So we're having a fancy dinner in less than a week. I've been doing some mental prep for it, and today started doing the actual prep, which included seeing how many place settings we had. We had 9 large plates and 5 small plates. That was not going to be enough for the number of guests we were planning on hosting (Wayne, Kim & Linda, C&T M&Chrsitian E&Bella HALSNODPK = 18 people). I had a hunch we didn't have enough plates, and since I've been happy with my good luck on facebook marketplace, I've been looking for china on there for the past two week. I've just been looking for some gold and yellow flowery looking china to match the place settings we have.

I hadn't gotten totally serious about it yet, but did have a few items saved that were for sale. Today I finally took the 10 seconds to go open our cupboard and look at our china, to see if it had a name and I could find the same kind. This was a set of china that Corey's grandma Helen Wride gave us when we got married. I recall she said she got it as a gift from a bank or something! On the bottom of our plates it said "Wallace Heritage, Daphne". I typed it in and gave it a search, and lo and behold...

Only $100 bucks for a whole set! But, it was in Logan... ugh, that would be a 3 hour drive round trip. I texted her to see if she comes to SL or could meet somewhere like that. She said she's not headed our way, but that she'd take another $20 off if I wanted to drive to Nibley. That was enough to make me agree. So after Abi got home from school, instead of going climbing, I took her to work at my parents house and I was going to take K with me for a drive. But when Katharine saw my parent's house, she started to cry when I was backing up to leave. "I wanna go to Grandma's house!" Okay okay okay! Sorry! We can go in! I took Katharine inside, she wanted to stay. K has been playing nicely by herself every time I've gone over, so I thought it would be ok and that K wouldn't be a distraction from her work. My mom thought it would be ok too. I checked with K one more time "I'm going to go, you stay here with Abi and Grandma?" "Ok, bye mom!" Ok, seems like she's ok with it! So I left, and was able to make the drive there and back with plenty of daylight, and there was no snow storms to give me anxiety. It was a beautiful drive. I love the mountains. Cache Valley is beautiful, and there was a full moon rising on the drive home as I turned east on I-80. I listened to the BYU speech "
The Pursuit of Happiness" two more times again on the drive home and found more parts that I think I missed the first time. It is such a great talk! I am waiting for the PDF so I can print it and highlight it all. Off the top of my head, I love that he followed the Jefferson schedule during covid. I love how Adams and Jefferson were excited about the possibility that eastern and western though were routed in the same tradition of how to find happiness: "Renounce and Enjoy!" I felt happiness today, very grateful for this beautiful world, and I'm grateful I was able to find this china! I felt Helen smiling that we appreciate and are still enjoying this gift she gave to us and that it's become part of our family tradition.
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