Thursday, June 13, 2024

Bells Canyon

Corey and I went climbing this morning. Joseph was going to come but then ripped some skin off his palm as he was getting his shoes off the high closet shelf. So it was just Corey and I. It would have been fun to climb with Joseph, so that's too bad. Tomorrow is our last day at Momentum for a few months. After we got home, I took the kids on a hike. I was debating between Bear Canyon Bridge or Ghost Falls or Rocky Mouth. They voiced their opinions but have never been or don't remember going to most of those, so they didn't really know. Owen asked me how long it was to drive to each one, and we settled on the close one - Bells Canyon. And we begin!

K was eating an apple slice as we went. Made it a little harder to hold her hand. They did really good for 5 little kids. Little trips and falls here and there, and I carried K on my shoulders when she'd let me, just to hurry things along, but it was great and filled my cup. We were glad to finally make it to the reservoir, cause once you got there, there was a lovely shaded trail in the trees. We went along that... 

It was so lovely in the shade!

Peter and Katharine looked so cute in their squat on the trail as they looked at potato bugs...

Found some more! Roly-polies!
There have been so many potato bugs this year, more than I've ever noticed. When we've gone biking in Corner Canyon they are all over the trails and I'm sure I've caused many of their early deaths, although I do try to avoid them. I just don't always see them in time. Or when I try to swerve to miss them I probably actually hit them, like when I ran over a rabbit once. Sorry little bugs. 
I like P and K in their little hats. The hats kept the sun off their faces, but made their heads really sweaty! Peter wearing all black probably contributed to his drenched hair...
And the fact that we were hiking around noon. We made it to the Dry Creek Bridge...
And then they were ready to go. They had earned a nice cold banana shake from me at home (cause I don't do Ocean Ice or frosties) and we headed back, after a pic with the valley behind us at the top of the trail by the reservoir.
Good job kids, you guys are troopers! We headed back down. K let me carry her most of the way, so we were a little faster. I suggested that once we got home, we could turn on the sprinkler under the trampoline. They were really excited about that! Back at the car, K's head was as sweaty as Peter's was.
She also doesn't have as much hair to get wet, but the hair she did have was soaked. 
She really liked wearing a hat though. When she was on my back, if I tipped it off she would chastise me and pout until I put her down, fixed her hat, and then we could be on our way again, and then I'd bump it again as I put her on my shoulders, repeat. If Natalie wasn't too far ahead I had her help K so we could try to keep going. When Abi Lily and Sophi are back next week, I'm going to try and make them go on hikes with me and they we'll do it in the morning, OR if they won't get up, then they have to come with me on the afternoon hot hikes! I think that might persuade them to get up and hopefully they'll develop a love for being outside on summer mornings. Short drive home - I made banana shakes while they got on their swimsuits. They invited a few neighbor friends over and I put the sprinkler on under the trampoline. 
I put K in the tub for a bath and while the boys played outside. Natalie took a shower and then worked on a puzzle. And I, after having put in such a good day's work as a mother, have been happily blogging most of the rest of this evening. I finished December Sunday, and today I almost finished January! I have one more post and then I'm finished with Jan! Go me. We are going to place a catering order tomorrow for  Joseph's wedding lunch. I made spaghetti and meatballs for dinner, and that with that I'm happy to call it a close this good summer day. Corey and I will go on a ride in the morning. 

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