Friday, February 14, 2025

Valentine's Day Boxes

Happy Valentine's Day! Valentine's day is a big deal for the elementary kids, not so much for the jr. high and high school group, although I think Abi had a "Galentine's" something planned with some friends. For the little boys, we made their class valentine's on Monday for FHE, and on Tues Wed they trashed the basement cutting up cardboard and working on their boxes. I was glad to read in the notes from Peter's teacher that he actually did not need a box, they would be making a bag in class. Yay. Peter wanted a pic of him ready for Valentine's day anyway, with his valentine's in hand.

Ok, done! Owen and Daniel needed boxes. Owen did all of his by himself. He made a BYU football stadium. It was cute seeing him last night work on the goalposts. Good job Owen!

I helped out for a total of 5 minutes when I painted Daniel's taco box yellow, and that was it. Well, add another 5 min looking for the spray paint. Natalie did most of the work. She made Daniel's whole box, then I painted it yesterday, then she finished gluing it last night. He was thrilled with how it turned out!

I was a little worried after I painted it that it looked pretty lame, but I also felt it was about what one would expect from a 2 year old. Natalie really came through though, and after working her magic I'd say this looked like junior high level. Daniel's classmates should be impressed. None of the girls had school today, but Natalie was up early and made sure things were in order, and then she walked with Daniel to the bus stop. 

After I got home, Corey and I went climbing. We checked in on where Katharine was before we left. Today her hand gave her away. She slept on Natalie's bed. 
She also slept with Natalie on Tuesday, but her foot was her place marker that day. So cute, it made me chuckle. 
While I was gone taking Lily to band, I knew it would be a 2+ hour thing, so I brought things along to read, but also thought maybe I'd go for a walk. First I went to the DI though, where I purchased four more Simple Abundance books! And then it was raining, so I didn't go for a walk, but instead sat in the car and blogged a bit until she was done. After I got home, Corey and I enjoyed a date night out at Aubergine in Draper. When Corey takes her, he's usually back at 7 and we head out, but today it was around 8, cause Corey was still over at his dad's working when I got back. I was a tiny bit disappointed that he wasn't ready, but it's ok. Trying to have trust that all his work will pay off and I try to not resent the long hours it takes sometimes, when there's no guarantee of success. I have been praying for God to "send rain" down on Corey's fields of labor, that they will grow and bring forth fruit and a good harvest for him. It's all in God's hands. Pic with my valentine <3

Hyrum came home tonight to enjoy the weekend with us. Everyone came and gave him a hug as we all cheered "Hyrum!!!" One person says it and then everyone runs over and says it too as they go in for a hug "Hyruuum!!" "Hyruum!!!" even Katharine (who is sometimes uncaring). 

I'm excited for our anniversary feast on Sunday! 

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