Thursday, November 30, 2017


So, this past holiday weekend on Saturday, Corey took the kids on an outing. They went to Momentum. They had a great time. I finally got a few of the pictures from Corey's phone, but it's taken me like all friggin morning cause there are 267 photos and videos! That takes me forever to filter through! So, these might not actually be the most important or best pictures that capture the event, but I'm tired of looking and it's taking too long. (It was going to take 68 minutes to transfer the pictures! and then 30 minutes into it, it crashed cause it said it was an unrecognized file or whatever, so they didn't save. So then I had to go through and transfer them in smaller sets, anyway, I was getting frustrated... Ok, enough about that) - Corey said it was great and that I would have loved it - seeing the kids working together and helping and supporting each other - Wes and Ethan holding the ropes for Natalie and Lily as they climb up on the wall -
Go Natalie, go!! I bet that was fun to watch her, such a little kid doing such a big kid thing.
She liked it, especially letting go and pushing off the wall to slowly float down. 
 down down down...
Caught by Abi!  
Lily back at the bottom, how was it? Pretty fun, right? Yay
Abi and Wes getting ready to go or something.
Corey took some of the pics and videos, which in focus and centered.
I think the other principle photographer of this outing was Lily (cause there were a lot of selfies from her)
Ethan and Hyrum going up the wall.
Wes helping Sophi harness up
Corey supporting Eth
Natalie watching, waiting for another turn.
Wes still tying knots...
And she's ready to go! This is fun! I'm up so high!
Sophi almost at the top!
Wes spotting Sophi - spotting isn't the right word... there's a different word for it in rock climbing, kids, fill me in, I can't remember what it is...
Corey just filled me in - "belaying". Wes is belaying Sophi. And he said you have to be 12 to belay. So Abi and younger never belayed anyone, just the big brothers and dad had to do that hard work. 
And this is the photo that let Corey know it was about time to wrap it up -
Once little girls are clinging to his legs and sitting on his feet, it's time to move on. He took them out for a treat. Waiting by watching something on Ethan's phone..
Fries and Frosty's = a happy place for kids.
Although this might mean they aren't going to eat much of my vegetable soup when they get home...
It would be fun to get a family pass to Momentum, cause Sophi's been asking about going again every day. And I know the older boys would like to go more often. That would be fun, we'll see what we can do.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

For The Animals

Today Ethan stayed home from school. He went to bed early last night cause he was feeling ill. When I woke him up this morning he still felt sick and tired and just couldn't get out of bed, so I let him sleep, and he slept until 11:30. He called me at 11:30 asking where I was. I was at Study group. Our discussion today was on The Ten Commandments. Among the things that came up during the discussion was hunting, and someone shared this excerpt by President Kimball in his October 1978 General Conference talk titled "Fundamental Principles to Ponder and Live"

Now, I also would like to add some of my feelings concerning the unnecessary shedding of blood and destruction of life. I think that every soul should be impressed by the sentiments that have been expressed here by the prophets. And not less with reference to the killing of innocent birds is the wildlife of our country that live upon the vermin that are indeed enemies to the farmer and to mankind. It is not only wicked to destroy them, it is a shame, in my opinion. I think that this principle should extend not only to the bird life but to the life of all animals. For that purpose I read the scripture where the Lord gave us all the animals. Seemingly, he thought it was important that all these animals be on the earth for our use and encouragement. 

President Joseph F. Smith said, “When I visited, a few years ago, the Yellowstone National Park, and saw in the streams and the beautiful lakes, birds swimming quite fearless of man, allowing passers-by to approach them as closely almost as tame birds, and apprehending no fear of them, and when I saw droves of beautiful deer [feeding] along the side of the road, as fearless of the presence of men as any domestic animal, it filled my heart with a degree of peace and joy that seemed to be almost a foretaste of that period hoped for when there shall be none to hurt and none to molest in all the land, especially among all the inhabitants of Zion. These same birds, if they were to visit other regions, inhabited by man, would, on account of their tameness, doubtless become more easily a prey to the gunner. The same may be said of those beautiful creatures—the deer and the antelope. If they should wander out of the park, beyond the protection that is established there for these animals, they would become, of course, an easy prey to those who were seeking their lives. I never could see why a man should be imbued with a blood-thirsty desire to kill and destroy animal life. I have known men—and they still exist among us—who enjoy what is, to them, the ‘sport’ of hunting birds and slaying them by the hundreds, and who will come in after a day’s sport, boasting of how many harmless birds they have had the skill to slaughter, and day after day, during the season when it is lawful for men to hunt and kill (the birds having had a season of protection and not apprehending danger) go out by scores or hundreds, and you may hear their guns early in the morning on the day of the opening, as if great armies had met in battle; and the terrible work of slaughtering the innocent birds goes on. 

