Monday, June 3, 2024

FSY & Oakcrest

I know that summer is here, because my Summer Roses are blooming!

And more on the way. 

They are so pretty. There are a lot of aphids on them that I sprayed off with a hose last week, and I've just been squishing with my bare fingers since then. They gotta go away! I was admiring the roses after I got back from a ride. I woke up this morning at 5:15am, got dressed, and went to Corner Canyon by myself, arrived by 6. I'm prepping myself for a 6am ride with my little bro Grant on Wednesday, it will be fun! I tried to go early so I could be back for the busy morning. Sophi was leaving for Oakcrest at 7:30. She woke up on her own and got out the door, and her friend picked her up right as I was pulling up, so I didn't give her a hug but that's ok. She'll be back Friday at 12:30. Kelsy and Sophi are on the bus and ready to go!
I was a counselor up at Oakcrest in 1996. It was fun. I'm excited for her. It'll be good. After I got home, I woke up Abi and Lily and they finished getting ready for FSY. Their check in wasn't until 11, and went from 11 - 1, so we had a nice window there. We got there around 11:40 and there were a ton of people. "I hope we don't have to wait in that line!" Abi said as she saw a line extending out from the Marriott Center. I didn't know, so I dropped them off to go figure it out and we waited with their luggage in the car. They were back in a jiffy - "Luckily there were not very many people with the last name W..." And then we went over to building 12 and at noon they were off on their way to an awesome week with new friends.
Have fun girls! Melodie is an assistant coordinator at FSY at BYU this week, so she was there and after I dropped off A&L, Mel called to see if I wanted to come inside to where she was. I didn't really, since I had 5 kids in tow, but we drove over there and she came out to give the kids a hug. "Meeeelll!"
I dropped Hyrum off yesterday at the U of U, he is an FSY counselor up there this week. Then he's going straight to San Diego from there to be a counselor there, and for a few more weeks after that. He's excited. It's good for him to be out of here and not be my live in babysitter (sigh).
But he was an awesome help. Thanks for spoiling me Hyrum. So after hugging Mel, my captive passengers and I headed back home. They watched Monsters University in the car. They wanted to go by Wendy's but I don't do Wendy's. So instead I gave them outshine popsicles after we got home. That inspired them to make an ipad movie about deadly popsicles (they didn't like the lime flavor). We had a good turn out on the phone call with Wesley today! Joseph and Eliza both driving...
Joseph was driving back from Las Vegas which was where he drove to to fly out to Guatemala last weekend. Glad he's back safe. AND with a pretty good beard to show for it! Ha, 
He said "I'm coming for you Hyrum!" (Ethan and Hyrum had a little facial hair growth contest over Christmas, Hyrum won. Joseph didn't compete, but I think Joseph could hold his own!) Joseph will be going to American Fork tomorrow to be a counselor for an American Heritage school retreat, so with JMH all gone (and E married and W on his mission) and AL at FSY and S at Oakcrest this week, it will just be me and NODPK, so I'll have a small family with only 5 kids for a few days. It will be just like old times back in 2011 when 11 year old Joseph was the oldest at home. But I guess in 2011 I had 8 kids... so maybe we need to go back to 2006 when I had 5 kids! But they were 6 years old and under, so this week should be easier than that was. It'll be good. I'll try to do some fun stuff with them and not be my usual contented home body. 

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