Thursday, August 31, 2017

Binky Thief

Daniel was being silly today. He found Owen's binky on the floor and picked it up.
"Hmm, what is it that Owen always does with this thing?" He put it in his mouth and made us all laugh. We are used to seeing Owen sucking on it, but it looked so funny for Daniel to be using it.
I think he felt like he'd stumbled upon something pretty good to get such a reaction from all of us.
Then Owen noticed what was going on. His beloved binky, being used by someone who doesn't appreciate their true worth. "No Daniel!" as he yanked it from his mouth. Daniel looks surprised...
And then hurt. We chastise Owen and tell him to be nice to Daniel. Now they're both sad.
Owen decides he will share. Will Daniel accept his peace offering?
He was still sad but we all know what to do to cheer up Daniel. It's not binkies and a blanket, just hold him and maybe give him some warm milk. So that was funny, we like these two little boys.

Tonight Corey ran to the store. I need to make sure I get enough groceries and/or plan meals and have them prepared and ready to serve at dinner time, or else people get nervous (Ethan and Corey on Ethan's behalf) and then they run to the grocery store that is close by and buy lots of food that is overpriced (aka not Costco Wholesale) such as Nutella, and come back with eggs and milk and yogurt and other things I'd really rather not have in the house, and then it just messes up with my meals. Not that I'm good at planning them. It's all in my head, I need to have a written plan. I tried something once that worked pretty well, I need to try it again and just be consistent with making time to plan it. I have told Corey and the kids many times that if they would just help me plan what to serve for dinner, I am more than happy to buy the food and make it. But it's still never happened. I wish I had some support with this or someone else would drive this. But then when they do drive it, like Corey did tonight, I don't like how they do it. I should probably just relax and say thank you for help when they give it instead of being irritated. It's the same thing with putting away dishes. I don't know why some people around here still don't know where dishes go (I think mostly my sweetheart) and I can't find things when I'm looking for them or see the glass pyrex left over storage bowls with the serving bowls of all things! Isn't life so hard for me, "do you see what I endure!?" Yeah, my life is so difficult, especially compared to all the people dealing with flooding in Texas, right? Yeah, I've got it easy, good to remind myself to keep perspective. Praying and thinking of the people in Houston.

So, at the store, Corey picked up another magazine, People I think... to show the kids the glitz and glamour of Babylon. Yes, these are the things that are important to many Americans - clothes, make up, movie stars... Who looks good and who doesn't.
If there isn't a story to tell, they'll make one up. "Did you see how old and wrinkly actress so and so's hand looks in this random photo we took as we were stalking here?!?" Daniel wants to see the wrinkly looking hand...
His point was to tell the kids that people will talk, whether it be in the school or out in the world. They'll find something to criticize or nit-pick about. You just gotta do what's important to you and live your life. Decide what you want to do, what the Lord would like you to do, and then do that. Don't let doubt, fear, or negative peer pressure direct your life and decisions.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Little Climber

We had two butterflies emerge this morning. And the little egg I found last night hatched during the night, hurry and grow little guy, you gotta hurry and catch up with the migration! Other than that, it was a usual Wednesday. Wednesdays are when I have scripture study group in the morning and then we come back and I hurry and get take the trash out, cause it's garbage day. My little friends played on the trampoline while I mowed the lawn - filling up the last of the empty space in the garbage cans with grass clippings. It was fun watching the kids play. Sophi is gone at morning kindergarten until lunch time, so it's "just" these three. Natalie and Owen like to fight with each over who is not being nice to Daniel. Daniel is a tough little guy and is pretty good at fending himself. He has become quite a climber! He's been going up and down the stairs in the house well and this morning was practicing going up and down the slide.
Natalie trying to help him as Owen gets ready to plow him over...
It was cute watching them, I didn't intervene but was there just in case Daniel fell, but he did great.
My little guy is growing up, can't believe he's almost one! And a few other notes for posterity's sake: I have a salad extravaganza with ladies in our ward tonight, an yearly event that is always looked forward to by all. Corey talked with a guy named Sergio tonight and they talked for an hour, not about M0vie mouth stuff, it was about other stuff. And I also sent an email to Operation Underground Railroad asking about if there is a way Corey could donate MM software to help in the recovery efforts for the children they save from trafficking. And, this is what Ethan and Joseph look like at 5:43 in the morning. They are supposed to leave for jazz band at 6:15 to arrive on time at 6:30, but usually they are running 10 minute behind. We gotta get on a schedule.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Lasts of Summer

Well, we're in day 2 of the family school year. With yesterday being Sophi's first day of kindergarten, this is the second day of our new life for the next 9 months. We're still trying to hold on to the last traces of summer such as, miracle of miracles, me making it out on a walk this morning. I even was able to go down into the hollow again for some quick exploring fun.
I'm so glad that I have Abi at home! After the morning routine getting the older kids out the door (from 5:30 - 7:10) then I have a small approx 40 -70 minute window (depending on how responsible I'm feeling) where I can go for a walk! I woke up Abi at 7, cause she likes to have plenty of time to get ready, and then I was able to go enjoy the world while it's still snow free and light outside. Bonus that she's able to keep an ear on Owen and Daniel and get them breakfast if they wake up. She's such a good little mother.