"I do not believe any man should kill animals or birds unless he needs them for food, and then he should not kill innocent little birds that are not intended for food for man. I think it is wicked for men to thirst in their souls to kill almost everything which possesses animal life. It is wrong, and I have been surprised at prominent men whom I have seen whose very souls seemed to be athirst for the shedding of animal blood.” (Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed., Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1939, pp. 265–66.) 

One of the poets stated in this connection: 
Take not away the life you cannot give, 
For all things have an equal right to live. 

—and I might add there also, because God gave it to them, and they were to be used only, as I understand, for food and to supply the needs of men. It is quite a different matter when a pioneer crossing the plains would kill a buffalo to bring food to his children and his family. There were also those vicious men who would kill buffalo only for their tongues and skins, permitting the life to be sacrificed and the food also to be wasted. 

When asked how he governed so many people, the Prophet Joseph Smith said, “I teach them correct principles, and they govern themselves.” We look to the Prophet Joseph Smith for proper teaching. He said once: “We crossed the Embarras river and encamped on a small branch of the same about one mile west. In pitching my tent we found three massasaugas or prairie rattlesnakes, which the brethren were about to kill, but I said, ‘Let them alone—don’t hurt them! How will the serpent ever lose his venom, while the servants of God possess the same disposition and continue to make war upon it? Men must become harmless, before the brute creation; and when men lose their vicious dispositions and cease to destroy the animal race, the lion and the lamb can dwell together, and the sucking child can play with the serpent in safety.’ The brethren took the serpents carefully on sticks and carried them across the creek. I exhorted the brethren not to kill a serpent, bird, or an animal of any kind during our journey unless it became necessary in order to preserve ourselves from hunger.” (History of the Church, 2:71–72.)

So I looked up that talk above after I got home, then I got on a vegan tangent on Youtube. Ethan was my captive audience today (last week was Hyrum) and Eth watched this compilation of Vegan things with me, cause he was in the kitchen eating, ha! He agreed it was sad all the animals that die and also said "Humans are jerks." At minute 48 there, a man who is a holocaust survivor and he compared how the slaughter house shows a disregard for life the same way the Nazis did - hearts of cows, hooves, and other body parts all neatly stacked. Both the meat and animal industry use a highly efficient and dispassionate process and seem to feel no guilt about what they are or were doing. It is a long video, so we didn't see all of it but it stayed up on my computer and I'd get in another 10 minutes here and there. Ethan turned it on again tonight when I was washing dishes. I listened, and Lily came in and watched when an alligator got killed and it reasonably made her really sad. Sorry Lil. I didn't mean for you to see that. She then went over to the computer where she typed up then printed about 40 of these. She meant to do 5, but didn't think the printer was working, but it's just slow, so she accidentally printed 40. Cute girl. She wants to put them around the neighborhood. Become Vegin!
Tonight I finished watching it, it showed a clip about ostrich bags, which led me to this peta ostrich video. I feel really bad about the ostrich farms - and for a $4000 hand bag?!? Really? Poor creatures. and of course they show us the adorable baby ostrichs, so sad. Poor sweet little things. If I ever see some one with one of those bags, I might try to nicely inform them and encourage them to really think about where it came from and the animal that died for it. Although, in a near death experience book I read a few years ago, the guy died and his spirit was walking through the hospital and went into a doctors office. As his spirit walked through the leather sofa in the office, he was able to know in an instant the cows it came from, where they lived, their whole existance. Same with the trees that made the wood desk he walked through. He was told that the animals and trees were glad that they were able to be of use to the children of God. And I think it could/should be okay to use them a little bit, but me thinks it's gotten a bit out of control in our world. And I don't know why animals being used for shoes, car interiors, etc hadn't registered in my aspiring vegan head. We have a few leather things around here, but now I'm going to go for only purchasing plant-based items. "Vegan fabrics" - I didn't even know that was a thing until today. You learn something new every day.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Holding Owen

