Hi, it's January 2, but I'm catching up and logging this past weekend and am just going to set the date as Dec 31st... We had a great and fun New Years Eve. Around 1:00 I went to Momentum with Corey and OP, I bouldered, Corey belayed the boys and then they bouldered a little bit too.
We gotta get them to boulder so that we can all climb when we take them, rather than they just climb while we belay the whole time (cause I don't find that very fun). I did a purple V1 that I hadn't done before, on east side of north boulder! Now the only V1 I still need to do is the hot pink one, but alas, it is impossible. I tried it like 10 times today, but I can't get both of my hands on the 3rd and 4th to last holds. It's so slippery.
So then back home and we got ready to head up to Brighton with kids for a New Year's Eve gathering with our neighborhood friends. I left around 4, hoping that it would still be light and we could get in some sledding time. I took Corey's car, it's so nice to have 4 wheel drive. The roads were slick and there was snow everywhere - a few cars were stuck but we were good in Corey's car. I left Katharine and Peter home with Corey and took Mel, Wes, Abi, Lily, Sophi, Natalie, Owen, and Daniel with me. I was going to go back down to get Corey, but they were able to all get a ride up with Ethan's friend Truman. Here's a cute pic of Katharine at home - searching for tiny legos and earrings on the floor.

She's starting to roll around quite a bit (this video Mel made - so cute. Yes she IS lovely.) Katharine always seems to find tiny things - tiny papers, legos, bits of food, etc. I'm glad she usually keeps her binky in her mouth and just rolls around the tiny objects between her fingers, like this earring. Those sweet eyes...
Katharine! Be careful, I'm trying to be careful, but your siblings do not - please don't choke on anything you find on the floor around here!
At the cabin we got set up in a room where I was going to sleep with Katharine (having a baby helps you get room priority, hehe) We didn't go skiing today and won't be skiing at Brighton this year, but did go sledding. Most of the kids didn't take me up on it, they wanted to stay inside where it was warm - playing with their friends and watching Elf -
...but Mel and Lily did.
I should have put my hair back...
As we'd sled down, our feet would make the snow powder spray in our faces a ton.
Lily gave me her neck thing...
It helped a little. We only went down the hill like 5 times, but we sure got covered in snow!
We had fun. Back inside - kids reading...
Corey, Joseph, Ethan and Peter arrived a little after 6pm - Yay! You brought my baby!
Adults visiting -
Ethan asking Mel to give him more time on Instagram on HIS phone...
I'm glad they keep each other in check.
Ethan and Truman playing chess. "Eth, who is going to win?"
Ethan had been feeling a little sick last night and this morning, but was determined to not miss out on the celebrations. When I passed by him I asked "Eth, how are you feeling?" and as he took a Superman stance he said "Feeling completely normal and healthy!" Haha. Natalie was feeling fine earlier but then felt a bit sick tonight... and threw up. I was very grateful that she made it in the toilet - no clean up, hooray - and with that she was feeling better. (I'll spare you the mess in the toilet)
Cute Peter -
Wes spent a good portion of his time in the basement playing foosball and ping pong -
Kids playing Telestrations. They were laughing so hard, it was fun just to watch them!
Kids talking smack playing foosball.
Video of one of their games here.
Joseph scored on Wesley, and then said (paraphrased by Ethan) “In Wesley’s defense, I’m super good.” - Joe. Haha, so funny. Another quotes from foosball by Eth (I think): “As Jim always says, put enough sauce on it and it’ll go in.” Joe: “I’ve never heard him say that.”
Corey enjoys playing foosball. He got really good at it back in his TenFold days. I enjoy watching. I have no skill, but sometimes I have luck when I play. It's not as enjoyable when you're depending on luck though.
We watched the New York Ball drop at 10pm, and then we all hooped and hollered - the kids and a few adults ran around the cabin for the
Polar Bear challenge. I did half of the cabin with toddlers. That video is of the second half. The snow was so deep! I was worried they'd fall in and get lost and no one would see them, but we all made it back inside with hopefully no long term frostbite. Lily was still feeling brave and decided to enjoy her glass of sparkling cider out on a snow couch -
"It's not even cold! I can't even feel it..."
Corey headed back home with Natalie, the rest of us are sleeping over and will go to church up here and then head home after that. It's been snowing all evening and is forecast to snow all day tomorrow, hopefully we'll make it out! Happy New Year!