I went on a ride this evening. The temperature was good, and as I looked at the forecast I knew it was not going to be good again until Saturday. I didn't go on a ride or hike at all last week, so I'm not positive on the state of the trail when the warmer temps were here last week, but I think a lot of the snow melted, then with the snow that fell over the weekend it wasn't packed down enough, so it was pretty slippery. Took me a while, and I hiked for over half of it. I finally made it to the ruins though. 11.26 miles, 2 hours 13 minutes. There was one other biker on the trail, on a Fezzari/Ari ebike fat bike. I might want to upgrade to an ebike soon!
It was really pretty. There was blue sky, sunshine, and 37 degrees is a good winter biking temp, but... I didn't want to go. I wasn't feeling it. I was trying to force myself for about an hour, cause today was probably my only chance this week. But since I was lagging, I didn't start right away, and since I was hiking my bike for a good chunk of it, it took forever and thus I barely made it back before it was completely dark. Nicole called me right after I started, so that helped keep my mind off my lack of desire. I told her about a documentary we watched yesterday, "Endurance" by National Geographic (we watched it on Disney+). That story is CRAZY. It is insane... like I'm speechless at the thought of what those men endured for two years! For example, I'm all for cold showers, but HOW did they not all freeze to death!?!? WHAT did they EAT?? How did they cope with 4 MONTHS of the sun not rising?!?!? NONE of them died is insane. They must have been on death's door for a whole year. I told Nicole she had to watch it. Corey watched it last week and he brought it to our attention last week, and we watched a little bit here and there at scriptures last week, but we finished it yesterday. There are lessons there for all of us in all of our "hardships". I thought of them and told myself "I can endure a cold bike ride". It makes me wonder thought, is it possible for my small trials to refine me to the same level that they got to? I hope to be able to endure all things. I want to have a good attitude. The documentary did say that that was one of the rules for all the crew, to be optimistic. I asked Corey "What about being 'realistic'..." I wonder if being realistic considered pessimism? Cause, it seems to me, they really were in an impossible situation, it's just crazy.

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