This morning we had three more butterflies emerge, two females, one male. Yes, summer is winding down, fly away little beauties!
Tonight I went up to Davis county for my nephew's birthday bbq. I had a van full of kids that were excited for this last of summer parties and bbqs. Corey's brother and his family recently moved and I hadn't been to their new house, so it was nice to go and see their place. The kids enjoyed playing with their cousins. Nice wig, Lil!
She made sure I didn't miss the most important detail of her ensemble... "Do you like my feet?"
She was being some disco hobbit or something I guess. So the kids played inside, Owen and Danile liked the trampoline out back. They had a nice big lot and, being the butterfly whisperer I am, I couldn't help but notice the numerous and large milkweed plants in their backyard. I haven't been finding any on our plants anymore but my fellow monarch adoptive mothers tell me that they've had them emerge as late as October, so there could be some out there still. So I looked around and checked the leaves, and was surprised to find an egg that was about to hatch! It was dark, so should be coming out tonight. My in laws didn't have a strong desire to have it, and feeling the little guy would never make it on its own, we took it home. So I thought I was on my last butterfly - my last caterpillar turned into a chrysalis this evening, but now it looks like I've got just one more that's trying to catch the train as it's pulling out of the station. I don't know if this little one will make it before it's too cold, we'll see! So one more caterpillar, it will be fun. One last thing - a little video of us hanging out in our room before bedtime tonight. We liked how Daniel held his bottle with his teeth as he crawled around. Funny little guy.

Monday, August 28, 2017

First Day of Kindergarten

We made it through the first week of school with two "first days" last week. And then today, I believe, we had the last of our "firsts" ~ Today was Sophi's first day of Kindergarten!
This little girl with a September birthday has been very excited to join her friends and siblings at school for well over a year. She did her "about me" poster for homework over the weekend. She had gotten that assignment last Thursday at her oritentation. She held it very carefully as they walked to the bus.
Natalie and Daniel were still asleep, so Owen and I walked them all the way to the bus stop. I didn't really want to, but Owen insisted. We had a neighborhood walkabout last night, so maybe he was hoping for a repeat of roaming the neighborhood for refreshments.
But Owen, honestly, all I could think of when I saw you was that bad knock knock joke that Joseph keeps telling us... "Knock knock!" "Who's there?" "Panther." "Panther Who?" "Panth-er-no panths, I'm going swimming!" So there ya go.

Speaking of that joke, the girl that he is asking to homecoming told it to him and she thinks it's hilarious, so he used that in his "asking" her, and she used the "Panther" joke when she answered him tonight. She also included something about getting pants shipped, as joked about in this commercial, which I'd never seen before. Funny.
So, as we walked them to the bus stop, Owen kept laughing to himself. He was remembering or telling himself a really funny joke.
His little chuckles continued when we were there. Maybe he was thinking of that commercial. He was just laughing out loud to himself. It was really funny.
The bus came, they boarded, and then Owen cried out for "Aba!" as the bus pulled away, and then we hurried home, and Natalie and Daniel were both awake. I told Natalie we could do a school here at home for her, but she really wanted to leave the house and go to a diamond school with a boat and she was rambling on about other stuff as she wailed. She finally consented to color in her new Disney princess book (after I offered her chocolate.)

Now I think we're all finished with our "firsts" and we can start to focus on schedules and routines and see if we're going to be able to survive this school year! Good luck to us.

Friday, August 25, 2017

360 Sunrise

Hello lovely Friday! We've almost survived the first few days of school. On my morning walk this morning, I enjoyed 360 degrees of beautiful sky - 6:47 a.m. looking east
and looking west ~
6:48 - looking south~
...and north.
Aah, great way to start the morning and the weekend! I also enjoyed some contentment time "being present" with Daniel this morning. He was playing with some hard balls on our tile bathroom floor, they made a nice loud sound when they bounced or rolled - I made this 5 min video, but he was paying with them for almost a half hour. It was really cute.

