Saturday, January 13, 2024

Wes is Done & Early Birthday

Look at Wes! All ready to take his Final Final Exam this morning at 8am! He needed a clear desk in a room with a clear back ground. 

Just don't look at the floor of the room around him... it was the cleanest room option available to him.
And actually this was taken right after he had finished. Just to memorialize the moment of completion. 
How does it feel Wes? Good job! You're a free man. He won't have to haul around this computer anymore. (His laptop broke several months ago, so he's been lugging this thing around when he goes to Wayne's house with Corey).
Well, now that he's free, it's time for fun! He got Peter ready to go sledding and out they went to the tree farm.
Daniel and Owen soon joined them. 
These little boys are lucky to have older brothers. 
Actually the older kids are lucky to have younger brothers too. They are all lucky to have each other! Now I'll give myself a pat on the back for making that happen, good job me.
It's a lot of work bringing the sled back up. Daniel is tired!
They didn't sled for too long. Soon they were back home, but continuing the winter fun with a snowball fight. 
Get him Owen!
Thank you Wes, for giving your brothers these memories. 
Tomorrow is Peter's birthday. My mom came by with some cupcakes for him today, cause she and my dad are busy with their mission ward tomorrow. She got him Spider-Man cupcakes! That's pretty cool, huh Peter!
Happy Birthday to you!
Make a wish - 
...and blow!
Opening presents, one year old is on the counter...
And we had a very impromptu last minute text to his friend's mother's with a "hey can your kids come over?" birthday party event. 
We shared the Spider-man cupcakes and Natalie led the kids in play, which was very nice. (Thank you Natalie!)
She did that with siblings there to help while Corey and I went climbing. We practiced clips on the exercise bike, then a little bouldering, did four V2s in the OG sector. Then we did top rope! It was the first time he was belayed! He's belayed a lot of kids, but never done anything himself yet, so it was good! Did a green 5.10c that I've done before with Wes, then we both did a purple 5.9, and then tried a 5.10c and couldn't do it - something to shoot for next week. There will be more birthday fun tomorrow and we head to Brianhead after church. It was a very good day. Congratulations Wesley on completing all your requirements for high school graduation. Corey thinks and I agree that you have gotten the best education of all our graduates so far. Your diploma will be very well earned. 

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