Thursday, September 28, 2023

Fall To Do's

Hello. I went on a morning ride with Corey yesterday. I am soaking up the fall colors, I love it. 

Went on a walk today and visited with Nicole as I walked. Things are good. The elementary kids had parent teacher conferences today. They are all doing well. Then Owen and I headed to his trumpet lesson. Wes has been working on his mission papers and we're making progress there. I called yesterday to get him a dentist appointment and a dr. check up. The doctor visit isn't until next month, but I was able to get him in for a dentist appointment today. They told him he needs his wisdom teeth out, so I was able to call and schedule that for tomorrow, yay. Gettin' it done. Corey went with the youth today to the Draper temple to plant flower on the temple grounds. He was busy and kinda didn't have time for it, but he said it was really nice to be there and was good for his soul to garden. 

In the last of my monarch news, I will admit that I was not very diligent in my stats this year, but I think and will estimate that I found around 80 eggs, I gave away 30 caterpillars and chrysalides, and I released about 50 butterflies. I will go look through what I did record sometime, and I'll update those numbers if I was off. I didn't hunt for eggs as much as I would have, had I been here everyday, but not bad considering I have a large family and was busy with all their stuff and reunions and such.  
So that's about it for today, cause I didn't take many pics yesterday or today. Peter took a few selfies though. 
He likes Spiderman. 
Oh, and today is Dennis' birthday. He is my dad's cousin who I have never met in person but did connect with in 2020 when I was on a family history kick. I need to do better and emailing and calling him. I did talk with him today, I try to make it happen atleast on his birthday. I used to be better at emailing, but I feel like I hardly have time to sit down at the computer these days. Still, Happy Birthday Dennis! It is also my sister's ex's birthday. I sent him a birthday card too. I hope he is doing well. We see a little bit of what's going on with his life via facebook. We were pretty close with them when we were all at BYU together back in our newlywed days, but now that they've separated I'm not sure what to do, but seems like a b-day card should be ok. Life is good. See ya tomorrow.

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