We don't have anything planned for this weekend, other than I have to prepare a 4 minute talk for sacrament meeting on Sunday. All the ladies in the study group are preparing brief remarks about what we learned studying the Pearl of Great Price. I'm going to talk about Enoch and Zion and how building up Zion is our job in the latter days - we have to get ourselves worthy and ready so Zion can return! I love the topic of Zion, this is still one of my favorite books, even though I haven't reread it for 5 years. But it is so good, I highly recommend it!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Kindergarten Orientation

It's day 2 of school! The morning started off fun with a few more butterflies emerging. Abi and her friend took two butterflies to the bus stop, they are such pretty little miracles.
Then Sophi had her kindergarten Orientation this morning at 11:20. Her teacher had things set up outside the classroom so efficiently... it inspired me. Maybe I could do a "family orientation" for the school year. But what would I teach? What systems do we have in place? I worked on it a little bit tonight, trying to figure it out what I could do... some kind of "school year family orientation" and I'd model things that the kindergarten teacher out...
- "Step 1 - Pick up the Kindergarten Welcome Packet to take home and read over the weekend. This packet will answer most of your questions and I will answer any it does not"
Idea - Yeah! I need a packet, some kind of hand out with all the family rules, routines, and homemaking improvement committee tips. That way everyone will know what is expected.
- "Step 2 - Please read the Kindergarten donation letter and complete any of the steps that you wish to complete."
Idea - they can make a list of chores/jobs they'd prefer to give to the family... we can play to each of their individual strengths.
- "Step 3 - Please fill in the transportation list so that I will be aware of how your students will be traveling home at the end of our day together."
Idea - They'll be informed of how to keep me aware of their activities outside of the home
- "Step 4 - If you would like to volunteer in our classroom, please fill out the PTA Volunteer foler and then sign up for your days on the calendar below."
Idea - volunteer - we can think of something so they are remembering to give service to our family and their siblings.
- Step 5 - Student information sheet.
Idea - I've tried a few times before to do this, but I'd like to keep track of their stats for each year like a doctor does: their weight, height, plus have a place where I write and keep all their current sizes for shoes, pants, and shirts. Could also write down some of their favorite things right now in their life: favorite toys or books, some favorite songs, things like that.
Anyway, I really liked how it was all set up and organized. Although teachers have to figure out a system when they're teaching the same grade and doing the same thing each year. Why can't I or haven't I figured out a system yet? Corey said recently that our life is a mess cause we never have had a chance to figure it out cause I've always had a baby in arms that throws things out of wack again. That might be true...
He also said that a system doesn't work when there's a baby around. Now I don't agree with that though. I think it is possible to lead an organized and a structured life, even in the throws of babyhood. I've been wondering where we could go for advice, but Corey says no one would have advice that would work for us cause none of those people have experience with doing whatever program works for them with 11 kids in tow. But I think there's got to be something or someone that can help...
Also, after filling out the stuff we waited to talk to the teacher. I was thinking we could have all that stuff in place and then the kids would see a "STOP" sign like that above where they could take their turn waiting for their back to school father's blessing. So those are things I was thinking about at the orientation. After we talked with the teacher, she gave Sophi a poster to do for homework and a little bag of cookies. Natalie wanted some but the teacher only had enough for her students. That made Natalie so sad, she kinda freaked out. Another parent and student were waiting to enter but I was struggling to drag Natalie out while also carrying Daniel. Sophi tried to help by offering Natalie some cookies. No, she wants all of them. Then Sophi said okay and gave Natalie her bag of cookies.

Natalie took them and we were able to start to walk out. Thank you Sophi, you saved me. Natalie proceeded to shove two little cookies in her mouth... nice pic, eh?
That picture shows reality. K, let's try again, and smile this time?
Little better, Sophi's smile is a bit too cheesy. One more try... Here is the last take, this one more "facebook" worthy.
As we walked out to the car, Natalie offered to share the cookies with Sophi. So she doesn't mind sharing, but she wants to be the one holding the bag. Sophi sharing with her was not okay, but Natalie is good at sharing when she is in possession of the goods. So, that's that. We'll see if I'm able to come up with an orientation to some kind of system for our family to follow. I do good at some things, like family scripture reading or getting to church on time, but I struggle with housekeeping and getting all of us to follow a routine. (Is that even possible?) At home tonight, Owen and Daniel were cute as they sat with Ethan.
Ethan pulls out the Duplo "Train Game" to keep them properly quiet during scriptures. It's like a drug that sedates them, kinda sad. 
Yes, they were quiet, that's a step in the right direction. But we're gonna try and actually teach them to be quiet rather than drugging them with technology. They are getting a little addicted to it and it's getting to the point that I can't even have my phone out to use it during church without them freaking out cause they want to play the train game. I need to be careful with how these smart phones are messing with young developing brains.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

