Friday, December 22, 2023

Siblings' Screens

Abi, Lily, and Sophi had their last day of school today before the winter break. Yay, we're done for the rest of the year. The little kids like have been out of school for a few days and have been enjoying their older siblings home, because they love them and love spending time with them obviously! ...and because it means a little bit more opportunity for screen time! 

Watching stuff on Hyrum's phone. I took four pictures of them, and Peter was picking his nose in all of them. Oh well. I am still trying out to figure out a few gifts. I went to Costco... Ethan said he wants a razor, but I don't know which kind... I don't shave my face, I don't have knowledge or an opinion on that. Corey wants more ski helmets. I think we have enough. Oh - guess what! We've been missing our spare van key since like March/April... I thought it must have been left in the ski pants or a ski coat, cause I knew we had them both last ski season - cause I remember having Abi run back to the car with one key and another person had the other. But it's been missing, so when I thought it must have been left in the ski clothes last winter, I decided to go check all the pockets and NOTHING. Didn't find it. Then what do you know - today, lo and behold - both keys are there! I asked Hyrum and Abi if they put a key up, they said they didn't, so I have no idea where it came from, but we have both keys again after months of one key.

Usually something goes missing and no one will fess up to it. This time something appears and no one knows how or where it came from! I guess it shall remain a mystery, but I'll happily take the "things appearing without explanation" over things disappearing! I'm grateful, yay, it's a Christmas miracle.

Joseph and Mel arrived today, coming up for the holiday, he brought up my bike, thanks Joseph. Corey's is still getting a tune up, Josh bringing it by tomorrow morning. I took Lily and Sophi to go hang out with her BFF Liesel and her little sister. They are out there until 9pm. Abi and Mel are making a dessert. I tried to resist so that I would be hungry for date night. Corey and I went to Aubergine and then Costco for another attempt at getting enough food and gifts for Christmas break. 

Corey is going to try and recruit some BYU students to help him with his project - he made this video to explain it to them so that they could know if they want to help. I don't totally understand everything Corey says here, even though I know it's all in English, but I thought I'd share this incase anyone wants to watch it so they know a little bit more about what his project is about. BYU Capstone project - password is narx

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