Yesterday after I came back from running a few errands, Corey took Peter & Katharine to McDonald's to play at the playplace. Oh, Natalie tagged along too.
Today K wanted to go to the slide again. I guess we could have gone to a park, but instead I brought a part of the kids slide inside. K was happy with this option.
Peter thought it was fun too, because it made a place to hide! Lol. It's been a nice simple day. I like fasting. I've been productive and I like not having to cook. Corey is in charge of FHE tomorrow, and the kids said we should all go to Leatherby's. No thanks. When I'm fasting, I feel so good that eating that kinda stuff does not sound desirable at all. But it sounded good to Corey! We've been fasting since 1pm yesterday and he was feeling hungry. But Leatherby's would be too expensive, so he's planned a FHE where we could be the chefs and make the hamburgers, fries, and milkshakes. The kids are all excited, me not so much, but that's ok.
Yesterday Corey and I went climbing in the morning at Millcreek. We did 9 climbs, and my favorite one from that session was our last one, an orange 5.10c. I thought we had tried it before, but now I can't find record of it. I thought that last time I went up a little bit, it was too hard, so then I moved left and did the blue 5.8 right next to it. This was our last route today so we were both pretty tired. Corey took a few breaks so I was watching him thinking it would be hard and that I prob won't be able to do it. But as I started, I just figured I'd do my best and it was ok to move over at any time. Surprisingly, I was able to keep going and totally impressed myself cause I totally sent it! I had to yell and breathe heavy but I was able to do all of it, even get over the buttress! Corey gave me bones, he was impressed too! Then we were done, but he went up to the gym for a second and since I was feeling confident from the dopamine from that last send, I tried the red V3 boulder again and I got it! Corey's BeReal ~
So that was fun. Today Corey taught Sunday school and did an amazing job, as always. We're pretty spoiled cause we get awesome lessons and insights like that from him every night at family scriptures. I shared my testimony about repentance. The Follow Him Podcast this week (for sections 3-5) with Robert Eaton was really great. They talked about how Joseph Smith was schooled by the Lord in the first principles and ordinances of the gospel. For example, the faith he had as he prayed and received his first vision, and how his faith developed over the next 4 years as he kept going forth without more manifestations. Also, how he really learned about repentance and the miracle of forgiveness with the experience he had when the Book of Mormon manuscript was stolen. Then I also shared how this past month I've been working on a little repentance each day as I scrub the floor grout with one magic eraser a day. We can become clean as we let Christ work on us a little bit each day. I also imagined last week that it's like I'm preparing my home to receive a thorough cleaning inspection by Jesus Christ. I'm grateful for this time to prepare and work to present to him a house of Faith, Fasting, Prayer, Learning, Glory, Order, a house of God! (Yeah, I typed those up without looking at the scriptures (D&C 88:119)! I have them memorized!)
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