Here's a little story about little boys that happened today. Daniel and Owen were watching Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood this morning in my room. Daniel decided to take a little nap. Since Daniel is so squishy and soft, Owen decided to use his little brother as a pillow.
You are cute little guys, but Daniel, you don't look like you're very comfortable to me.
I picked him up and he slept through the short transition to a pillow on the floor. Owen wanted to stay by him though, so he hopped off the chair and rubbed Daniel's hair.
Then Owen laid down next to him. Owen was being super sweet.
After Daniel woke up from his nap, he found a little blue bouncy ball to play with. Owen wanted it. I defended Daniel's right to play with it and stopped Owen from taking it. Seriously, Owen always takes stuff away from Daniel. Pretty easy to take candy from a baby. (Or take a cookie or a toy...) Owen does not know how to share, unlike Natalie. Maybe that's why I was surprised that Natalie didn't protect her candy on Halloween (at 1:05), cause most of my little kids would not have shared so easily. Cue Owen freaking out over this ball - he was ticked off at me big time. Usually I let Owen have his way I know Daniel is pretty chill and will be okay in 10 seconds and I know Owen freaks out and don't want to deal with him being upset. But I guess this time I just felt like Owen needs to learn. So I took Daniel downstairs with me and we left Owen in my room, free to come down if he wanted or not. Owen stood at the top of the stairs and screamed bloody murder at me. Corey was home. Corey tried to help him. After Daniel lost interest in the ball, I tried to get it for Owen to have a turn, but wouldn't you know Daniel bounced it I didn't know where so it's lost. It's probably under the stove. I looked around on my hands and knees. No luck Owen, we're just gonna have to figure out how to make due! He was still freaking out.

After 15 minutes of Owen wailing, Corey decided he should get back on the clock. So I took Owen. And boy was I asking for it. He started screaming and screaming for Corey. I'm starting to see some similarities between Owen and Hyrum when he was little - Hyrum scared of the silliest things (ocean waves, dogs) Owen is afraid of dogs big time. And afraid of my mother. And of fluffy milkweed seeds. Also, I think Owen, like Hyrum in this classic family story, didn't even remember what he was upset about, only that he should continue to writhe and scream. So, I took Owen upstairs. I was kinda laughing. Maybe my heart was soft cause he had been such a sweetie earlier that this didn't bother me. Or maybe it's that my PMS was gone this morning and I was happy that I didn't wake up irritable or wanting to punch everyone in the throat. So I took Owen upstairs and put him in the hold. I think this was my first time ever doing the hold and continuing the hold until the fit was over! It was such a triumphant feeling! He screamed for 20 minutes but I held his arms and legs so he couldn't get away and I kissed him over and over. I was also glad that I was able to hear over Owens screams and listened to a great BYU devotional talk about Zion by Pres Worthen. So good. Owen finally just gave up and yay! I kissed him more and told him what a good boy he was and that I loved him. Natalie took my camera and documented it, kinda. She's an aspiring photographer like Lily. Owen and I did the hold in the chair, and then after he calmed down I put him on the floor and rubbed his tummy. And yay, our sweet Owen was back!
Daniel walking around ready to tease Owen? He's learned how to hit and poke, bummer. Daniel, don't you dare upset Owen right now! He just calmed down!
Daniel came and gave Owen a kiss. Yay, they are happy brothers!
Then Daniel went on his way and Owen took a nap.
Later tonight we were all laughing at Owen. He was walking around in his diaper and with a hat on and with a little Lightning McQueen lunch box, walking like it was his briefcase and he's off to work for the day. It was cracking us up. He's a good boy, we love you, Owen! And we'll see if you're broken now or if we'll need to do the hold again someday. I won't even mind. It was fun being the one to hold you.
I teased Corey that I can't trust him to put Owen in the hold, cause Corey's the one who ruined Owen! Corey says it's cause Daniel came too quickly after Owen (14 months between them) and Owen should have had more time with his mother before being booted out of the baby spot. But I think it's mostly Corey's fault - due to his inability to stand up to this 2 year old! That's why Owen is able to defeat Corey and they have a dysfunctional relationship. But they're just 2 years into it, I have faith that there is still time to turn things around. :)

