Friday, February 9, 2024

Ski Day Fail

Corey and I were going to go skiing at Sundance today, but were late getting out, and after driving down there, we found to our disappointment, that there was no more parking spaces available. Drat. So then we checked the shuttle buses that leave from the mouth of the canyon and as we were driving down, saw that we had missed the last one that was going up. We saw it pass us on it's way. So that was unfortunate. So then we gave up and figured we'd try again tomorrow. Corey's car had a light on for low air pressure on a tire, so we decided to go by Costco in Orem. We pulled up, got out, and saw that it was completely flat. There was a nail in it. The light came on as we were driving up the side canyon to Sundance, so we might have been driving on it flat since then! We were glad that we had been safe. At Costco - going to take an hour to fix it... 

So we sat around, then did a little wandering and got a few things for the Ethan and Bella's wedding dinner next month. Trying to kill time. BeReal went off - Here are my pics: 
I'm still a little conflicted as to why I'm using BeReal and hurry to take a pic when I get notified. I guess it does let me see what my college kids are up to... But nothing exciting happening here. 
But the have a new thing that if you post on time, you get to take 2 more pics, which is pretty cool I guess. But I never like the far away photo, I'd rather take two myself, which is why I'm posting those two here. But do you care about seeing our shopping cart? Or am I just justifying why I took another selfie of us when I already too one?? As you can tell, I'm not fully committed to it, but I'm still using it. 

Skiing today was going to be our date night, but since we didn't ski, Corey went to work, but since he started work late, I figured he'd need to work late, so I was blogging and wasn't planning on going out. He texted to see if we were, I told him I wasn't hungry, I had eaten leftover soup from the RS book review activity last night (Thai Curry Coconut with Squash...) but we could do something else for a date? Cause we don't always have to eat, but I do like going out to eat...  we could try tomorrow? So I messed that up. K eating potatoes
I guess we did spend time together today so maybe that will be it for this week. I was trying to figure out how many wedding invites we needed, and I said 80, but Bella's mom told me they are doing 200, so I guess I need to be thoughtful and think of more people who might want to know... I'm going to go work on that now. 

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