She loves eating red peppers too, she's such a healthy little person.
We are having our Halloween festivities tomorrow. We got each of the kids a small Lego toy at the AutoMercado today. I'm wrapping those up and going to put them at their doors for them to see when they wake up so they can play with it tomorrow all day (rather than give it to them when we go trick or treating from bedroom to bedroom tomorrow night - cause if I wait till then they won't have much time to play with it, since it will be bedtime and then Church Sunday morning.) Happy Halloween! I'm so glad we are not having a ton of Halloween Candy to deal with this year! (Aren't I such a party pooper) and the kids have made their own costumes, much cheaper than the $100+ I spent on costumes last year (I'm such a tight wad too). And I didn't have to decorate anything (the kids might do that tomorrow too - (having a door decorating constest before we trick or treat) I think this will be my most favorite Halloween yet!
I love that the tomato is almost as big as her head!!!