Monday, November 27, 2017


This morning was beautiful. I went on a walk, yay. I didn't exercise much last week cause of the holiday and cause we had a house guest who was staying in the basement where my exercise area is. (Nice way for me to pretend I had an excuse to take a break, ha) House guest and the holiday, but I really just didn't feel like doing anything. This morning, I told myself that I wasn't going to go exercise, cause I might not have been in the mood for that, so instead I told myself "I'm just putting on my coat. I'm just putting on my shoes. I'm just going to go outside" and that was able to give me baby steps until I was out the door. And I was there at just the right time to see this
I didn't get a pic but a neighbor shared that facebook. Doesn't do it justice, but it was really beautiful.Other than the brief miracle of the colors in a sunrise (and the sunsets have been lovely the past few days too!) I've had a hard time getting going today. I've been hitting snooze, which is against Holly's principles. I watched tv most of the day with the kiddos and tried to go back to bed. The only glimmer of hope I had was that when Abi got home from school, that maybe she would help me kick it in gear. And she did. Very grateful for that lovely young lady.

Kinda hard to have lots of energy on a cloudy drizzly dark day, so I've been trying to give myself "grace and space". But ugh! My mood can't handle this winter weather, and sadly it's not even winter yet! It's not even December. I gotta think of something to keep me going. Time to make a plan. Maybe we'll have to do a family party or two to make it through the cold and slow winter months. This is the last week of the Courage challenge and Holly has an upcoming video lesson about how to make it a December to Remember. I'm looking forward to that, and will try not to hibernate my way through these dark and cold months.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Peaceable Kingdom

The kids got their work done today, so Corey took them out for fun. I'm not sure where they went, but it's always a good time if they're with Dad. Joseph & Melodie and Owen & Daniel stayed home with me. Joseph because he's working on his college applications, Melodie so she could finish practicing her flute. Well, Mel was practicing until I distracted her with this film that I stumbled upon. I had been googling for an image for my new activist campaign: "Save the Cows". I was trying to find something to go along with my post from Tuesday. Anyway, it eventually led me to the website Tribe of Heart. Then I watched the film "Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home." I don't know how to embed that one on here, so just go to their site to watch it there. I was about 20 minutes into it when Mel joined me when she brought up Daniel. Here's one clip from it that I loved, of a mother hen and her baby chick.

I especially love that part because it reminded me of a part in the Book of Mormon in 3 Nephi 10. After the destruction at the Savior's crucifixion, the voice of Christ speaks to the people. Four times, He compares himself and his relationship with us to that of a hen with her chickens. "How oft have I gathered you.... How oft would I have gathered you... How oft will I gather you..." He is a loving and nurturing God.
That was probably a comparison the people he was speaking to could understand because they all had chickens and had seen this obvious hen and chick relationship so often. I'd like to learn from animals and understand them like the people on these farm sanctuaries do. Anyway, great film. I hope to watch it with Corey and the rest of the kids tomorrow. There are some sad and ugly parts, but we've got to see that and know it happens if we want to change it - as stated at the beginning of this making of the film video. Watch that too, good stuff.

"The joy of discovering a new way of being in the world..."

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanksgiving Day 2017

We had a fun time getting ready for Thanksgiving this morning. My parents came over, and we also had two guest from Brazil. Here is a little video when most of our prep was completed and we were waiting for our dinner guests to arrive

When we were ready to begin, Corey shared a few words and then we all went around the room and shared something that each of us is grateful for.

Then we said a prayer of thanks and began our feast, enjoying good food and good company.
Eventhough not everyone around here is vegan, I'll still call today our first Vegan Thanksgiving! Save the turkeys! Save the cows! Save the pigs! Be kind to animals, don't eat them. That begin said, we did have a small turkey and some dishes with milk/eggs/butter ingredients for to those who have yet to see the light. See, Ethan feels guilty...
Hyrum is our hardcore vegan. He is a purist. He doesn't like me to show this, but have you seen his before and after? Just a little shout out I did to him last month. He's been working hard. During the meal, we also talked about how this will very likely be Joseph's last Thanksgiving before his mission! Next year at this time, he might be homesick. We will be thinking of you!
No shortage of food for anyone, plenty of delicious food to eat, we live in a land of abundance.

