Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Well last night sucked. Peter had a looong night crying and coughing. Owen woke up too, so I was taking a bath with two toddlers at 4:30 am, fun for me. Brightside is that it was less painful here at home than it would have been in Park City, so I'm grateful I was at home. I got up around 8:30, I'm just going to take it easy today.

Up at Park City tonight, Lily played with the Blues Band. She was nervous to play, but Corey encouraged her. Yesterday when I was on duty, I gave up and turned on the tv, and along with lots of SpongeBob, we also watched "The Sandlot" and a line from that movie came to her mind... "Remember kid, there's heroes and there's legends. Heroes get remembered, but legends never die. Follow your heart kid and you can never go wrong." Thanks, Babe Ruth, for giving Lily the courage to go for it! Lily the Legend!

Here at home today I did a little bit of reading and do believe I have had another turning point in my health life. One came a few years ago when I learned about the dangers of animal food. But over the past 2 years I've still had a hard time resisting desserts. And I've learned it was usually because I WAS STILL HUNGRY and craving some carbs! As I recently read in Dr. McDougall's book The Starch Solution: "You can't fool hunger." (Page 21)
I was trying to fool it - telling myself that if I stuffed my stomach full of veggies, then I'd be good to go. But I was still hungry, even after a huge salad. There is just something about carbs, especially potatoes, breads, and beans that I wanted and that was satisfying. But for whatever reason, even knowing they are plant based foods, I still thought they were not the best options. ...and then I'd give into not plant based desserts or whatever processed stuff was on hand. Well I watched this video and I've had an aha moment, a lightbulb has gone on.

Humans are starchivores! The reason why breads and potatoes call out to me is because that is my food! That is the food humans are designed to want for energy.

I've had this book for a while but hadn't read it. A surprise phone call last Thursday with my friend Jen prompted me to recommend it to her and I said she could borrow it, but then I started googling it and I watched that video above and now I'm reading it and I wondering why I didn't see this before, why it didn't click? Starch is key. I'm going to explore this, I think it's the cold hard truth. But it's not hard, it's kinda a relief! I'm grateful to know this now, I'll give an update in a few weeks with how it goes!

Monday, July 29, 2019

On Duty in Park City

Hi. It is midnight. I just got home from Park City. I did the best I could and toughed it out through the day, but I'm not planning on going back up at all this week. As I said yesterday, I don't cope well up there with toddlers. Here are a few pictures that show why. So today Corey had a meeting at work, so he left to drive down there and so I was on duty. My older kids were all gone and doing whatever, I was on toddler duty. I was doing okay until between the hours of 11-1, because Peter felt sick...
And cause Owen wanted to go swimming, so I got him ready, then he didn't want to go and was trying to block me in the hallway, but Daniel was in the hallway ahead of me running toward the pool... Owen, you need to let me pass.
I forced by way past him, he followed me, and then proceeded to scream at the gate to the hot tubs.
He was tired, but he wouldn't go to sleep.
Soon I gave up, so I left Daniel with older kids and took Peter and Owen back to the room. Corey had hidden the remotes in the safe, so I had to get the code from him so I could get SpongeBob to save me. Corey gave me his blessing to "TV-it-up"
And hallelujah he fell asleep.
Peter and I took a nap too. He woke up feeling better.
But I was still just waiting until I could leave.
So we went to the mine. On my way there, we passed Lily who was coming out of the theater after watching "Hairspray" - she said "Hey Mom! I know it sounds weird, but 💓Zac Efron💓! 😍!!..." I headed over to babysit at the train table.
Corey had to wait for Mel, who was at a Music School Flute forum thing. She wasn't finished until 7, which was later than I had estimated for how long I needed to cope. When Corey returned he tagged me, I had his blessing to leave, but first we got family pictures taken. Usually they do it on Friday or Saturday, but we did it today because Ethan and Wes were going to be gone at High Adventure after Wednesday morning (and cause I'm not coming back). Daniel was playing nicely in the pool, and we made him get out for pictures, and he didn't take kindly to that, and so he gnashed his teeth upon us all. When we were done, he went back to the pool, but didn't get in. I sat by him and we soaked our feet in the warm water.
He tried to remember what he was just so irate about a few moments ago...
"Eh, I can't remember." "Ok, do you want to go home?" "Yeah".
And so we left, and the little boys went straight to bed. Tomorrow is a new day, I'll try to make it a good week, we'll see what I'm able to get accomplished. I plan on reading and cleaning. Maybe blogging a little bit too.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Hyrum at EFY

