Saturday, January 6, 2024

Skiing at Sundance

We had hoped to get up early at like 7 and get out the door to go skiing at Sundance. If we left at 8, we could make it to Sundance when they opened at 9, but none of that happened. We were slow and kids were moping and  I had to threaten to take away all of Lily's books if she didn't come willingly, you know, the usual. We did eventually leave, and we got there around 11:30, and even though we missed a few hours, it was great. Corey stayed home with WDPK and I took all the girls plus Owen. Corey's been before (once with Pablo) but this was my first time at Sundance, and the first time for all the kids. It was great! Smaller than the resorts in the Cottonwood Canyons but it was just right for our kids I'd say. 

We parked in the upper parking lot D, hooray that it was free with 4 or more people (we had 7). So parked, I left with A&S who needed to use the bathroom, I got the resort passes, which was about 10 minutes with the wait in line and to get done for all 7 of us. Then the kids moved the car closer in lot E, which felt about the same, that's ok. Took me a few minutes to find them cause I had left my phone it the car with them. I left with Natalie and Owen and we took Jake's, then turned on Outlaw trail and took that. Natalie went through the trees, so did I, it was icy, Owen was behind us and fell and got stuck. Eventually made it out, we went to the Outlaw Express and we were on that for most of the day. Took one run and Natalie wanted to go faster than Owen and I were. We found Mel Lily Abi and Sophi and took a group pic before going out separate ways. 

Owen went with M&L, I went with ASN. 

And that was the groups for a while. 

It was pretty icy, so we didn't explore that much, cause we didn't want to fall and die. 

Went to the top of Outlaw and stayed on Broadway most of the time. 

We called each other a few times and did a few trades. Finally met up and waited for everyone so we could go over to check out Wildwood lift together. AND get a pic, of course!
There was not a lot of snow over there!
Lily said she was cold, tired, and done. She asked if she could go to the car. I said her ticket off of the mountain was a picture of her SMILING that I could send to Corey. So she said cheese...
And then she headed back to the car. I was with Natalie and Owen on one run near the end, they were both ahead of me, and they took a fork in the trail and went opposite directions! Owen was following Abi, who was going to the bathroom, Mel and Sophi were behind me, I was yelling at Natalie and Owen but neither of them heard me, so I followed Owen and then called Mel to tell her and Sophi to hurry and find Natalie, cause she was going to be turning around to see me and Owen only to find herself alone. They found her, Owen and I took Jakes, over to Outlaw, MASN all found each other for their last runs, I stayed with Owen and I let him lead the way. We did Outlaw and then Broadway down, he wanted to do Wildwood one more time. MASN were back at the car. We took a pic after getting off Wildwood, before our last run down the hill.
He was behind me, and I kept looking behind me to make sure he was still following me, and somehow as I went down forward while glancing backwards, I got my skis crossed or hit ice or I don't know, but I turned and fell backwards and downward and hit the back of my head on the ground really hard. And I am very grateful that I was wearing a helmet, cause it was icy hard and I could have been really hurt. I'm grateful that I didn't get a concussion or break my leg or anything. I had to get my skis off and hike up the hill to get my pole, but that was it. I'm grateful, and after that fall I was glad we were done and were heading home. Now that I've been to Sundance and know the logistics and the lay of the land, I think I could take Katharine and Peter during the day if I wanted to. That would be a little hard, cause Peter would go fast, but it looks like a great place to teach Katharine. Maybe I'll grab Mel in Provo and take her with us. Or if Corey was able to come. Would be fun. This morning Peter wanted to come skiing. We talked him into staying home and I promised to take him later. He had his Christmas Spiderman legos to keep him happy.
We picked up Joseph from Provo on our way home. He Mel and Ethan are spending one more night and then headed back to college life tomorrow night. It's been fun having them here for the winter break! After get Joseph and arriving home, Corey was ready for a break from Katharine, who was her usual clingy self for the entire 7 hours we were gone. He left to go get a little bit of work done at his dad's. Wes has been over there all day, he has three more classes to do to graduate! He's trying to finish by next Saturday. One week for 3 classes (60 hours each) We are praying for him. I took Abi to a friends house, Wes needed a break so I picked him up and we went climbing. Check out this new V4 he did! That video is at the end of our time climbing, and it was also the 4th time he did it. Pretty good Wes. Back home, Joseph and Mel had gone to the temple, I didn't make it to the temple this week, I went to pick up Owen from a friends house - they had a pizza and movie party. 
Then O and I went to store. Corey's dad is coming to dinner tomorrow, so I got a few things for that, like a green onion cheese ball and some tomato basil wheat thins, yum. Walking to and from the car to the store was so cold! There's a storm blowing in. I'm grateful to have a warm car and home and to not be sleeping outside in tents at Valley Forge or Martin's Cove. And one last update for today on wedding plans - Ethan and Bella decided March 9th up at Bountiful, and Sister C said morning, so the office was closed today but they'll call on Tuesday and see what time can get, but it's pretty much official that it will be March 9th at Bountiful. Exciting!

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