Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Bridal Shower & Wedding Invitation

A few weeks ago, I was feeling bold and texted a good friend, then walked to her house, then asked her if she would mind hosting a wedding shower for Bella. She is the best, and I knew she'd say yes, and she did, and the shower was tonight. I went and bought frames and got photos printed for tonight -

I had a 8x10 of that one, and then realized it has Abi and Lily in it in the background. Oh well. It's still a cute picture of the two of them on the day they got engaged. And I had one used in their wedding announcement photo shoot. Have I documented that here? I actually didn't get one yet! So my sister texted this to me, cause I was looking for the palate of colors to text to someone else, and Jersh sent me this. So here's the wedding invitation ~

and the back...

And then a few inserts for people invited to the dinner ~

or sealing ~

And on back of the temple sealing card, they sent this so that their photos will look SO cute and all color coordinated! Good idea!

Weddings are so nice these days. I wonder if I can get a re-do in heaven of photos or anything? Like I need to get bridal photos taken with Corey. I didn't get that done, cause I didn't want to have pictures of just me on the wall, but the groom to be couldn't come cause he can't see the bride before the wedding day, right? So yeah I just didn't bother, but now they do them together. Ethan and Bella went and go their formals and they look so awesome, I'll give a pic of that later this week. Anyway, so they have so many cute pictures of themselves.  
And we put some of those around Kathy's house. I bought grapes and some gluten free crackers and dip to contribute, but Kathy already had it all set up and it looked SO AMAZING! 

Her daughter came over and helped her made this charcuterie board, wow! 

She said they often have something like that to eat when her kids all come over for dinner on Sundays. So note to self: easy, quick clean up, not a lot of dishes to clean up afterwards, yeah! So smart. 

So Kathy is the best and there were a lot of sisters in the ward that came over to celebrate with Bella. And Neil's wife Amy came down from Layton, she was the only family there, so nice of her to do that. Well, other family was the girls - Abi Lily Sophi and Natalie and other young women from the ward. Bella's mom came down from Boise too. 

We showed them some of Ethan's video that he used to propose to Bella, it's so cute. 
Ethan has a gift!

When Bella opened the gifts, whoever gave the gift was able to give some advice. The only one I remember was this little poem from Karen! We had her tell it twice so we could write it down. 

"To keep your marriage brimming,
With love in the loving cup,
Whenever you're wrong, admit it;
Whenever you're right, shut up." 

- Ogden Nash

So Abi, Lily, Sophi and Natalie all came. Natalie left when it was getting late, ALS didn't mind staying as long as possible. Quick pic with their new sister Bella!
So it was a great shower, and I love Kathy, and the ladies in our neighborhood are all so nice and were so generous. It was helpful to have this shower to help me have a deadline to get some pictures printed. Still more to do, and that's ok. I still have a family I'm raising. I took carpool this morning and went climbing after. I like it best when there aren't many people, which = morning. So even though I climbed yesterday (during violin) and I knew my palms wouldn't be able to handle much I decided to go try those V3s from yesterday. AND guess what! I did one warm up on the V1 and my palms were like "Ahh! NO! Not yet!!! Were not ready!" and I thought "shoot... I'm not going to be able to do this..." I pondered for a moment, wondering if I should just go home. But then I went and did an easy hanging V2, palms still hurt. Talking to myself: Do I got home? If I hurry home, then maybe Corey won't have to wake up Peter and Katharine for Books and Bagels... but... I'd feel stupid facing the girl at the front desk if I went back and turned in my rental shoes so quickly. Well, I'll just try the blue V3... and I DID IT! I felt empowered. Look at me! Maybe I'll try the hot pink V3 again! Did, and sent it! I still had the whole area to myself, so wasn't afraid of looking stupid in front of anyone else, so then I did the RED V3 and I got that one too! Then sent the purple one, and attempted a few other V3s. Felt good! So I only did10 total but they were mostly hard ones, so yay, go me! That got some good feelings going and I was feeling super proud of myself. Those good feelings helped me make it through the busy day. K taking a nap around 3, like I wanted to! 

But now it's bedtime so I can and I will. Good night. 

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