinecone, and that was a long ride, but it was good! Nice and shaded, we saw 5 other bikers on the climb. We got to the top of  Crest - and it was a longer ride than getting dropped off at Guardsman, but yay we didn't have to do Puke hill! Ha, I think that's worth it. There was a big group of people from New Zealand up there and we asked one of the guys to take our pic - 

I had hoped to have more of the mountains behind us, but oh well. Before we started out descent, Corey left a message for Wes about the struggle of climbing and learning to keep working even when you're tired. Even if the climb isn't that fun, you're getting stronger. 
The ride down was really fun! Pinecone was really fast and flowy and there were no people on the really fun part in the pine trees. There were 4 bikers (two groups of 2) coming up on our descent on the other side of Pinecone Ridge, but it was good - we didn't have to pull over that much. It went by super quick though. Kinda crazy how long something can take to climb and how quickly it can be descended. We were back at Midmountain before we knew it, then took that south until we got to CMG. I got 19 achievements, and it was my biggest climb! - My strava said 3065 feet elevation, Corey's was 3206. We joke that he has the male version of Strava and it let's him get better numbers in elevation, times and  overall stats. 

So finished our ride at 11, got back home at 11:40. Ate a bowl of berries and protein powder, bath, read my scriptures until I got tired, then took a short nap to finish taking advantage of having Mel home. Lily had an audition for the Soundhouse, Mel took her down to that. Kids are home from school now, 6:30, Mel's making her specialty Brazilian rice and beans for dinner, yay, and I'm here at the kitchen table typing. I'm surprised that I'm able to focus here and the kids actually have been leaving me alone! Which reminds me a reel I saw today (wasting a little bit of time on Instagram after watching a link from Joseph) - there were some little ducklings following their mom, then she dives down under the water and disappears, they are looking around confused, then she pops up in another spot, and they all quickly swim over to her again. Once they reach her, she dives under again, that was repeated 3 times and it said "My kids when I tell them that I need a minute...." haha, they just want to love on us when we want to be left alone. K is like that with Corey!

Another funny think Lily shared with me was this, it really made me laugh - cause this is me, ha!

but reality is... and then it shows Ursula saying "No Talking, Singing... ZIP!" with that little pop of her lips at the end, haha

I often joking/not joking tell the kids (when they are laughing after 10:30 pm) "Hey! Stop it! NO HAPPINESS! Go to bed!" This week has mostly been a lazy week. I think I've been recovering from everything - a few months of weddings and receptions and summer and the reunion. I'm glad that I'm finally here blogging, cause I have a lot to catch up on. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Can't Get It Goin'

I'm on my 3rd day of recovering. Other than a morning bike ride with Corey, I have been in a very passive state. Yesterday I didn't do anything... Katharine got my phone sometime during the day at my desk. She's upgraded from photos of feet and got her face in one! 

But still got her feet too. 
She is definitely a girl. She changes her clothes several times a day, she loves pink, flowers, and shoes. She's a cutie. Today I did go to the temple around 4 so that was good. On my drive there I was thinking of Nate Bargatze's pancake joke as he was wondering "What is up with me TODAY?!?! I can't get it goin'!" Might have been the leftover ice cream sandwiches from the walkabout Sunday that I helped myself to a few too many of... I kept listening on my drive there and home, he's really funny. My friend Alisha came by today. We saw each other for the first time in years last Friday night at the Utah Royals came, and of the many things we talked, she asked me about butterflies! She said she's seen some of the things I shared on facebook and has been wondering where I order my monarch eggs or caterpillars from and I told her I find them in my yard and told her to come by. I texted her today and she did come by to see how my milkweed looks - she has a place in her yard where she might try to grow them, but her yard was so pretty and she obviously takes good care of it, so she was wondering how they look fully grown, so she can plan. I gave her a few pods that are mature and 4 caterpillars - I had 3 on hand and one that we found as we were outside looking for eggs and talking about milkweed. Mel was a little sad cause she wanted one to take to BYU, so when I was out with Katharine (taking her over to the neighbors playset) I looked at the milkweed on the way and was glad to find one for her. I'm glad I found one, and am glad I don't have anymore for me. I might be going through a change cause I am wanting to pass them along rather than keep them here. Again, I might be in recovery mode and don't want any more responsibilities than necessary, not even caterpillars. I did lay on the grass for a bit and read a book. And I had my feet on the grass for an hour tonight at the Salad Social with neighborhood ladies. After sneaking to the temple for initiatories at 4:30, I went by the store for some cucumbers to make a Greek Salad for the salad Social. Sophi and Lily in the back with their friends - 

