Saturday, May 13, 2023

First Trumpet Recital

Owen performed in his first trumpet recital today. 

It was a spring recital with a lot of very talented performers!
Cute kids. 

Owen was the 10th performer out of 27 on the program. He played Old MacDonald. You can listen to his performance here

His trumpet teacher, Kyra, is great and we love her. If you're looking for a trumpet teacher in Utah, we give her 5 stars and two enthusiastic thumbs up. 

Natalie came along because she wanted to support her younger brother. Aaaand cause I told her that, yes, there would be refreshments afterwards. 
Peter saw me walking out of the house and he came along too. We went to pick up Owen from his soccer game, where he was with Corey and Daniel. Daniel's game was at 11 today and Owen's was at 11:20, so that was helpful that they were close to the same time today. Corey took them, I ran to the store for refreshments for the recital and for a dessert for dinner tomorrow with Corey's family. It was a bit of a busy morning, and I was feeling a bit stressed out during the recital because K was super noisy and restless. It's hard to take kids along to things, but I'm glad I had Natalie to help. She took K out for me, but then Peter was just as wiggly too - and he was having some non-verbal scorn battle with the 3 year old girl on the row in front of us. 
Also, since we had also come straight from Owen's soccer game, his head was so sweaty, and he kept leaning it on my shoulder and I was starting to feel claustrophobic. I tried to grit my teeth and breathe through it. Soon it was time for treats and I ate some cookies in too much of a hurry... I could tell I was using it to take the edge off of my negative emotions, and that is ok. I feel asleep nursing K after we got home, so that short nap helped. I haven't taken naps much this week, but I probably need them, since I am honestly woken up atleast 4 times every night. I'm grateful for naps. I need rest. It was a great week biking, but we took a rest with that today too - cause 1) it was a little drizzly and 2) Corey left early to take Abi to the bus for GMS (only one more Saturday after this, she's excited) and Wes to the front runner so he could go do yardwork at his Uncle Mark's house. So I went on a walk after Corey was back - the spring flowers are beautiful! 
The only bad thing about biking is that I don't take as many photos of flowers when we're speeding by on our bikes. Pics of more of today's flowers here on my glorious earth blog. It was a good day, I'm glad we got everything done and then some. Corey played soccer with the kids outside, they rode their bikes and played with friends, and I did a little bit of my online life coach course. I also applied to teach a class/volunteer to present at the county library. Might not be good to try to take on more, but I figured it would help move two things along - one of which is my goal to apply to teach at BYU Education week next year, and the other thing is to help Corey and I work on our outline for our book that we're writing for our kids. :) We decided to do that a few date nights ago but haven't done much on it yet. I'm hoping it can turn into a fun Sunday project for us (not that we find any free time on Sundays... hopefully this will help us to maybe make some time).

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