Friday, February 16, 2024

Girls Skiing at Sundance

Abi, Lily, and Sophi didn't have school today (not sure why... teacher work day?) I didn't know that until last night, and Corey said we should go skiing. Well, I had planned on going to see Joseph present at the Religious Symposium at BYU. That was at 10:00 am. But yes, we should take advantage of this ski day opportunity for Abi and Lily... they can't go with us on Saturdays cause they almost always have GMS. Hmm. We talked about the different options of what we could do and how, and our final plan was that NOD would go to school, I would take ALSPK skiing, Corey would go listen to Joseph, go to the luncheon with J for the presenters, and then Corey would come pick up PK after lunch was over, and I'd ski with ALS until we were done. Corey had also been texting Mel about coming. She wasn't sure if she'd get her work shift covered, but we brought her stuff. We left around 8:30 pm and on our way down, Mel said she was coming. We waited for her at the Palisade Park n ride, and then we headed up. We parked in D parking, I was glad we got a spot. It seemed like we were trying to get boots on forever. K was quick enough, it was mostly all the other girls... Saying "cheese" 

I walked to the kiosk to enter our parking code. Back to"  the car. Off to get ski passes for P&K, who didn't come with us last time, then back to the car. K and Peter are ready for fun!
They're so cute!
Peter's ready to hit the slopes!
Then once I had K ready, I left. I told MALS to do whatever, call me if you need anything, and don't lose Peter. I'd be at the magic carpet with K. I hauled baby and her skis and my skis and poles and waddled toward the chair lift. It seemed so far away... my biceps were burning, K was slowly sliding out of my arms down to my hip. I was still in the parking lot, coming close to the bus stop, when a kind young girl and her boy friend saw me and offered to help carry our skis. "Are you getting on the bus?" "No... to the lift..." "We'll help you!" and then they carried our skis and poles to the chair lift and I was able to carry K on that stretch no problem. SO NICE. Thank you, you very very kind young lady. I wish blessings upon you both for your kindness shown to me. K and I had a nice ride on Jacks chairlift. Katharine sat so still, we said "weee" and gave sighs of relaxation. At the top of Jacks, we skied over to Outlaw. My legs were burning soooo bad skiing over there with her between my legs. It hurt. I was praying my legs wouldn't give out under me and I yelled and grunted to get through it. I made it without wiping out, phew! Then we shuffled over to the magic carpet. Hooray we made it. I was so glad to be able to stand up straight as we rode the carpet up the hill. I'm going to live. 

We rode the carpet over and over again. There were three sets of carpets. We would ski down and get on the closest one that didn't have a line. Katharine asked me for milk. Nope, not going to nurse right now. "Snack..." I checked my pockets... I thought I had brought some but didn't find any, darn. I offered her snow, and she was happy with that.

I heard kids calling me from overhead and I turned and saw Sophi, gave them a little wave. After a bit I decided to go find food, and luckily they were all arriving at the bottom of Outlaw, so we headed over to the lodge. Actually, ALSPK headed to the lodge, Mel and I took Outlaw up so we could go over to the car and get our sandwiches. But first, a quick pic. K was sad and ready for some warmth. 
Left to right SMPKAL. When we came back with our sandwiches and apples, K was busy preparing snow to serve up to her sisters. Cutting it up with a plastic knife and eating it. 
The snow was really wet and we were getting a little soaked as we sat at the table. But what ya gonna do - not outside food is allowed inside. 
K ate her pb and nutella sandwich, then the nutella and pb got on her mittens, so then she was sucking on that. 
Phew! This whole time I was trying to call Corey to tell him our status, but the reception was not good. All my texts and voice messages to him were not delivered. Finally, we gave up on him and came up with our own plan. L would stay at the car with P and K, who were cold and ready to be done, and hopefully my messages would go through to Corey and then maybe he'd eventually come to the rescue? We got ready to go to Outlaw, to ski over to the upper parking lots, and right then my phone call to Corey got through! He would come get LPK, yay. So we just had to wait 25-ish minutes and he'd be here. I helped LP go find a place to sit, AS took off skiing, and Mel wanted to take K on the magic carpet. 
Mel was exited to ski with her baby sister, cause she is so cute!
My communication with Corey wasn't great, he doesn't know Sundance, so he didn't know where I wanted him to meet us, but told me to text him, but texts weren't going through again, so I kept calling him until I got through and then finally felt like things were clear. L and P were good sitting by the lodge opening, and I went to get Katharine from Mel. Mel was having a blast skiing with Katharine. She told me that Katharine would ski with her mouth open to try and catch snowflakes, cute. She was also happy with other servings of snow Mel gave her. 
Mel would just give her the snow right off the hill though... I told Mel that when I gave K snow to eat, I went and got it off by the trees where it was clean, where people hadn't stepped or skied on it. You shouldn't give her snow from there....
Katharine didn't seem to mind... Open wide, yum!! That's good stuff!
I got two cute videos~ Mel and I loved how she said "I'm ready!" I told Mel Corey was probably almost here, so this is the last run. On Katharine's last run, she took a few little shuffles! So adorable. I think Katharine has had the best attitude of all our toddlers when they learn to ski. She's gonna be tearin' it up in a few years! She and I can be ski buddies when all her older siblings are married or off in college. 

After Corey left with Lily, Peter, and Katharine, the four of us were left to tear it up. Abi was kinda ready to be done, but I said "I haven't skied yet! This is my first run!" so maybe we could ski for an hour or so? They were ok with that and we took off. My view most of the time was of these three skiing ahead, blazing the trail for me. 

We went down diamondback, which we didn't go on last time. We took a right and that was kinda boring... we ended up at the Midway point and got our bearings, ok, so that's where that one goes. So  we went back to Outlaw, and we went down diamond back again but went LEFT. That took us to Red's lift. It was a loooong lift, and we didn't know where we were going, but it was great! At the top of Red's lift - Wow! What a view!

Then we did the Flat head lift too. And with that, we did all the lifts that we didn't do last time. Very fun! We like Sundance, it's a good little resort. We had a good time and left around 3:30, cause it was crazy cold and windy. We're glad we went up, it was fun. Corey recorded Joseph's talk, I'll need to listen to that later. In other BYU news, we heard back on Wesley's application, and he was not accepted this round, but he really wants to go there. His application didn't include in his GPA the classes that he finished at the end in January, so we think he is going to apply again. Today was his Pday and we were able to talk with him. He's doing good, and I liked the story he shared of butt prints in the sand (don't judge a poem by it's title. God intends us to learn how to walk, and might drop us in the sand sometimes.) Corey and I went out at Aubergine tonight for date night. 

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