Ethan provided the music entertainment. After eating and cleaning up, Corey had everyone help him with some ice rink stuff, and I visited with my parents. Then around 6pm Corey and a van full of kids went up to Park City to visit with Corey's family. Ethan, Hyrum, and Abi all slept over there tonight. As for here, after the little people returned they started playing the Wii and they are still going strong. But it's midnight, so I'm heading to bed. Goodnight, Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Little Fingers

I've been making a lot of waffles the past few weeks. Bread is off the grocery list right now, atleast when I go. I'm trying and stretch the food budget as we wait to see if we die here in the wilderness (speaking metaphorically in regards to the business, of course). So in our life right now, we have oatmeal for breakfast and waffles are the after school snack. Vegan waffles, of course! I spent a good several hours milling wheat on 15 Nov. I've been getting it out daily and making food. Owen really likes the flour and I have to hide it from him. It started off harmless - Owen and Daniel would just sweetly poke little holes in the flour with their cute little fingers. When they started to get more aggressive and grab it by handfuls, that's when I pulled the plug on their fun.
On goes the lid -
And cry goes the baby. Sorry Daniel.
Owen still found it a few times after that and knows how to take off the lid. He's made a not huge mess a few times, thankfully. But still I have to hide it at the back of the pantry now. Another cute thing that Owen's little fingers do it point at the "stars" in Wesley's room. Here's a picture from Sunday of Owen snuggling with Wes on his bed - pointing to the glow in the dark stars on Wesley's ceiling. His voice is super cute "Stars!!!"
And then he'll point over at the dragon and roar. Then they'll give the chicken puppet some love. He pointed at the cougar on Wesley's bed blanket and said softly "meow!" Cute little guy.
Owen loves Wesley, and Wes is such a good brother to him. Maybe we'll have Owen sleep in Wesley's bed when it's time to move him out of our bedroom. We'll be rearranging things after Joseph leaves for his mission next year, so right now we're keeping things the same until we have to change it then. Little video of them playing.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


It's the last day of school this week, hooray. Two days! I wish it were like this more often! Tonight we officially decided that we will be eating here. Corey was toying with the idea of going up to Bear Lake like we did in 2014. He had made a reservation, but today I called my mom to see what their plans were, and they weren't going anywhere, so I invited them over here. So now we're going to have a thanksgiving meal here at home like we did in 2015. Should be fun, and less work than a drive up to Bear Lake would be. (Not that I always want to be a logistics party pooper!)

Last night the little girls were being so cute. Lily, Sophi, and Natalie were having a sleepover in Natalie's toddler bed. Yeah. Needless to say, they woke up from being uncomfortable. This morning, Natalie and Lily had moved to the floor. But they were playing super nice. It's always nice when that happens.
Hyrum stayed home sick today. He got up around 10. I had forgotten he was here. Had I remembered, I would have left him with the little kids and gone to Abi's County fair by myself. Instead, I just didn't show up, bad parent! But it's because I thought I had to get little kids ready, and I didn't have them ready in time! I'm sorry Abi. It went from 9:15 - 9:45. So when Hyrum wandered out of his room at 10, I was like "shoot!" My apologies again to my Abi for not making it out. She forgave me. After I apologized, I was able to quickly change subjects asking her how her grade Thanksgiving feast went. She said she enjoyed it. Although they didn't let her take her left over pumpkin cookies, instead they saved the left over food for the office workers to come and eat.

So, in prep for the nationwide "Turkey Day" on Thursday - Hyrum and I did a little animal rights research. I got an email from today, referencing this article by the Washington Post. Hyrum watched the video with me, and we also watched this one of the Burnham farm. That one is really sad. We're convinced again that it is good to be vegan. Hyrum helped me find some vegan holiday recipes. This Forks over knives thanksgiving 2017 plan was also in my inbox today. But I needed a sweet potato recipe, and found this one! I'm excited. I ran to Costco for our Thanksgiving meal ingredients, and with the supplies fresh and on hand, I decided we'd do a little tastebuds teaser tonight - we made some of the Fire Brigade vegan stuffing for dinner, along with some milk and butter less mashed potatoes. It was great! I think I should make stuffing more often, it shouldn't be a dish just for November. Stuffing every month for a whole year, that's my new dinner goal.

