Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Pics Off Wes' Phone

Wesley texted me today that he needed a picture that he drew of a design for a temple from off his phone. Somehow it came up and he wanted to show it to the missionaries in his district. He told me where to find the pic, I found it and sent it....

...and then saw a few other pictures that I wanted, which said desire started when I saw this profile picture Wes had for Abi! 

That is like the funniest face, the eyes, the teeth over the lower lip, the retracted chin, wow! Abi, you are a true master of funny faces. Taking selfies is a joke that goes on among the siblings - whenever you get their phone undetected, you take a pic! There were a few of Wesley - this is his joker face!

Well, since we might be giving his phone to Natalie later this ear, and while I was in the neighborhood of his phone pics, I decided to get other photos off. This Halloween 2014 picture of himself is one for the books as well. 

Wesley's siblings have teased him for having bad judgement, and cite this costume choice as evidence. There were a few of Wesley climbing the cottonwood tree trunk after it was cut down. 

This is what I'd use if I were to accuse him of bad judgement. Man, if I would have seen him in the act of climbing up this, I think I would have freaked out that he was going to die. 

But thankfully he survived. Agh, so glad I wasn't there watching - he climbed up, SAT ON THE TOP OF THE TRUNK, and then climbed back down. Like how would you even turn around? I would have been super scared up there. Wesley's got confidence in his skills, but nonetheless, after I found out he  climbed that, I forbade him from doing it ever again as long as I'm alive. Something NOT as reckless - a few pics from when he went jeeping with his Uncle Mark (don't know the date for when this was). Wes drove Mark's red jeep up a few of the climbs...

Wes did a little real life rock wall climbing there with the jeep AND with his hands - scaling some wall... I need to get that pic from Mark. Wes said two of the craziest things of their jeeping trip were when their friend's jeep got stuck in mud, REALLY stuck...

And then I think after the expedition was over and they were leaving the area, that same jeep lost it's from right wheel! 

Seems to me that jeeping must be an expensive hobby! Corey and I will stick to biking. And of course there were also pics of some of his favorite little people, like Pirate Peter ~

Peter all dressed up for church, looking so fancy!

Giving Peter and baby Katharine some snuggles - 

Wesley has been such a delight to have around. I'm very appreciative for all the help he's given Corey and I, and for the love he shows for his siblings. We'll miss his these next two years, but this sacrifice of serving a mission is just a different way for him to show his love, though his example. I hope his little brothers and sisters want to follow his example of MISSIONARY SERVICE, and probably not his example of climbing on top of tall objects.

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