Saturday, March 31, 2018

Family In Town

I have two sisters in town for General Conference this weekend! Camilla, from Indiana, arrived with most of her kids on Wednesday and they came over for a visit. It felt like a regular busy after school day with Wes having Little Big Band, I took him down for that, but before I left I was able to visit a little - The kids were cute all playing Blokus. Not playing the game, just making patterns and designs. Anybody else have that game?
I have FOUR sets of that game, 3 of which are incomplete because the children got to them and lost pieces. The fourth set of the game is hidden in my bedroom closet and kept under close surveillance so that none of those pieces get lost. I did get it out for Nate to use though. While they were visiting on Wed, Sophi lost another tooth.
We had planned for the cousins to all go do baptisms for the dead at the temple tonight, but Joseph ended up being the only one there to represent our family - Mel felt sick and bailed out, Ethan was asleep cause he had stayed up until 3 the night before finishing homework for the end of the term, Hyrum decided to go to the Jordan River Open House with Corey and the Young Men in our ward (and Abi)
(you can get your picture taken and have it emailed to you, fun) ...and I was with Wes and Little Big Band. Wes and I got home in time that he could have gone, but he was tired from a long day and preferred to stay home, so I let him. But Joseph had a good time, he was able to perform the baptisms, which is a fairly recent change the church has made, to let the youth perform the ordinances. So that was cool. My dad went and was witness for the ordinances and then took all his grandkids out for ice cream after.

So, that was a typical crazy busy run around Wednesday. On Thursday, the older kids were out of school but not much use around the house. In the afternoon, Abi and the little kids wanted to go do something, so we went to the park. Owen was cute going down the slide, Louie the Lion ever by his side.
Owen, going up for another slide ride, Daniel on the junior slide waiting for a bit of assistance. Natalie going under Abi's legs, on her way to help little D.
Camilla texted again that their oldest daughter was now in town and wanted to come see cousins, so I told her the address of the park we were at and soon they had joined us. After they came, the kids all had fun playing frisbee. Isn't Utah beautiful? Look at those mountains. It looks like something straight from the Sound of Music
Speaking of the Sound of Music, Camilla caught Natalie in this little Maria Von Trapp moment running down a small hill, cute
Yesterday (Friday) Graigry and Nate both slept over and we enjoyed seeing the family again when they brought them by. They stayed with us today as we listened to General Conference. Camilla had extra tickets and so Corey took some of the kids down for the session this morning - very cool that they were there for the Solemn Assembly, it will be a memory they will not forget! I'm sure Corey took some pictures there with the kids, will update with those later. Another sister, the final sister, Patrice, is also in town from Texas for Conference. So tonight was the big event - all the Hibbert ladies were getting together while the men were at Priesthood session. The kids dyed easter eggs...
and we listened in to the session - a big announcement that there is no more separate High Priests Group and Elder's Quorum
With two sisters living out of state this was a real treat to have all of us together, my mom and all my sisters! Group pic!
General Conference has been wonderful so far, we're excited to listen to more tomorrow!

Friday, March 30, 2018

Post Op

Joseph timed his wisdom tooth appointment really well. He was wiser than Mel by scheduling it after the term was over. It's also spring break for him now, so he has a few days without school to mend. With the bonus that he won't get behind on homework and doesn't have to be around friends with a swollen face. He went in for the extraction yesterday morning. Today at 10:45 he was done with the 24 hour evaluation or whatever and I picked him up. Poor guy, he looked a lot like Mel did a week ago.
But he seemed to be taking the unflattering look better than Mel did and came into the store with me and even went to the temple today. That pic is Joseph smiling by the way. It doesn't look like it cause his cheeks aren't working at the moment. And this is him smiling and blinking.
So we went to the store on the way home to get his prescriptions filled and while we waited for that we bought pudding, jello, and lots of ice cream. So this was really good timing on Joseph's part because the night before his appointment (Wednesday night) he was singing with the Skyline Madrigals for some famous people - it was a party celebrating Orrin Hatch's years of service - so Joseph and his friends got a pic with Orrin - 
And some other people that were at the party, like the Utah Governor and MITT ROMNEY! Isn't that fun! Joseph just hanging out at a party with his BFFs -
Mitt really would have been such a great President for this country. My worries and lamentation over his loss to Obama and Trumps election are not out of control right now. I don't worry about it. But I also haven't followed most of the new for over a year, except for a few things that might go viral on facebook or things that Corey tells me. And life goes on. After 8 years of Obama and a year of Trump and we are still united under the US flag, so that's good. 
Anyway, back to Joseph's teeth. He's doing good. My mother brought over pizza tonight for us and my sister and her kids that were hanging out at our house. Joseph decided to put a slice of pizza in the blender so he could partake of it's goodness, even with his inability to open his mouth wide or chew.
 It blended very well. Will it blend? Yes, pizza blends.
 Joseph was pretty excited and gets a bowl. His siblings are laughing and gagging at it. Hyrum, our vegan "Gross! Little Ceasars is already disgusting enough, but blending it?!?!" He opened the blender lid and shrugs off their comments as he matter of factly states - "Smells like pizza...." Mel laughed at Joseph's excitement.
Even Ethan was repulsed. That's just not right Joseph!
Getting the last of it out of the pitcher -