What else. Business update - Renato's meeting with minister of finance that was on the 9th then moved to today has, (can you guess?) been moved to 28th. Figures. Business is still hanging on for dear life.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Strike Three

Well, we're all feeling a bit sad for Joseph today. After he got home from school he told us the results were posted... He got online and found out that he didn't get the Music Sterling Scholar. Now I don't know how being a high school sterling scholar gets on the radar of an 8th grader, but Joseph told me tonight that he's wanted to be the Music Sterling Scholar since he was in 8th grade. So this was a big goal that he's been working toward for years and so this might be the one he takes the hardest.

And everything he'd done with bands and orchestra inside and outside of school, he's done pretty much with thoughts of how it might help his sterling scholar application. He's made a lot of sacrifices the past few years. (mostly social). Here is a picture of him coming home on a typical Friday night at 10:00 (this pic on Nov 17th)
He had Crescent Super Band right after school on every Friday, then tonight he was playing in the pit for Pippin after that. So he got home at 10 pm carrying 4 instruments: tenor sax, bass clarinet, clarinet, and flute, plus a change of clothes, ipad that he used for his music, and his backpack. The only difference between this night and others, as Joseph said, is "usually I'm in a tux..."
I made him go out and come back in again so I could take pictures. :) So it's staged but not staged, just repeated. Joseph told me today that a year ago, he had three goals for his Senior year: SBO, Concerto Night, and Music Sterling Scholar. Sadly, we reported earlier this year how the SBO campaign ended unsuccessfully. A month ago, though, Joseph told me the was really happy with how things had turned out, cause he was enjoying Seminary Council and Madrigals, both groups which he couldn't have been a part of if he were busy with SBO. So, he's gotten over that. But now the two fresh wounds: earlier this month he found out he didn't get accepted to play in concerto night. We were all really surprised by that. Auditions were on Nov 3rd. Other students who heard his audition commented on how good he sounded. So that left us scratching our heads, and then tonight, we're all really wondering what's going on with the Skyline Music department. Corey said that there is no way the person who got sterling scholar had a more solid application that Joseph. Not to spread rumors, (but I guess here goes) but Joseph heard that the winner's GPA was .6 points lower that Joseph's 3.9. And we also highly doubt their ACT score could be higher than Joseph's. But they are concert chair and also the music teachers favorite student. So, too bad for all of J's hard work. He's been playing in the pit for the High School musical and had to go play for the final show tonight, licking his wounds. He called me on his way. He had already talked Corey. J and I had a good chat, I could tell he was crying, he was feeling like he's lost, like the past 6 years have been a waste, like he doesn't know what he'd been doing with his life or what he should do now. This was the third strike: SBO - nope. Concerto Night - denied. Sterling Scholar - another door closed. So, I gave him money to go buy himself some ice cream after playing in the musical. We're hoping that since he's learning all this denial in his youth, hopefully he won't have to experience it much as an adult! Ha, I guess Corey didn't learn enough of denial and struggle as a teen, thus why we're still wandering in the wilderness so to speak with the business. Joseph is a really hard worker. So he's going to be a great missionary, and we'll start praying now for you to get into BYU. That's his next goal, getting accepted at BYU. He is applying to other schools too, but he really wants to go to the Y. His friends were joking with him that if he doesn't get that, he'll be like Job. He's working on his applications and will have those turned in soon. Chin up Joseph, you have a bright future, even without the sterling scholar. I told him that the award is just a means to an end, the real thing that is going to let him have a successful life has come in how he's learned over these years how to work hard. Like his SBO campaign with it's awesome theme and video, this time around again, Joseph did everything he could, didn't leave anything undone. There are no "what if"s or "If only"s, he did everything he could.
It's gonna be okay. Things will work out. Love you Joseph.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Vacuum Ride and Playing Ball

Two videos of Daniel being totally adorable today. First - Joseph was vacuuming the front room, and learned what I already knew - it's hard to vacuum with Daniel around. Daniel loves the vacuum and chases it down. My approach is to be super speedy and move the vacuum around him quickly. Joseph tried a different method - let Daniel have a ride!
We were all laughing. So cute. Here's a video of the moment -

And then later tonight Melodie and I were enjoying being present for a few minutes as we watched Daniel be cute and play with a ball in my bathroom.
He would try to count one two three, but usually just one and three "Uh... EE!" and he'd squat down low before the throw, as if it's gonna help him throw it even further and with more power and force. Here's a video of it -

Again, we were laughing at this little bundle of joy. (Is he still a "bundle" when he's able to walk around?) How about a package of joy. He is cuteness and joy in a sweet little package. He's the cutest!