We had a great turn out, it was nice to visit with everyone, and I love the berries and poundcake and cream concoction that the Morgans make. I went back for a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th helping of that. 

The book I was reading yesterday was the one that first introduced me to grounding/earthing. It's called "Health Revelations from Heaven and Earth: 8 Divine Teachings from a Near Death Experience" And as I continued reading, I shared with Wes some of the things he said about being positive from and it had some insights that I thought were good and I sent Wes a few messages. He's been a little discouraged about things, totally normal for a missionary. I'm not sure if the things I said were helpful though. Corey always sends the kids good stuff. Wes asked about how he can know which thoughts are even his own?? I sent him a few photos of pages from the Light of Christ book, pages 36 - 43. In that book John Pontius says there are 3 voices in a normal healthy mind: 1st - You yourself (usually is asking questions and seeking), 2nd - the devils minions (nearly always stated as absolute  and lead us away from truth) and 3rd - the Holy Ghost (quiet commands and promptings to believe, serve, bless, pray and repent) 

Speaking of Wes, here is one final thought for today (and now that I think of it, maybe part of my being in a funk and struggling this past week is in regards to this...) So a few weeks ago we got a bill from the Hendrick Medical Center in Abilene Texas for Wesley's endoscopy (statement dated Aug 4) for $4500 freaking dollars. $4546.41 to be exact. I was like just so mad - like WHY can they just do something and send you a bill without giving you a heads up of "oh by the way, if we do this, it is basically going to cost as much as a car"?!?!? When Wesley first started having problems choking on his mission and his mission nurse and some mission area doctor, who is a retired gastroenterologist, recommended he get checked out cause they didn't want him to choke and die, and we don't want that either. They suggested he come home to get it done, but that would have been atleast a week hanging out at home to come for an appointment before hand and maybe a follow up after, and we didn't want his mission to be disrupted like that, and we have a $18000 deductible anyway that we are not going to meet, so we'd be paying out of pocket for this ANYWAY, so we said we'd prefer he get it done out there. I guessed it would be like $2000. In June the mission nurse HAD gotten a quote for us before hand and said it would be $400 for the endoscopy! That sounded too good to be true but I was like "sweet!" but I was still ok when they said it was actually also another $300 for an office visit before the procedure. That's still good and over $1000 less than what I expected. Procedure was Jul 5, and now in August come all the bad news from bills. And he had called on July 5th on the day of his procedure saying that we had to pay another $700 something and I was like "Allright, whatever, here's the credit card number..." so we paid $737.30 that day, and now $4546 more - total bill for the medical clinic is $5283.71. I felt some despair when I told Corey about it when it came, but he wasn't ready to try and put out that fire, he said to give him a few days. I called them last week to see what they could do, they said that we can get a 24 month plan for $189.43 a month, plus 20% off of the balance when/if we decide or are able to pay off the rest of the balance. So that seems like our best way forward. I reminded him about it tonight, and Corey will get back to me tomorrow about what we'll do about it. I felt and feel so helpless. Why can they do that? Is it cause hospitals assume insurance is paying for it?? So they just rack it up as high as they want? I was so discouraged, but have been trying to wait on the Lord. He is my God and I have a covenant relationship with him, and he has promised to fight my battles. Oh my gosh I almost forgot that that scripture is from Exodus 14:14!! (14 is my lucky number)

 The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.

