Corey and I didn't do a turkey trot or 5K this morning, but we did go on a bike ride. It was 25 degrees. We've been experimenting with different temperatures. 30-40 degrees is good, as is 40-50. 50-60 is iffy - could be too warm and slushy. We knew 25 degrees would be cold, but thought it would be good to try the 20-30 degrees window. And it was cold, but my feet were good in my snowboots with their toe warmers (even though we don't think those make any heat) and our hands were very good with the little hotties (those work too well). The only problem we had with at 25 degrees was that Corey's dropper post froze or something wasn't working with it, so it wouldn't lock in place, and thus when he sat down on his seat, it sunk all the way to the bottom. So he looked like Peter does when he rides his little bike. We still made it to the ruins.

We did techy on the way down. Since Corey's seat froze, I didn't dare try to adjust mine, and thus it was too high on techy and I fell right at the beginning and banged my left knee pretty good. I'm predicting it will be quite bruised. I got back on and did adjust the seat without a problem and finished the ride. Movement took care of the knee pain and it was good after just a few minutes and has felt fine all day.
So we did an early ride at 9am to experiment with the cold winter morning temperatures, and because Grant and Stephanie were coming by at noon. They came out for Thanksgiving, yay! We got home in time to clean up ourselves and the house before they showed up. We were so excited when we met their new baby girl Daisy!!!
We all tried to wait patiently as she was passed around.
Oh she is so cute!!! So we all visited, Corey and Grant talked work, Steph and I talked babies, the boys were all running and roller blading around inside and playing football outside. Grant and his kids got suited up with skis and gear and Grant is taking them skiing tomorrow for the first time ever up at Alta. They will just be doing Snowpine, and that will be perfect since it is a free beginner lift. So we all had fun visiting and playing. We made a salad and vegan sweet potatoes to take to the Thanksgiving feast with the Hibberts, and then headed out for that at 4pm. Jared and Jerusha had prepared a feast for us all.
...and the kids ran around playing tag, and then some games came out: Abducktion and kids playing Telestrations and other fun for another hour. We came back home around 8:30. Everyone stuffed and worn out from a lot of fun. It was good. Ethan and Bella were up with her family in northern Utah, and Joseph and Eliza went for a meal with my sister in Indiana! So that is fun. The kids did miss the Park City hot tubs, but it was good to not have to try and divide the day. I think next year I would like to host it at home, just for a bit more personal and cozy feeling. I didn't blog anything in 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013... and if I didn't blog it, I just don't remember what happened. Looks like we've hosted it a few times ~ in 2015, 2017, 2019, 2020, and then:
- Us with friends in Costa Rica in 2010
- Us by ourselves in Bear Lake in 2014
- We've done it with Hibberts in Layton in 2008 (at Gma & Gpa Bahr's house in 2007)
- With extended Hibberts hosted by J&J in 2016, 2021, 2023 and now this year 2024
- Park City with Wrides in 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022,
- (So it was with both Wrides and Hibberts in 2021 & 2023 and both here and Park City in 2019)

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