Friday, May 3, 2024

Bike, Lunch, & Debate

We took Katharine on a ride again yesterday. I wasn't planning on her coming, but Corey opened the opportunity for her and then he felt he had to and seemed like he wanted to. He wasn't being quiet like about it like I am. I quietly sneak out the basement, but he was rather inviting the opportunity. Ok, I guess we'll be going slow today. We hadn't even started when she wanted him to fix her gloves.

Then he had to keep helping her take them off then put them back on during various stages of the ride...

Gotta keep the toddler as happy as possible or else the ride is doomed. I was reluctant to bring her. I wanted to sneak away and leave her with the older kids, cause I knew she wouldn't make it to the techy section and I wanted to do techy. Corey was nice and after we all made it to the third bridge, they headed back home on the road and I finished going to Techy section. She didn't fall asleep today and did great! Good job K - 

We may have a future mountain biking star on our hands, once she figures out how to be ok with bumps and going over rocks. 

So our 30 year high school reunion is coming in up August. Crazy, 30 years. I was at the bank last week opening an account for the reunion, for us to use to sell tickets and to pay for the venue and stuff. The guy at the bank, as he checked my ID, noticed it was almost my birthday, said "happy birthday" and then let me know that my drivers license was expiring that day. Doh! If I had gotten a renewal in the mail, I never saw it. So I scheduled an appointment online. I had a few days with an expired license but I was able to go in yesterday to get that taken care of. Peter and K playing in the DMV line - which thankfully was open at the moment. 

My appt was at 10:10 and by 10:26 we were back in the car. In and out in 16 minutes - not bad! 

Today was a full day - Corey and I left for Provo at 12 to take Joseph and Eliza out to lunch at 1. We were all late and were sitting down at 1:20. BYU's Women's Conference was going on and we were surprised but grateful that it wasn't busy. We enjoyed a nice meal. It was a "congrats on graduating and getting engaged" date with them. We decided to take him to the Skyroom in Provo cause that is where Melodie works - 

AND cause today was the last day that the Skyroom will be open. Mel brought us our food and we enjoyed the meal very much and had a nice visit. Ethan and Bella went out to eat there yesterday to say their goodbye to the Skyroom .

Joseph and Ethan are grateful for Mel working there, cause she often took them leftovers, thus helping them survive another year of poor college life on a diet other than top ramen. 

Joseph and Eliza will be going to The Ohio State for Medical school in August right after our Wride reunion at Park City this summer. I brought Joseph his ski boots cause he's going to sell them. He's been trying to figure out how to make ends meet until then (and that will continue to be the story for the next decade plus I'm sure) Joseph is thinking he might try painting house numbers on curbs? Or maybe will be able to work for my parents or Eliza's uncle up in Idaho. Exciting decisions and years ahead for these two! We finished off with some dessert - a strawberry cheesecake thing, interesting looking!

It was a strawberry fondant mold with the cheesecake inside on top of a brownie. We hung out a bit until Mel was done and she gave us some extra steak and desserts to take home to the little kids, yay, and also gave us a ride back to our car. We came down in Corey's car. I left the van home for Abi and Lily to take to GMS, after they dropped off Hyrum at frontrunner. He and Mel are on their way to St. George for the weekend. Hyrum didn't come down with us, though, cause we needed him to stay home and watch P&K until Sophi got home. Then S was in charge of all the kids while A&L took H to the train. It was a bit tricky figuring out logistics today. This lunch date was our date "night" though - so this evening I just have been up here blogging. I took Corey back over to his dad's house after Provo, so that I could have his car to go pick up Natalie at the State Debate Championship. Took C back to his dad's to work, I had his car to pick up N and her freind from a Debate thing. She got a ride over their with her friend from school. It was a long one again, from 3:00 to 8pm. 
Natalie took home a trophy this time too. She won 2nd place in State!
Good job Natalie! Let's see, that's about it for the past two days. We have a primary activity and soccer  games and a trumpet recital tomorrow. Always busy. Oh, one more picture - K thew up at 1:30 am last night/early this morning. She was with Natalie up on her bed, and threw up on Natalie and N's blankets and pillow. So her first throw up was on Tues May 1st, Throw up #2 was at 1am this morning, then she threw up again tonight at 8:20 pm. I guess it's good I was home and not out on a date. Hopefully this was her last one? She's holding back, I don't think she's letting all the sickness get out hence why she's still got it inside her. She's been taking a lot of baths.
I had carpool this morning, then getting kids off to school and lunch date - so Corey and I hadn't exercised yet. I told him I wanted to go climbing, and it is open until 11pm M-F, so it's just past 9pm,  which is a bit late for us, but we're going to go climb real quick. Corey and I have done all our biking and climbing togehter this week! (Well, I did one extra climbing session on Friday, but we've done pretty good doing it together. Go team. Oh, one last pic of cure Owen that Ethan sent tonight. Ethan has been working on the House 2 for a few months. He says he's close to being done. Should be fun. 

Owen, you are cute!

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