Hyrum has been at Especially for Youth this past week. Corey took him and his cousin Seth down on Monday July 22nd, and I picked him and Seth up yesterday, Saturday July 27. We had to pick them up around 7, so that means a 6am departure time, so that means me, cause I'm the early bird at our house. So I drove down and didn't really know where to go but figured it out. There were a TON of kids and I wasn't sure how I'd find the two I was looking for, since Hyrum doesn't have (or want) a cell phone. Corey sent me Seth's phone number and I continued to wander through hundreds of kids. Then right before Seth picked up by some miracle he was standing in front of me. Hi guys! How was it?!?
And since they had now found their ride, they said a final goodbye to their new friends.
This girl hugging Seth had just given Hyurm a hug! As far as I am aware, that has not been happening with his group of friends at Skyline.... A final wave from Hyrum as we depart
Then on the way back to the car, Hyrum told me that he had lost his EFY bag on Thursday after lunch, which included his scriptures, his EFY journal, and his wallet and drivers permit and stuff like that. Well... might as well do a final look around for that while we are here. Seth waited in the car and Hyrum and I walked over to place where the lost and found might be. As we walked, Hyrum shared more, including a statement that made me lol - "I've done this more this week than ever before in my life..."
Nothing like partying it up in Happy Valley!! His stuff wasn't at the lost and found, so we left my cell number to text. Then over to the Wilkinson lost and found, that wasn't open either. But his stuff has his name in it, I'm sure it will turn up. So it was a full week of life on BYU Campus, eating at the cafeteria, living it up with a bunch of new friends. I'll try to remember to come back and have Hyrum share some thoughts, but from what I can tell, it was just amazing and he loved it and he's so sad it's over. Here he is crying on the couch as he and Seth shared a few stories. 
He came home and gave Wes an kind and loving big brother hug, which he's never done before. Wesley was like "What the... I thought he was gonna punch me!" but no, it was an "I love you" hug. Here's a picture of when Corey was dropping them off.
He said he wants to be better. He doesn't want to return to the "I'm bored, this sucks" kinda attitude and life he was having up until a week ago. He wants to get lost in the scriptures like he did at EFY, he wants to be good and do good. It was great.
Well Hyrum, I'm sorry that you're sad to be here!!! That would make me feel like a bit of a failure of a mom if my kids think life sucks here. But just know that we are all very glad you're back! This life here at home doesn't have to be terrible, we can all work together to make it good! With you on board now, I know we can make our home a happy place too. Probably will never be as great as EFY, but we'll try! So, that's that. Summer is almost over. We are headed up to Park City today and will be there all week. Well, Corey and some kids will be, I plan on being home most of the time, cause I just don't cope well up there with toddlers. 

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Owen is 4!

Another day, another birthday! This time it's Owen's turn!! Happy Birthday buddy!!
I like todder birthdays, cause they are easy. I got Owen some toys at Kid 2 Kid for his present: some cars, and a bus that he can put the car in.
And with that he's as happy! Easy! Corey's parents came by with some gifts for him. Owen holding the bus. Natalie helping him open the gifts.
I don't think toddler around here every get a chance to open their own gifts. Cause they are too slow and then the older kids jump in to help and end up doing the unwrapping. It was party all day until these two collalpsed from exhaustion.
Tonight Iveth and Diego came by with a present for Owen, so nice.
And then we all shared some cake and ice cream. Happy Birthday Owen!
Cute little guy, holding a Buzz toy my mom gave him. Blowing out the candles.
We love you Owen! We are glad you were born! Happy Birthday!

Friday, July 26, 2019

6 Months and 12 Days

I never did a post to officially commemorate the end of my favorite stage of babyhood: the 3-6 month phase. I did mention it on Peter's 6 month mark on July 14th, but here's a little more as we go through this month and see our favorite little guy get bigger. He is still nursing pretty exclusively, although I give him a banana now and then. I hope I always remember how sweet his eyes were as he looked up at me when he nursed. I love those big innocent and trusting eyes.
Mel and I were playing with him today, laughing at how he just folds up.
He grabbed his feet and proceeded to munch on them, and Mel picked him up, and he didn't skip a beat, just kept eating himself...
She was like holding him up as an offering, butting him down on the ground, and he stayed curled up in his little bean pose, nibbling on his toes.
It was funny. Peter is using his legs and feet for something else too - for balance! He can sit up!!!
Hold it - hold yourself steady! He does good for a minute and then his back gets a little tired and he starts to slouch over, but he's still doing pretty good! Good job baby!
What a cute little guy.
He's still light enough to go in his swing. He likes to look up at the lights twirling on the mobile.
And then other times he just stares at whatever, I was laughing at his expressionless/serious gaze. He is so beautiful. One other cute thing from today was when I saw Natalie come in and weigh herself.
On this scale, you have to like click it on by pressing on it with your foot, then step off or not touch it while it figures out what a zero balance is, then you can step on it. If you step on before it sets up, it gets confused and doesn't get the number right, or will set as a "zero" weight what it is with the person on it. So Natalie came in, and just stepped on it. The light came up and it tried to balance, then it said "0.00". Natalie then gave a sigh as she said to herself outloud "Zero Tall!...." then pausing as she thought "that's not right...." then she corrected herself "I mean Zero Heavy!" The way she said it was so cute, she seemed to sound relieved that she finally new her weight. It gave me a good laugh. We want to be healthy, but I don't think "zero heavy" will be sustainable for many people!