Moment of truth...
And he proclaimed it totally satisfactory, it was just what he was going for - pizza that he wouldn't have to chew. Day 1 of wisdom tooth post surgery done! Good job Joseph, looks like you're gonna make it through.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Big and Little Doctor Visits

Today is Joseph's turn to get his wisdom teeth out. You ready for this J?
The good news is that I was correct in my hypothesis from last week, that because I'd already done a run through with Mel, getting Joseph to his early AM appointment for his wisdom tooth extraction would not cause me to lose sleep. He had to be there earlier though - 5:30. So we were on our way at 5:15, but I went to the wrong place. I assumed it was at the same place where Mel went, but it was at a different office. Good news is that when we got there, his room had a bed. That would come in handy, as he was required to stay for 24 hour, not just until 4 like Mel.
Daniel also had a doctor visit today. He had his 18 month check up. Daniel seems to have learned from Owen's example and took a blanket at stuffed toy with him, though he's not interested in a binky. Daniel is also following Owen by now being timid around dogs. There was a service dog in the waiting room and Daniel kept a close eye on him and was hiding behind me, having me be between him and the dog. Then I found the toy table and that was a good distraction for him.
One bad thing they did this time - they gave him the immunization shots first! He was totally ticked at them the rest of the time and would not hold still for the physical exam, but they were able to get it done. Not one of our best dr. visits though. After we were done with the check up, we headed out. Daniel was lagging behind me, and I realized he was looking for the dog. He was dragging his blanket, and I put it up over his head so it wouldn't touch the floor, and he happily kept it there.
He walked over to the elevator with it still on his head, and when people coming out of the elevator their faces lit up to see this cute little guy, with his cute little bare feet. All the receptionists at the desk were smiling and laughing at his cuteness too.
Love my little D. He fell asleep on the way home, snuggling his new "baby"
I bought that at Walmart yesterday when I was looking for something to keep Daniel still and in the cart so I could finish grocery shopping. It worked well. I wasn't sure if he was really attached to it or not. But I decided if he was still hugging in when I was going through the checkout line, I would buy it. He was, so I did. And I've been pleased that he's still loving on it today.

What else - Natalie and Sophi have been lost in a Barbie/Elena of Avalor/Wonder Woman game this whole week. Today they were flying their dolls around the yard today -
Hooray for almost spring weather!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Passover Meal

Today I went to our Relief Society weekly scripture study group. I haven't been attending regularly cause of unwilling/difficult kids, but I made the extra effort to go (aka I bribed Natalie with candy) so that I could participate in a Passover feast that one of my lovely sisters had prepared, in celebration of it being Easter week.
For the meal, she had prepared lamb burgers, bitter herbs (romaine and horseradish) and a little bit of a cucumber yogurt dish for fun. Dates with cream cheese and dark chocolate bark with Almonds also provided for the movie snack to eat during a video that she wanted to share. I didn't finish watching the video though, cause I took what I thought would be a quick break to go check on Daniel and Owen.  I found them in the "drunk tank" but unfortunately I wasn't there this time when they entered the toddler arena to move the rock salt, therefore Owen had almost emptied the ice melt bucket and thrown the salt all around that glass contained little room. So then I spent 20 minutes sweeping it up while Daniel shrieked for me at the top of his lungs... and then I had to go home to be there when Sophi got home from kindgertarten... Anyway, I'm not here to share that story, but I didn't watch the film or hear too much of the discussion, but I did get to participate in the passover meal. And I wanted to talk about lamb.
You might know that last summer began to learn about and have since aspired to eat a whole food plant based diet. So I've pretty much cut out all meat (had shrimp a few times on date nights) but even before that when I did eat the normal American "meat and sweet" diet, I don't think I'd ever eaten lamb. But, I did have a bite today. I wanted to eat what the Savior ate during Passover. This was a meal the people of Israel were commanded to prepare and eat (Exodus 12:3-10) and they were supposed to eat all of the lamb (verse 10) as "a memorial; and ye shall keep it a feast to the Lord throughout your generations; ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever." (verse 14) So I took a piece of lamb burger, and I took a bite. And my thoughts turned to the little lamb that used to be alive. 
Before we ate, we learned about the Passover. A good site here on the prophetic significance of the passover lamb. Each family was to select a lamb and keep the lamb for four days before sacrifice, to grow attached to it, so that it would feel hard and feel like a sacrifice when they took it to the altar. Being mindful is important - here's a video of a guy who raises sheep/lamb for meat. I like his view at 5:30 - if you eat your meat blindly, not wanting to think that it was an animal or where it came from, that is irresponsible. I was mindful that this was a lamb, and as he says, if that's hard for to stomach, maybe you shouldn't eat it. Yeah, for me the meat was a bit much. My taste buds aren't used to eating meat anymore, and I'm really starting to not even like the smell of cooked flesh. After a bite, I wasn't sure I could finish it, sorry Exodus. Luckily Natalie came into the room "Can I have that?" Yes sweetie, thank you
I thought of how most of us are like children, eager and hungry for the food and sustenance that God gives us every day - life, breath, food, sight, taste - and we often take it all for granted, like little children do. We are little children, often only thinking of our immediate gratification and not noticing or understanding the love shown or the sacrifice involved in the gifts we receive.
The Lamb of God. I've continued to think of little lambs today. To think of the connection between God and his only begotten son. His son - an innocent and pure lamb. Little lambs, who want to be with their mothers, as shown in the film Peaceable Kingdom (from 15:00 - 17:30) the connection between the lambs and their mothers. This picture of a lamb, being marked for slaughter, the mother's calling for their lambs, the lambs not knowing what to do or how to do it, yet one trying desperately to get back to his mother.
Photo from Lamb Sanctuary.

