Sunday, January 21, 2024

Wesley Set Apart

Well, Wesley is officially a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! We took a family picture after he was set apart - all 15 of us for the last time for 2 years! 

Today is the last, but not because Wes is leaving (still have another week with him) but because Hyrum had to leave to catch his ride back to Idaho. When I saw these I said to myself "Darn it Owen!" He ruined the pic - pretending to be sad. Maybe he really is sad, but he's not that sad... but I guess he was true to form in performing his role as weird little brother. Another pic with just the kids - 

Katharine didn't want to be in this one (I had just woken her from a nap), so Corey had to hold her. As part of his official send off, Wesley spoke at church today. He did a great job sharing his testimony of  his experience testing the gospel - what he believes and why. He did great. He shared some of the experiences he's had the past 2 years with hockey and school. Many parents of youth in our ward came up to me and said it was so real and great and very helpful and relatable for their kids. 

We really have seen a miracle take place in Wesley's life. It's been a pleasure to be a part of it. Kinda (aka very!) stressful during the ride! Like even at the beginning of this month I didn't know how he would finish with school, but now that we've seen how it came to pass, it seems normal, but this truly was a nailbiter. We are feeling really grateful that he has launched onto this next chapter successfully. Wes is going to really miss Peter and cute Katharine at church (Natalie got my phone)

After sacrament meeting, I had to go teach our Sunday school class (possibly the last time since we both got new callings today) - my teaching partner was teaching today but she had to go for her husband being set apart in the bishopric. Plus she and I were also both sustained today to be in the Relief Society, and we were set apart for that right after Sunday school at 1. So I was glad that we had reasons why we needed to stay for the second hour, and I'm grateful that Corey's brother, Mark, saved the day by going to our house and getting food out and ready for guests who were coming over to visit with Wesley. I was able to come home after and made a salad, got to enjoy some of the Costco cookies, and had a fun time visiting with the Layton Hibberts. Neil had us all laughing hard, sharing some stories about when they were living with my Grandma and Grandpa Bahr - like grandpa scooting down the hall late at night, seeing him, and saying "Can't sleep! Might as well have some fun!" and serving himself up some cookies and ice cream. And sharing a few of their night time fights. "Is too! - Is not! - It is to! - It is not! - It is too! - FINE!"
My kids shared a story of when the water heater broke and Lily found herself screaming for help in a cold shower. And when Abi's brothers trapped her in the closet after a shower and turned off the light and started blasting Shia LaBeouf
We had fun visiting and sharing stories!
Wesley was set apart at 3:30, and we learned something unexpected there... Wes asked the Stake President if he can go climbing with me, and he said no, that it's not worth the risk. So darn - I thought we had one more week together but I guess last night was the last time! (sniff) Well I'm super glad we went last night! I didn't know that was our last time though. I think I'm more disappointed than Wes about that, but he's bummed too. Darn, oh well. We had fun visiting as a family, had orange chicken per Wesley's request, Joseph Mel Ethan and Bella all joined us for that, and we had a loaves and fishes miracle of having enough to feed everyone. Then we watched the video that Ethan made for Bella when he made his proposal official with the ring! It was such a cute video. Ethan is so talented! All of Ethan's younger sisters were jealous and want to be in love. (Lily and Sophi are super boy crazy!) It was really beautiful. Wes was upstairs playing legos with Peter during that, so we have to let him watch it before he leaves. Corey said "the gospel is for married lovers." Then college kids left, Wes packed up a little bit, Corey gave Wes a few tips for learning Spanish...
And Wesley starts MTC tomorrow morning at 7:30 am - cause it's on Mexico time. Corey will be taking Skyline carpool and Wesley in the morning, and Wes will be doing home MTC at Corey's dad's house for the next week before he leaves for Mexico next Tuesday. Exciting day, we are feeling very grateful. You will do great Wes! We're glad we have one more week with you!

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