On Saturday Corey took the kids to pumpkin patch to buy pumpkins. Then they went to the community Halloween festival for hot chocolate, donuts, and a costume contest. He's a good dad. I was glad to say home with Katharine. Owen checking out the mud on his shoes, Peter dressed as a black Ninja.
While Corey took NOP, Wayne had asked some of the kids to go to his house for a raking party this past weekend. Corey was gone with kids and the toddler I had was no good, but thankfully Mel came up on Saturday to visit, and she and Wes went to rake leaves. They had a fun time goofing off together, trying to rake fast and furious. Wes got a blister he was working so hard. There's a lot to do around here, and some things the kids want to do, I don't care about. They wanted me to put up more Halloween decorations, I told them I got rid of all of them a few years ago, which is true, so Daniel put up stuff he brought home from school. Cute. Kinda sad too, but cute.
I'm glad they owned it. I told them to wait for Mel to be able to carve the pumpkins with them on Saturday, but they went ahead without her, and without me cause I didn't want to do it. So they all look like they were done by little kids, and they were, and that's just fine.Natalie did the barfing one.

Ok, finally time for the parade. Captain America!
Owen is Red from Rainbow Friends, which I know nothing about. But he was ok with this Elmo costume that I got from the thrift store and adjusted, so I was happy.
Natalie was Cleopatra. Holding out her hands asking "Where's KATHARINE?!?!" Sorry, I left her.
Once Natalie walked past, I was outta there. Then I prepped myself mentally for when the kids got home and would need help getting ready to trick or treat. BUT, then, Corey and I decided we should go on our annual pre-Halloween bike ride instead! So I put Abi in change of costume and make up, which she was happy to do, and Corey and I took off, yay! We left at 3:30. It was great to be in the canyon, but it was suuuper cold!!! I got 4 achievements. We were able to make it to the ruins despite the snow.
Some of the houses he wasn't too sure about!

Only taller, and in a darker room with a lot of other people dancing. Now it's time to see what spoils the kids came home with...
They shared with Katharine, she got all sticky, then we gave her a bath, and went to pickup Sophi from a friend's house out at Churchill. Joseph came up with a date and we were able to meet her, Deborah, she was nice! They followed Owen and Daniel around for a bit and got hot dogs and scones from our neighbors. Some of them really go all out, it's fun. We all eventually made it home and now we're going to turn off Harry Potter and go to bed. You got that, Katharine? BEDTIME!
Oh, right, we need to read scriptures first...
Holding her little Book of Mormon, such a good girl.
Hope it was a good Happy Halloween for everyone. Goodnight.