Monday, February 5, 2024

Happy Sad

Katharine wanted to watch puppy videos on my phone today, but I didn't let her. That made her sad. I took a video of her so she could see herself being sad as she cried "Puuuuu-pyyyyy..."

She has very many emotions. She fell asleep next to Ethan while he worked on his wedding video, and the House part 2? 
There was something on the screen, so she pulled up next to him, then dozed off.  
Cute little head. Then she was in a silly mood later, as she took a broken hair elastic, pulled it to her mouth as it stretched across both of her cheeks, then she'd let go and snap it to one side or the other. Pretty fun!
Yesterday I taught Sunday School to my 12 year old class, it was a good lesson I thought, the kids seemed engaged and we talked about how our choices made over and over again tend, to get us set on a certain path. Of course we are free to fall away or to repent and return anytime, and that makes it like a chutes and ladder game too. Where are our choices taking us? Nephi and Laman were in the same circumstances, but arrived at very different places spiritually. We will face hard things, but God will help us overcome!
Peter made a "Tree of Life" lego set today, it was so good! Making gospel lego sets - that's a good activity to do on a Sunday Peter! 
He made a tree in a spacious field that has people around it and hanging white fruit. The people are walking to the tree... "This is you!" he said pointing out one of the lady minifigures.
So good Peter! He worked on it a little more last night and this morning, then today came back to me to show it with a few upgrades: an iron rod and a river of water
Good job sweet Peter. Peter asked me to send a picture of it to Wesley, which I gladly did. He'll love it. 

Today we had violin. Shorly after I got back when kids were cooking something in the microwave, it started to throw sparks inside. And it wasn't cause they accidentally put in a metal plate, like it looked like it was coming from the machine inside, and I wasn't taking chances, so I hurried and unplugged it, took it outside, and that is the end of that. I might examine it after it cools down, but I didn't check how hot it was, I just took it outside so it could explode out there or whatever was happening with it. It fit in the space really well, so I was sure to get the measurements so I could get one the same size. I left to Home Depot to look for one, no luck there, then went and found one at Lowe's. Natalie helped me unpack it and put in the new one, and she started to tear off a little metal cardboard looking thing inside of it that the instructions specifically state "DO NOT REMOVE, this is part of the microwave and is necessary for it to function properly" so darn, I'm hoping she didn't ruin it! It is mostly in place and flat, but it is a little bent so there is a little gap there, I hope it's ok. 

Girls at scriptures tonight - Abi showing off her driver's license that arrived in the mail! She's legit.

I went bouldering this morning after Skyline carpool - I stayed mostly in OG Sector. And after just over 2 months of climbing, I have enough strength and skill that I got my first V3 this morning! This green one - 

I did it three times! It actually felt kinda easy, feels more like a V2 in my opinion, but I was happy! I texted that pic to Wes to let him know the good news! Climbing is fun. I like taking pictures of the climbs now and then if I remember, cause some of them make an impression, like the first lavender V1 that Lily and I ever did (I called it a pink V1 but now know that it is lavender.)

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