Monday, March 4, 2024

Clothes Shopping

Today I'm not feeling as panicked over the wedding as I was over the weekend. Big shout out to Terry for saving my sanity. She came over Saturday morning and again Saturday evening. Thanks to her, the centerpieces for the dinner are mostly figured out (I think/hope) and that let me have a good day yesterday. I wore the dress to church that I thought I might wear to the wedding, so that I could run it by the experts, and Terry said no. It was too casual. So, after an RS meeting, the only other thing on my list today was to find something to fancy up my shirt, or to find something else entirely. I didn't want to take P&K shopping, so we stayed home and finished tying ribbons, and I'm basically an expert now. Then I was looking through all the scrapbooks for some "before the blog" photos to send to Ethan. He's using them to make a wedding video, and I wanted them for some side by side photos of Ethan and Bella that I'm going to put on each table, like this cute one!

Oh my gosh, they are such cute kids! I was smiling so big. I'm going through photos that her mom sent me and trying to find good matching ones like that. :) I have more to do, but I think I will get them done. I worked on that today until 3, and we didn't have violin today, so as soon as the older girls were home from school, I took off to do some clothes shopping for hopefully the last time. I thrifted again, just at the DI, and found great stuff. I'm ahead of the game! 

Usually when I'm prepping for family photos, I barely settle on clothes like the day before, so good job me getting this taken care of 4 days prior! I got home and put the clothes all over my room and told the kids to come make their final decisions. 

Gotta wrap this up!

Owen was the first one done, although he might need a larger size pants. Oh, and lighter brown socks probably. But if I don't get to either of those, he'll survive, so sweet, one down. (Also, this outfit is much better than the getup he was wearing yesterday when he came down the stairs before church - with orange socks and suspenders, haha, made me laugh! and I told him to change into something else) 

Next: Peter~

He still makes it look easy. Abi chose her, then helped Sophi, who was giddy with excitement when she finally found something she liked among the spoils I came back with today. Natalie tried on all the dresses, even ones that were obviously too big. She was just obeying orders. She ended up settling on an outfit that we've had set aside this whole time. I went back and forth on a few things, but after texting Bella and her Mom and Terry, I got the votes I needed to win over my teenage girls' opinions on my attire, ha. I'm going for "mother of the groom" which I think means formal, old, boring. I can't be cute or casual like a trendy teenager. 

It is too large, but that's ok, cause it matches well enough, and it was $5 bucks. Good enough. I'm glad that my wedding day outfit is decided. And I got another dress that is super cute and red, that I justified by telling myself it will be for the anniversary feast next year, but I think I'll wear that to the dinner now! Before I was thinking I'd wear the lavender top to the dinner with a green skirt, and a orange/peach-ish dress on Saturday, but this lavender skirt made it look formal enough, so sweet, done! Lily still needs to voice her opinion (we decide for her, she said she didn't care, but I bet she will Friday) so other than that, I think the rest of us are good! I just need to go get a tan tie for Corey. Sweet. 4 more days!

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