Well, we've survived the weekend. Things are good with the house. The "mortal experiences" we are having right now are that Corey's car is STILL not back, so freaking stupid. It's been at Tanner's Transmission for EIGHT WEEKS. We're kinda giving up hope that we'll ever get it back, so maybe we're coming to terms with our loss, or just having all of our expectations disappear. Another trial is that K is sick with a fever. She had a fever and wasn't feeling great yesterday and has continued to be clingy and needed extra love today. K has slept with me in our room since she is not feeling well. Her fever went away yesterday after some tylenol, but then was really high again tonight - 103.7. Gave her more tylenol and she's sleeping now.

Cute little thing. As for the rest of the kids, we're doing good at having them "get to work!" For example, Natalie asked to go to Macey's after school with her friends yesterday, but I was able to say no without guilt because she did had not practiced everyday. HA! They have to do their stuff to have privileges! We are starting to enforce consequences, go team. We have not been enforcing consequences for kids or ourselves for a while. For example, I'll go on a ride even if I haven't earned it (sometimes I do it to help me try to get goin') but yesterday I had done all of MY stuff, so I got to leave and enjoy my privilege, which was to go on a ride. It took me 1 hour 22 min to make it to the ruins, and I collapsed and laid down on the snow once I got there, from feeling sluggish. I didn't collapse from exhaustion, cause I wasn't exhausted, but I did feel heavy. It felt sooo slowww today, but I like being in the mountains. Looking up at the sky as I lay down.

Thumbs up, ready for the decent.
Corey and I went to Aubergine for date night and he had a good work day too. Abi doesn't have GMS on Friday evenings or Saturday mornings anymore. She didn't get good grades and was absent for a lot of her required classes, and after being sick on the plane to Florida, she used that opportunity to get Corey's sympathy and got out of it. She wrote a letter to them and she's done. It's nice having her home in the morning and to not have any run-around to do. With Abi and the older girls at home, Corey and I were able to sneak away to go climbing even thought it was later than I wanted. I told Corey 8, but we didn't get out the door until 10. Climbed from 10-12. I probably shouldn't take a BeReal when I'm belaying... but I did.

This was my 500th Strava activity today, yay for me! I'm in the top 1%! I took a screenshot and texted it to the kids to brag. "I'm an elite athlete!"
Hyrum replied "You're a middle aged woman with 13 children. Looks like I need to start working harder..." haha, that made me laugh. Before we left, I got the chore board set up with chores written out for the kids. Daniel ready to do some amazing ninja style.
Corey was more responsible with his BeReal - took it at home with cute K when she was feeling a little better earlier in the afternoon. Corey's been taking BeReals lately, cause Melodie said she likes it.
And Corey is interested in posting cause he wants to see what Mel is up to!
Looks like she's having fun with a certain someone at a BYU basketball game tonight. Go Cougs (We like Christian).
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