So I've been trying to hold my peace, striving to wait on the Lord to help us, to give us more credit, or maybe help Corey's project to take off and succeed, anything... Lord, does your hear us?? Are you aware of our burdens and trials as we try to raise this large family with all their needs and all the things we want to do to help them opportunities and experiences we are trying to give them? We have other bills for it too: We've paid $700 to the doctor (I thought that was it, cause I thought the procedure would be done in the doctors office/clinic? I obviously don't know what an endoscopy entails...) so I was a little surprised, but not surprised just bummed, when we ALSO got a $474 bill for pathology - ugh.... and then this week a $258 bill for the anesthesiologist, also knowing that the Hendrick Medical Center bill minimum of $1515 was/is due tomorrow. So with all that backstory, that was on my mind on our ride this morning, and I reached into my pocket to take a screen shot of Lily Anderson's captioning from her podcast 4.35 for Helaman 1-6:

"If I build on the rock of my Redeemer, I will not fall. We just have to hold tighter and tighter to Christ in times of craziness, in times of misery, in times of confusion, when our hearts are breaking, we hold tighter to Christ." 

That's what I'll do when I'm struggling, when I can't get it goin', when I'm in a funk - I will hold onto CHRIST and trust in HIM. We will go forward into the Red Sea or across the Jordan River. 

Monday, August 26, 2024

Reunion Recovery

Hello! I'm at violin, the girls' first lesson this academic year. I would like to start violin again. I have been mia since Katharine was born. She's 2 now and mostly plays nicely by herself or I can let her watch a leap frog video for a bit... Maybe I'll make a schedule for myself, cause I think I should be able to practice atleast 30 minutes. Natalie is now where I was when I stopped two years ago (end of book 2). Sophi's vibrato is sounding amazing and I'd like to not be left in the dust by these two, but perhaps my time to practice should have been when I was 12 and it's too late for me. 

Sophi was not feeling well this morning - I think cause she ate too much junk last night at the walkabout. She gets sick when she eats too much sugar, wish I had that problem. I told her NO MORE JUNK FOOD for her, or if she does it some, she can just have one! No more over doing it in the carefree moments and then skipping school the next day. She and Natalie both missed their first 3 class periods. Sophi cause of a stomach ache, Natalie because she slept with Katharine, and K was kicking her all night. Here is how they were sleeping when I woke them up this morning - K had pestered Natalie so much that N gave up and moved to the floor.

Katharine will take turns sleeping with whichever sister she fancies in the moment. Usually it's Abi. Sometimes it's me. If it's not me, then one of the first things I do in the morning is go find where K ended up to make sure she's ok. Here she is sleeping with Abi yesterday morning.
And on the floor of her room on the 22nd. K with her face down - haha, looking super exhausted.
Lily said she's learned to be careful cause once she jumped off of her bed (on the top/third bunk) and almost landed on Katharine. I slept with K on her bed once recently and after a few minutes of trying to settle in, she said "I sleep floor..." so we moved onto the floor. It's easier for me to sneak away on the floor than laying on a mattress. So, violin was good. Natalie finished this puzzle.

She usually works on puzzles. Ms Amy has a board to put them on, and they just slide it under her sofa until the next week. Today is Peter's first day of all day kindergarten. Last week was a half day warm up, so I hope to make time to blog. I plan on catching up on the happenings of the past several months. 

Our 30th High School Reunion was this past weekend. A lot of things were similar to our 20th in 2014, like running out of food. It wasn't as bad as 2014, but I think we shouldn't tip our caterer - the servers were not that good at keeping things stocked and we had people waiting quite a bit for food and plates. I'm also crunching numbers for how many people actually came out, and trying to finish up finances and reimburse everyone. I think we are going to break even, so yay that is good. Yesterday I took a long nap in the backyard on a blanket on the grass. I  took an hour ride this morning, then another nap this afternoon - I think I'm recovering from the reunion and maybe the weddings too? Maybe I'm just taking advantage of these last few days of having Mel home. Katharine got the better of us today - got into Abi's makeup and gave herself some nice eyeshadow all over face.

And she also got into a bunch of embroidery floss and beads in Sophi and Natalie's room. Hopefully they'll all learn to keep stuff locked up or put away up high if it is important to them. 
It will just be me and K after Mel and Hyrum leave for school. I hope that I've recovered and am able to hold my own, or I hope that this little girl goes easy on me!
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