Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Books & Bagels

This week at school is parent teacher conferences. That also means that it's Book Fair time, and time for Books and Bagels. But who cares about bagels. My kids go for the donuts. They prefer to call this "Dad's and Donuts" (but Corey hasn't been to one of these for a while, but donuts don't go with Mom.)

Boxes and boxes of doughnuts!!

Mmm. Daniel going sugar crazy - 

Natalie looks normal and like she's still in control of herself. Although I think she had the most donuts. She's got quite the sweet tooth. 

Few things make an elementary kid so excited to wake up early and get ready for school, as Books and Bagels day. Owen actually doesn't need any help with that. This kid is all about logistics, like Joseph. Owen wakes up on his own, gets dressed, sometimes eats, sometimes not... but he'll watch the clock until it says 8:20, and then he'll announce "Eight twenty! Bye!" He'll even sit there and say "Eight nineteen..." and still wait. The oven clock tells you when to go, and you don't go until it says it's 8:20.

It's cute how literal Owen is. It's like when he was a baby - he liked his blanket and binky. He liked and still likes knowing what to expect, and then you do that. Blanket and binky on hand? yes? Then things are as they should be. You follow the rules and that's how you play baby, and now he's "how you play 2nd grader" and he does a great job at it. (Well, except for the whole return your reading log thing... not sure why that part isn't registering.)

After the bagels and donuts, I took the kids on my obligatory trip to the bookfair at the school library. I didn't buy them anything today, but I did take photos of their many requests, and if they actually remember any book that they said they wanted, I can look it up on Amazon and buy it there. I'm pretty sure no one will remember though. 

So, on Tuesdays, I pick up carpool. Before taking them home, I pick up Lily and take her to the bus for her ride downtown to her clarinet lesson. Good job, Corey, on teaching the kids how to do that, and for funding their punch cards. Today was a lucky carpool day, in that no one needed a ride, so after dropping off Lily at the bus, I went climbing with Wes. There were a lot of new climbs on the south boulder today, and I did a lot of those new V1s and V2s, but I was sad to see that my nemesis (the hot pink V1) had not been removed and replaced. It was still there, mocking me and challenging me. Well, with Wesley's coaching, I decided to give it yet another go. Wes was behind me, telling me I could do it, and what do you know... on my first attempt today, I FINALLY DID IT!!! 

Wes took that photo at 3:34 pm. I couldn't believe it! I didn't feel the need to try it twice. One and DONE is good for me. I finally did it! This one was super hard, so way to go me!!!

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