One last video - little goats at 4:06, 4:44 - sheep being slain, 5:00 - other sheep, probably noticing what is going on, but no way to escape. That one made me cry. I usually feel sad and sorry about it, but I haven't cried before, mostly because I was thinking of the Savior, he is the lamb of God. I'm that although he knew the sacrificial cause before him and the cause for which he came into the world, he was still willing to go as a lamb to the slaughter. I thank him for his willing sacrifice. I maybe would have tried to stop him from doing it, just as if I were a Jewish child, grown attached to our family lamb, I might have wished we wouldn't have to go through the sacrifice for the Passover meal. But God be praised, he did go through with it. He is the lamb, given not just for a meal, but for our eternal life. His sacrifice was the only way for us to return.

I am grateful to tears for the Lamb of God, innocent and pure, willing to be sacrificed for us, that we might live again.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Photos from the Kitchen

A few moments from the kitchen today. This little man has begun sitting at the bar. 
I've been nervous he'd call, but has had no incidents. He's doing a good job being a big kid -
Look at you, Daniel, sitting on high barstool and eating cereal all by yourself, you're growing up!
I bought this at Whole foods a few days ago - it looked so amazing to me! I didn't see a sign saying what it was called or anything, so I didn't know what it was but I had to buy it cause it looked just AMAZING! Look at those fractals! What an amazing plant! wow!
It tastes like cauliflower, so I just googled "fractal cauliflower" and thank you google, I now know that this amazing plant is called Romanesco broccoli. So amazing all the amazing plants in this world! (how many times can I say "amazing"?)
And our last kitchen/food photo for the day... I put out a bowl of beans to soak last night, and the little girls found it this morning...
And I can't use it now cause they are using it for their game!
Natalie was the one who discovered my bowl of soaking beans, and then proceeded to get the Disney pocket dolls - 
Cause it looks like stones in a mountain stream or wade pool - it looks like a natural hot spring, and it's just waiting for Anna and Belle to come and soak in it's healing mineral waters...
Well, I might have to wait a day before these girls will give me my beans back, and I'll give them a good rinse, since they've been having these grubby little hands in them all day. I'll have to come up with another plan for dinner tonight.
I admit I never would have thought of that when I looked at beans soaking in water. I must be getting old. That's okay, have fun girls. I love your creativity!

Monday, March 26, 2018

Easter Egg Hunt

After school today, the little kids went across the street for a neighborhood Easter Egg hunt. It snowed this morning, typical of Utah spring weather, so I wasn't sure if it was still on or not. Luckily for Abi it was. She had invited two friends to come. At 4:00 the "big kids" in the neighborhood went over to hide the eggs, then at 4:30 the hunt began. Abi took Daniel for a little bit. Lily, Sophi, and Natalie were on their own. They came home with their treats and at them up.
Most of the eggs had gotten wet in the snow covered lawn, thus the candy coated treats (like jelly beans, robin eggs, etc) made colored spots on the carpet where  Sophi and Natalie opened their eggs.
I saw the mess, promptly got out a sheet, and made them open the rest of their wet eggs on that. I'll clean up the mess later.

Another thing that happened today - now that Joseph has his mission call, he was on task starting to check off his new list of to-dos before his June departure. #1 - get a passport immediately. Yes sir! He went down to the county clerk office after school, sat in line for 45 min, applied for it and got it expedited, cause we need it asap so he can apply for his visa. Yay, we go through $100s like their $20s.
$210 gone. He's got all his immunizations except he needs a typoid shot. That is only available at the international travel clinic. We got a hold of them, the shot is $80, plus a required $60 fee for a 45 min consultation. Yay, nice. Good thing we saved money on the wisdom teeth, thank you JBR Research.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Little Couple

There is a sweet little girl at church who is Daniel's age, and her parents are usually out in the hall with her when we are out there with Daniel. And they like to play together in the drunk tank. But today Riley had her mom and me both giggling with delight as she grabbed Daniel's hand and they took off walking down the hall together.
Hey, little one year olds?
Where do you two think you are going?
So cute, it was fun to watch them and see where they go and what they're thinking inside those little heads. Today was a good Sunday. I read and the kids played, I went downstairs with them after a while and I listened to conference talks as I cleaned up/sorted junk in the basement. It was a good day.