First Day at Elementary

Today was the first day of school for Abi and Lily. Abi was super excited and woke up early without a problem. Although she always gets up pretty easily. Abi was disappointed last night though when I told her that Sophi didn't start kindergarten until next week. "What?!?! I wanted her to come tomorrow! I already helped her set out her clothes! Aww..." So other than that glitch in expectations last night, things went great and they had a very good day today. Tomorrow Sophi has her orientation and then she'll be all ready to join them on Monday. Say cheese!
That's not cheese - where are your teeth?  
Scratch that, do it again. Let's get your friends in the picture - Just like past years, Jules and Stein come by and pick up Abi and Lily every morning, and then they walk down the street and pick up their friends and they all walk in a group to the bus stop. They always give themselves plenty of time and are never running late: They are at our house around 8:20 with time to chit chat as they watch the clock, and they leave here as soon as it turns 8:30... they got a good system going. Lily, look at the camera!
I let them go then looked at the pictures and called them back. Let's try again ~ they wanted to strike a pose~
Silly girls. Ok, now a normal one again.
I said "Say cheese!" me your teeth!
 Almost, there's one girls' teeth - Lily?
Ok, good, that'll do as the official first day pick, now off to the bus. Love you, have a great first day!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

First Day for the Older Kids

Yesterday should have been the first day of school, but they sluffed it since I took them up to the eclipse in Idaho. The 3 oldest high schoolers decided to come last minute - like 10 minutes from when I was wanting to leave. They didn't want to miss school. As I had tried to persuade them to come, I warned them that there would be no sluffing school to stay home and finish homework or finish studying for a test if they weren't willing to stay home to see the eclipse, one of the greatest wonders of the natural world. Ethan decided to come after being persuaded by a friend at church that half of the students would be gone. And I also talked to a friend at church and told her she should come up and camp where we were camping. They decided to come and since Joseph and Mel both have good friends in their family, J&M decided to come. Luckily they had room for two more people in their vehicle, otherwise they would have been out of luck. So it was fun to have most of us there.

Anyway, after a 8.5 hour drive home, we were able to unpack the car and get ready for school this morning. They got a decent amount of hours of sleep. Jazz band started this morning. We decided to have Mel and Hyrum go early with Joseph and Ethan to save us a trip. So they were all up at 5:45 getting ready to leave at 6:15.

Hyrum, dutifully in the car reading as he waits for his siblings. He was ready to go, as promised. at 6:15. Hyrum, you win first place. Last year, Hyrum would get up and get ready asap, and then he would take a 10 minute nap from 7:00 - 7:10 as he waited for carpool time to approach. At 7:10 his alarm would go off telling him it was time to go. I don't think I was on time much as a kid. Some of the few memories from high school that are still in my brain are of my sister being ready and a little perturbed at having to wait for me again, just like every morning. I also remember my little brother having to wait for me the next year, but I remember him being patient with me for some reason. Maybe cause I was older, don't want to tick off your older siblings. I don't know if that is a false memory, but it's one I've told myself and my kids - be patient, your siblings will remember and will thank you and honor your name for your kindness.
Joseph, Mel, and Ethan all entered the garage and car at 6:18. We will award you all a 3rd place prize. But if we're starting off this year with our best foot forward, I'm a little scared about what your departure time will be as the year goes on. The only thing Joseph and Ethan have to do in jazz band to get an A in jazz band is get there on time. Last year they didn't get an A the last quarter. Here's hoping Mel and Hyrum don't slow you down, but just remember you guys struggled last year without them, so just keep that in mind.
After seeing them off to school, I went for a quick run (no more hour long leisurely morning walks, so sad!) and came back to see Wesley off, as he also had his first day of school today. He is another kid that likes to get up and get ready and then use his free time waiting to do something productive, like read.
So I saw Wes waiting. He told me he had sat down in a strategically placed position - where he could hear Tess if she came and knocked at the back door, or see her walking across the front if she headed out to carpool without stopping by. I came to take a picture of him reading. "It's not a book though..." he confessed
Yeah, just the dust jacket for now, that's okay. These kids really got into books the last month of summer (took a few weeks of boredom to finally kick it in gear) and Wesley finished Fablehaven. He's right behind Hyrum, who is now reading Eragon. So that's next on Wesley's chopping block now. I wish summer was longer or that they just didn't go to school, cause it's like we finally get a system going and then they all leave and we have to start over again with a whole new schedule. But, since summer does seem so brief, maybe we'll hit the ground running cause it's like the school year rush never stopped. Oh well, have a great year kiddos. I don't think we did one last year (being full term pregnant might have had something to do with that...) but I'm aiming to do a little School year party for ourselves this weekend. :)