Sunday, September 15, 2024

Primary Program

Natalie, Owen, Daniel, and Peter participated in our ward's primary program today. 

Natalie was standing in the back row for most of the program, but wasn't in the pic above, because for the first song, she was over holding Katharine -
They had the nursery kids come up for the first song, and Katharine was sad about that for some readon. She's usually so easy going~ doesn't cry when we take her to nursery at church or drop her off at playdates, but today, she did not want to be up there. Oh well. It was just for one song. For the rest of it, she was with Corey, and we enjoyed listening to the primary kids sing sweet songs of faith and share some of the things they've learned this year as we've studied the Book of Mormon. 

One thing that I thought was good this year, was that they had the kids come up at families - brothers and sisters, instead of at primary classes. So our kids were all talking about the Tree of Life and talked about that. Here were the parts that our kids wrote and said: 

Natalie - When the prophet Lehi was traveling with his family in the desert to the promised land, one night he had a dream. He dreamt that he was lost and walking in a dark and dreary wilderness. He prayed for help and then he saw a beautiful tree. He went to the tree and saw that it had white fruit on it - the most bright and beautiful white he had ever seen. He picked a piece of fruit and ate it, and it was the best and sweetest fruit he had EVER tasted! As he ate, it filled his soul with joy! He wanted to share this wonderful fruit with others. He looked for his family and saw them, looking around as if they didn't know where to go or what to do. Lehi called to them to come to him and eat the fruit with him. Nephi later learned that the fruit represents the love of God. The fruit, like God's love, is always there and available to anyone and everyone who wants. All we need to do is come. Come to the tree. Come to Heavenly Father and to Jesus Christ. Tasting and feeling God's love will bring us the greatest happiness we will ever know.

Owen - 1 Nephi 8:11-12 says: And it came to pass that I did go forth and partake of the fruit thereof; and I beheld that it was most sweet, above all that I ever before tasted. Yea, and I beheld that the fruit thereof was white, to exceed all the whiteness that I had ever seen.  And as I partook of the fruit thereof it filled my soul with exceedingly great joy; wherefore, I began to be desirous that my family should partake of it also; for I knew that it was desirable above all other fruit.

Daniel - I want to go to the tree of life and partake of the fruit because I love Jesus and he told us to partake of it.

Peter - I want to go to the tree of life and partake of the fruit because I want to be really really good.

So it was cute. Also when they were practicing, if a kid needed help, the teacher didn't help, they had an older sibling help. So when they practiced, Daniel helped Peter with his part. He had memorized it for today and was proud of himself. 

I teared up a few times, like 3 I think, but I was really touched and crying when they sang "The Liahona". My favorite line was "I am learning how he speaks to me..." It was so sweet. And I was thinking of Wes on his mission, and how he is still learning that as a missionary, and I am still learning that too! How to receive revelation from Heavenly Father. It will probably be something we are learning our whole life, but there will be times when it is clear and answers do come. That will get us through rough spots where we are struggling to Hear Him and know his will for us. Anyway, it was beautiful. Here is a link to the song. The kids sang it beautifully and I loved seeing Peter's sweet innocent face singing, as if he is wanting and trying to trust that God is there, and God will hear his prayers. 

The Liahona
Song by Angie Killian

The liahona
Led Lehi and his family
Through deserts and across the sea
To find their promised land
If they were faithful
The Lord provided for their needs
And through their diligence would lead
And guide them with his hand

He will guide me
When I'm in my wilderness
And stay beside me
On stormy seas
I am learning how He speaks to me
And I will follow where He leads

Like a liahona
God gives me guidance when I pray
And sends me tools that point the way—
Directing me with love
The Holy Spirit
Shines like a compass in my soul
That leads me on my pathway home
To live with Him above
He will guide me
When I'm in my wilderness
And stay beside me
On stormy seas
I am learning how He speaks to me
And I will follow where He leads

He will speak to me
Through prophets and leaders
Scriptures and teachers
And blessings I receive
And I'm listening! I am listening!
He will guide me
When I'm in my wilderness
And stay beside me
On stormy seas
I am learning how He speaks to me
And I will follow where He leads
I will follow where He leads

It was a very sweet program. And Corey taught the Sunday School lesson and did a great job that went along with that line that I loved in that song. He shared how we can find answers in the scriptures, that the scriptures will tell us ALL THINGS that we should do! (2 Nephi 32:3) It was a spiritual feast today, I really enjoyed it. Abi made cinnamon rolls at home, but forgot to let them rise, oh well. When you try a new recipe there's always a learning curve of mistakes as your learn the secrets and ways of the ingredients. 
She's mastered cocoa quickies. Cinnamon rolls is new territory. She was amazed when Corey showed her how to cut a cinnamon roll with string/floss. Amazing!
Natalie doing some light reading ~
Reading John Bytheway's book "You're going to make it through junior high" (made me smile, cute).
Joseph called this morning for some pointers/tips for Eliza as she gave him a haircut! Cute newleyweds learning life together out in Ohio. It was a good day.

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