Thursday, December 21, 2023

Party Plans

We've been working at planning the Wride Christmas party with extended family. We are hosting it here, but I have not been in charge of anything. Corey's been texting his brother and sister and he suggested they do something different so it's not too much for us adults, and thus they have assigned all the details out to the grandkids! So we've got: 

  • Icaac, Melodie & Abigail are in charge of the dinner main course
  • Jordyn, Sophi & Natalie are in charge of desserts and drinks
  • Alix & Wes in charge of Activity 1
  • Joseph & Hyrum over activity 2
  • Rhyan & Lily doing Activity 3
So this will be good and a new experience. Not that we haven't enjoyed the traditions of years past (like the saran wrap game or music performances) but yeah, we'll try something new this year. It's been good having the kids home. Hyrum has done a good job helping Peter with Legos. 
That has been good because it eases Wesley's "play with my little brother" guilt and is giving Wes needed time to try and crank out the rest of his BYU high school classes before he leaves for his mission in one month and one day! He starts Jan 22, yikes! Go go go Wes. Get those classes done. He's been working hard. He's been borrowing Mark's jeep, and yesterday he got up and left to work (at Wayne's house) all on his own since he has that freedom (didn't have to wait for Corey and Corey didn't need to wait for him).

My little butterfly Lucky is still alive. I think he's gonna make it through Christmas! Way to go Lucky. I bet he's the only monarch butterfly spending Christmas with a family in Utah this year. He likes getting a little time in the sunshine, and here's how I've been feeding him - honey water that pools up in the grooves of my fingernails.
Corey and the college kids have been talking a lot about the temple and insights that they've been getting. I have been reading a book by President Oaks "Life's Lessons Learned" that I got from Savers by Momentum after climbing on Monday (yay, I love thrifting for books) and I was glad to have something to share in the temple discussions: from page 16: "Everything that occurs in the temple fits into one of three categories: 1) teachings 2) covenants or 3) promised blessings." I liked that. 

Today Corey went to gym, and when I saw he was there, then I went there too. Walked for 22 min on treadmill while I watched a few Dr. Berg videos while he did his treadmill run then cycling on the bike. I did a 3 min plank (30 sec on hands, then slid/lowered to elbows for 30, them was able to bring myself back up to hands (without having to do one arm at a time!) and did that two more times, total 3 min, then 100 second superman. Then a few climbs - 4 attempts (a cute little boy, prob 8 years old, was with me and we both tried that purple V3 twice, we're both too short though! He is so good though, I saw him do an orange V6 on the north boulder, I was so impressed) 5 sends (black V2 3 times and two purple V2s).

Yesterday I spent time reading the Oaks book in my room. Trying a little bit to do something and get out of my slight zombie/indifferent state of mind. I'm a bit tired. I should probably stop nursing Katharine. She wakes me up a lot during the night. I'm already looking forward to a good night sleep next Tuesday when Corey and I take a little post-Christmas recovery trip to St. George. Corey took my bike in to get the fork fixed, whatever that is. I was going to go get it, but since Joseph has a bike rack we're going to have him pick it up later. I ran a few more Christmas errands today. Mel came up and she had received some anonymous gift from someone who dropped stuff off at her apartment - food for her and a white ceramic nativity thing for us with a gift card. I'm not telling Corey this (and I'm blogging this is May 2024 so he probably won't see this post to find this out, haha) but the RS president came by also and gave us a gift of cash and a Smith's gift card. We are in need I guess, mostly cause of the large number of children we have, but also cause $ has been tight all this year with Corey's project, which cut their budget in half, so it was ok before then, but it's been really bad this year. Trying to make due, but mostly digging a pit for ourselves with debt. (Shh, Corey you didn't see this, or if you did just know that me saying this does not mean you are not a good provider. You are!) Corey and I went climbing yesterday at 2pm - did a few new V1s and V2s. Total 18 sends - just working up our strength again. Then stretched my legs for 20 minutes. Exercise and stretch, then work and rest. That's the formula for life. 

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