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Legos, Forky, and Wrestling

A few summer time pictures. Wesley sleeping on Owen's bed this morning...
Abi is still working hard on legos. The Marriott hotel she made last week is gone, and she used the legos to make a house.
Her favorite part of her house is the baby grand piano.
I'm amazed at the things they make. Very creative Abi, good job.
Lily has been working on making DC Superhero legos and other characters. Lily's been using paints that for some reason I bought her for her birthday. They have spilled it. But alteast they spilled it in the basement. They are working hard though and have been lost in play.
Yesterday Daniel had been playing with a "Forky" toy that Lily made.
He played very carefully putting Forky to bed on some toilet paper folded up as a pillow and blanket. One funny thing about that was when Daniel wouldn't let Wesley in his room, because Forky was in there taking a nap. So picture Daniel doing this to Wes:
Haha. That is a picture from February when Daniel didn't want Wesley to leave and go to the bathroom. That's a cute toddler, using all the power of persuasion he possessed, and added to that his powerful stance to block Wesley's path. Wesley just laughed, and took a picture. Daniel is a funny kid and doesn't realize he is little. He thinks he can take them on, and it's fun that Wesley and Hyrum pretend that they have a hard time beating them. Daniel pulling Wesley to the ground, ha.
Owen ready to get in on the action - let's get him!!
Corey used to put up a fight wrestling, but we're too old for much of that now. 
We're grateful to have teenage boys who have willingly taken on the mantle!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Lazy Summer Days

This summer has been a summer of late nights. We had fun dancing til midnight last Friday night at the Hibbert Reunion. We got home from the reunion Sunday at 4 and lazed away the day until we gathered for prayer, and then we got talking and it was a treat to have all their active interest and we stayed up late talking with the kids. Those moments are rare so we siezed it. Then last night we continued our bad late night habit by leaving to the movies at 9:45 pm. We went to the 10 o'clock showing of Lion King. When Sophi came down stairs this morning I thought her hair represented well the messy party life we're living right now. 
She looked like Anna from Frozen! This picture doesn't capture it justly, but it was really funny, we got a good laugh. Sleepy Sophi
We enjoyed peaches for breakfast. I got 5 trays of them at Costco yesterday, yum!!
Sooo good! All that I need in July is cold juicy peaches.
Life is busy, I got a million things I want to do. I need to recruit the kids. The little girls are lost in lego world and have been for the past 2 weeks when they've been at home. Sometimes it's easier to have them play than to get them to help. The fridge is being stupid again so that is my priority now today, I turned it off and gotta go move all the food to the garage before it spoils more. Just as well, it needs to be cleaned out anyway, but that means no cleaning the basement or thrifting the clutter here. We haven't unpacked everything yet either from the reunion. Peter is still not feeling well. We had a long night with a fever but it was gone at 10 am so that's good.

A few pics from yesterday - I got another violin, which brings our total to five. Five violins, and only four saxophones, haha! Natalie and Sophi both have violins, and yesterday I got one more violin from the classifieds and also went by and bought Natalie her bow. I got two last week, but I texted a lot of people. There was one that looked good and came with two bows, but the guy said he was gone in Nevada, I told him I was looking at others and would text him back if I wanted it. I didn't text him. But then He texted me yesterday asking if I was still interested. ...and that he'd let it go for $50, so, hey, can't beat that. So I got that one too, it is made in China, looks new and shiny. I hope it wasn't stolen for him to let it go for $50. And it came with 2 bows, so sweet, now I'm all set - that's 3 full size violins. Corey saw me and Mel and Wes all fidding around on them yesterday and said after visually counting..."You got ANOTHER violin?" Yeah! ...Just one more.... He didn't see this coming and rightfully thinks that I might be a little crazy. Violins win!! We're ready to go when lessons start next month. And I'll have Ms. Amy tell me which of the 3 I have will be best for me to start with. Here is Wes playing Natalies violin with me, cause I have only been able to tune one of the three full size ones. Wes and I did a pretty sweet twinkle rhythms duo together. We do it along with this CadenzaStringsNC guy on youtube.
Our violins quantity edge over the saxophones was short lived, because a few hours later Lily's new "ocean blue" saxophone arrived.
Corey ordered it a few days ago. It was actually quite inexpensive compared to the other saxophones we have. So sax's are caught up with the violins now. I'll see what I can do to change that. #violinpower haha